The best thing my brother ever said to me was, “Meaning isn’t something we’re given; it’s something we create. If nothing matters by default, then we’re free to decide what does.” Giving up isn’t insight, it’s surrender, and the real challenge is choosing to care despite it all.
Exactly, we create meaning. Life creates meaning, we are an ongoing configuration of matter in the universe that is aware of itself. The matter in the universe existed before life came along, but when it arranged itself into life, the capacity to "experience" was also created. And that is beautiful.
It is, isn’t it? 🥹
I was raised by evangelical missionaries and brainwashed into being a hardcore creationist. Like, read all the books on “Flood Geology” and went to ID conventions. 😅 It’s been a long journey of spiritual deconstruction to and ACTUALLY learning about evolution to get where I am.
It’s lazy talk and lazier thinking. I mean most of us feel powerless and angry. I have to focus on what I can actually do. Making calls, attending protests, etc. Concrete action. I’ll leave doom scrolling & being a griefer to the professionals.
Same. I'm also over unnecessary fear mongering. Yes, this is all awful. No, trying to terrify people further won't help anyone. So thank you for the facts and analysis and for not being another doom poster.
I can understand and appreciate your position. Since my diagnosis I try to find humor in things. Like how losing a foot of colon hasn't made me any less of an ass. 😁
It's too easy to accept that life is meaningless, and to truly live, it requires more mental fortitude than nilism generally affords.
This is why I've started blocking anyone who says "wHaT mAkEz YoU tHiNk ThErElL eVeN BE aNuThEr ElEkShIn?" Sure a handful of them are being snarky (prob), but saying that is not helpful. Sure, be aware of what this admin could do to stay in power. Don't actively help them by being nihilistic.
Also, among the enduring leadership lessons of World War II (when people faced far darker days than we have seen as of yet) is Winston Churchill’s tirelessness in urging the English to “Never give in.” We can create the future we want.
I got back from Cuba today. Muraleando is a community art project and cultural center, it’s gorgeous. It once was a giant trash dump. The man who showed us around told us how the change was once seen as impossible. There was a kid’s b-day party going on while we were visiting. The work gets results.
It's been two months. If that's all we can handle when it took 100 years to get from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Act... Nihilism is an excuse to opt out of action.
Reminder: There are paid trolls on Bluesky and Reddit trying to discourage organization of resistance make these insane things happening in the gov normal or even good.
They are trying to control discourse as opposed to attacks. Block and report. We have no energy for bad vibes.
I was raised by evangelical missionaries and brainwashed into being a hardcore creationist. Like, read all the books on “Flood Geology” and went to ID conventions. 😅 It’s been a long journey of spiritual deconstruction to and ACTUALLY learning about evolution to get where I am.
It's too easy to accept that life is meaningless, and to truly live, it requires more mental fortitude than nilism generally affords.
They are trying to control discourse as opposed to attacks. Block and report. We have no energy for bad vibes.