I'm old enough to remember when unilateral presidential alteration of the terms of student loan programs was considered on the right to be the greatest threat to the constitutional order.
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1. In 1987 I graduated fm NU law school (in Chicago.) I went into Public Defender work. Almost everyone in my class began
w/a six figure salary. I started
at about $31,000. The school had a program to help those who went into public service. So, as usual, the people who need help most are screwed.
2. BTW. I’m not patting myself on the back or anything. I’m not really altruistic. I just wanted a job that didn’t require math, and taught me how to make people, who I don’t like, miserable. 🤭
Great point. It’s remarkable how perspectives shift depending on who’s holding the pen. Consistency in defending constitutional principles should matter regardless of political alignment.
Republicans are awfully dismissive of the effects of environmental toxins on cognitive development, for a bunch of seventysomethings who haven't yet mastered object permanence.
I prayed for forgiveness. I will never pay mine off. Been paying for 239 months, and was just told my forgiveness is stalled for now. And I will owe 6k a month. I don't even make 6k.
And the pslf subreddit was telling me I was hysterical and hyperbolic. He's going to make the people whose loans were forgiven under this program, payback the amount with interest
every EO is a glaring illustration of republican weakness and incompetence, an advertisement of their inability to legislate like a real political party
Many of the student loans that were/are outstanding Did Have the Principle Repaid, but the (expletive deleted) companies have outrageous markups on the loan. THAT is the problem with Student loans. All (or most) of the forgiven loans Had the Principle paid.
I mean, the fact they're charging for college education to begin with is arguably pretty awful but the fact the government can't forgive loans that are primarily TO ITSELF is just a sign of how ridiculous it is. The loans should exist to provide an education and improve the populace.
Trump forgives Jan 6 Terrorist and pardons them.
He forgives the founder of the Silk Road serving two life sentences + 40 yrs ( biggest American drug and human trafficker )
Blagojevich for trying to sell a US Senate Seat
That’s just a few.
He relishes criminals.
But not college students
📣 How the F do they look 👀 removing our #FinancialAid before we can graduate and get our #CollegeDegrees we’re already #INVESTED #MOFO HOW DARE THEY ‼️
No president has the authority to create or reorganize agencies. Only Congress can do so, and presidents need Congressional approval to do so. TFG doesn't have it for anything.
I am, and all of it is illegitimate and unconstitutional. This is why the courts are overturning these EOs. No one has to follow unlawful or unconstitutional orders.
I remember when Presidents showed respect for people who chose to serve their country in government jobs. Why would anyone want to be a federal employee or public servant with the way this group talks about their service.
Well he needs to pay for his tax cuts for the wealthy, Elon’s trip to Mars (which ffs I hope happens ASAP, maybe he can be the first test pilot?), & the bitcoin sovereign fund that will no doubt be transferred to his personal account immediately.
I agree, also I think that Biden went too far without legislation, but that is a tempest in a teacup compared to this. Our elected government needs to do their jobs. It's not that complicated. We have, unfortunately, elected a bunch that don't want to.
We don't need MIT grads to be air traffic controllers Trump is a halfwit who is in awe of titles like MIT. One of the top highest stress jobs in world is Air traffic controller It takes certain traits that have nothing to do with being a genius ( as trump said) or grad from MIT
The day will come when they say, "We don't forgive your student loans, you will pay them back with interest, AND... you will also bail out failing banks, paying their bad loans as well. So shut the fuck up and pay, scum. You are always wanting something back from your taxes, fuck off."
What’s your theory on why Dems are so passive? And why America has no Attorneys with courage and conviction to file charges against Trump and all those in his Administration we are witnessing committing sedition, treason & many other crimes against our Constitution and America? #WhiteHouseDown
If they have evidence (which there’s an over abundance of) and the Judge attempts to ruin their career. They can file an ethics complaint on said Judge.
Right now, America is at “Thank God we’ve tried nothing”!
Oh yes. Way, way back in the year of our Lord 2023. Conservative scholars, lawmakers, and right-wing media declared unilateral student loan forgiveness the gravest threat to the constitutional order. An assault on powers belonging to Congress alone!
Well! aren’t you going to be surprised if/when is forced to John Roberts shoulder the burden of patiently explaining to us simple minded laypeople why this sort of action doesn’t contravene his edict ferociously striking down Biden’s brazen attempts to modify student loans
Students seeking loans have been fed to the wolves from the beginning. The terms you must agree to before qualifying for this is a just a f*ucking ripoff to begin with. Make student loans dischargeable.
w/a six figure salary. I started
at about $31,000. The school had a program to help those who went into public service. So, as usual, the people who need help most are screwed.
1) the divine right of kings
2) House Trump's claim to the throne
Their is no respect to the ethics or pillars of journalism through which the public trust and fourth estate that use to exist.
"No, I don't have the power to help you. I can hurt you though. And i'm gonna"
Also GOP: Oh and social security's money is gone, so screw you.
He forgives the founder of the Silk Road serving two life sentences + 40 yrs ( biggest American drug and human trafficker )
Blagojevich for trying to sell a US Senate Seat
That’s just a few.
He relishes criminals.
But not college students
What will be the best thing for the richest people in America?
That's their policy.
That's their only policy.
Anyone know which those are?
End fascism NOW:
We need audits now!
Right now, America is at “Thank God we’ve tried nothing”!
Something, something originalism.
Something, something Supreme Court jurisprudence.