very bad of people to be hinting at sympathy for the CEO silencer-assassin. it is absolutely not the American way to execute by extrajudicial means unless one is a police officer with guaranteed immunity or a vigilante rightwing hero like, for instance, the murderer of Trayvon Martin.
There should be a compilation of everyone's horror stories with insurance. For a year after my father passed I had to fight BCBS over a technical lapse in coverage
They attempted to use that lapse as justification for trying not to cover a surgery that happened while he had coverage.
Serious question.
In our experience the LTC insurance co always escapes paying-the company writes the policy in such a way that statistics are on their side.
as you were.
He did nothing to prevent the deaths (often painful) and/or bankruptcies (always painful) of thousands of people that made his obscene salary possible.
That Andy Ngo guy called someone on the hellscape cruel for not having sympathy for them.
Not in the least deserved - they stood by him and I would say are now reaping what they sowed.
Why the hell should anyone help them?