Prayers for the parents? Fuck them. They put their political beliefs ahead of the wellbeing of their kid, and now that kid is dead because of it. They deserve every bit of suffering this causes them.
I have used the term willful ignorance for a long time to describe the deplorables, but I'm going to go back to calling them stupid mother fuckers. Both are true.
I feel so sorry for that child who could have had a future had the parents just had them vaccinated. So neglectful on those parents . Wish kids had a way to vaccinate against their parents wishes if they wanted them
If the GOP doesn’t care about dead children they might care about a loss in productivity of the parents of unvaccinated kids. The more unvaxxed kids out there means more parents have to stay home with their kids which will result in lower productivity. Or they could just care about kids dying
Whether abject stupidity or willful ignorance, no amount of factual evidence or reason is going to break through that fog like death.. but at some point conversations need to be had about where the line is between parental rights to make poor decisions & child neglect/being complicit in these deaths
They want to charge women who seek an abortion but it's okay to not take care of a child after they are born... with the most runamentary of medical care.
Not only should this not happen in America, but it shouldn't happen anywhere. The vaccine has been successful for a long time. RFK Jr. and the rest of the anti-vax crew have these deaths on their hands. 🤬
I believe parents have the right to Vax or not, but they also should face the legal consequences when their child dies of a preventable disease. Voluntary Manslaughter should be the charge and prison time mandatory.
The last U.S. measles death was in 2015, Once again vaccines are under attack by the Trump administration. And MAGA Republicans just cut billions from Medicaid to kick people off healthcare. Hospitals will close; their constituents will die to give the morbidly rich another massive tax break.
Told this to a family member and the reaction I got was basically "OK." We're at the point where society is becoming desensitized to others' suffering and that's tragic.
Some people cannot be vaccinated. This child may have been immuno-compromised. Those who chose not to be so and spread this horrible disease may be to blame. U til you know facts Don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions.
Good point. If the child that died could not be vaccinated, then the parents of the unvaxxed kid that passed it to them needs to be sued for all the own and prosecuted for negligent manslaughter.
This is why the anti vax movement is dangerous. I know several children with cancer who cannot be vaccinated. Covid and flu would kill them and their families live in fear of these and other diseases. A preventable situation .
Some Kids Cannot Be Vaccinated!!!! It’s why herd immunity matters! This child may have been immune compromised in a sea of unvaccinated community members. JC grow a heart and get informed.
I am the "before" some of these important vaccine.
I recall the anxious look on my mothers face when our fever got so high hallucination was happening and buckets of ice cold brook water filled the bath tub. Before Tylenol, then and too many learned why we no longer recommend aspirin.
Why aren’t those fucking moronic idiot abusive and stupid parents on fucking jail him? Child abuse. They killed their own child and they’re free. That baby is dead because the neglected to care for it.
My heart breaks for this child.💔🙏
The mad king is dangerous to
American Babies!
Vote Democrat April 1st
#TrumpMeasles #Three4TheHouse #ThreeForTheHouse #USDemocracy
I have no pity for the parents, but I grieve for the child who could have lived, if they had parents who cared.
#GetVaccinated 💉💉💉
Aside from anyone who understands the very BASIC science underlying the use of vaccines.
Silenced CDC
Crippled FDA
Appointed RFKJr
What did you expect?
Negligent homicide
Whichever. Bc they knowingly refused life saving care for that kid.
Fuck, kill the parents who kill their child.
Will RFK be charged with murder?
I recall the anxious look on my mothers face when our fever got so high hallucination was happening and buckets of ice cold brook water filled the bath tub. Before Tylenol, then and too many learned why we no longer recommend aspirin.
How is it legal to prosecute women who abort fetuses but not parents who kill a child?
The child died but not the stupid parents. Ain't that a kicker. 😢