Umm, where are the Kennedy's? (besides the maggot eater, brain worm, gravel speaking weirdo RFK jr) in all of these decisions? I literally don't know how these policies are happening. They don't affect me since I can't afford to attend anything in the Kennedy Center, but I appreciate the arts.Sad.
Let’s hope only Kid Rock agrees to perform. After all, nobody else will hire him.
To the true artists, please perform elsewhere until we are rid of Trump.
These great artistic luminaries -- What inspirations! What a fucking joke. He will buy (as federal surplus property), and convert the Kennedy Center into one of his money-losing casinos. Why drag it out? Launder that sweet dirty Russian oligarch money. Do it from the Oval Office so it's "official."
Disgusting. He wouldn't know art if it hit him upside his orange dickhead. And this takeover has more to do with shutting down performances that he didn't understand and came to resent, and much less about him ushering in anything akin to art. Which obvi goes without saying.
Golden age??? What golden age were rich people commit crimes and get away with it and we become One with Russia and Trump is allowed to keep raping women and young girls like he’s been doing his entire life!!! That’s his golden age!!!
Up Next, Laura Trump announces a 4 year deal to sing at the Kennedy Center like Celine Dion did in Vegas, except people will be forced to buy tickets if they want an audience with anyone in the administration.
T keeps appointing MAGAs to the Board, but I haven't heard of new shows replacing the canceled ones. I'm sure this has opened up a few dates for Kid Rock.🤮
To the true artists, please perform elsewhere until we are rid of Trump.
KKK does Selma.
The uncensored, behind-the-scene story of White-Christian racism and bigotry.
It is a shitshow.
Mud wrestling?
presents ‘Hooters, the Musical’.
The Kennedy Center is now in the red.
Trump took it over. Sales went dead.
Patrons don’t want to take a chance,
Of Trump on stage doing that dance.