Gee, he's reached the parenting stage where he realises that daddy's lifestyle and actions affect his children!
Next will come the realisation that anything shameful he is involved in, will affect his offspring's reputations forever.
Poor baby. Helping Putin slaughter women and children. Vance should be ashamed of himself for having anything to do with the TREASONOUS BACKSTABBING TRUMP.
He’s an entitled TOAD 🐸 who cares nothing for America or its people. He is on a crusade to enable Trump’s dictatorial ambitions while he helps cut research for cancer and food aid for the hungry. I hope he develops a rancid pimple that gets infected 😡
Yep, and you can bet he DOESN'T even give those poor kids in Ukraine A 2nd THOUGHT nor does he CARE! With RETHUGS it's ALWAYS about how things affect THEM, but NO ONE ELSE!
He doesn't give a hoot for the children of Gaza or the many thousands already murdered by the IDF. And the protesters would have been following Vance, not his daughter.
This is so stupid. He has heavy security, so I highly doubt any protestors were ever close enough to him or his 3 year-old for this to have happened as he claims. Also? He is the adult. If you see a large group of protestors, don't walk near them with your toddler. Easy. Attention whoring, IMO.
And of course, no decent person would support harming little kids anywhere in the world. I do not want his child harmed or scared, who would? He's just trying to stir up shit and enrage his supporters, IMO.
I support JD Vance having to explain to his children that he gets followed around because he's a piece of shit that sells out to Nazis for the rest of his life
Allowing a madman to slaughter and steal children is the definition of a “shit person”. To berate a man who has witnessed innocent children being blown to pieces is only done by a “shit person”.
It’s a short life, but your deeds will make for a painful death.
If you're using your 3-year-old as a human shield then you're a piece of shit. . nobody in Ukraine is using their 3-year-old for a human shield from illegal criminal ballistic missiles lost from Russia Russia is the adversary the enemy the evil entity here Russia can end the war immediately !
Ummm, he is a shit person. And that shit person should know better than to bring his toddler out in public, since he is a shit person and people will tell him so.
Nevermind you were surrounded by secret service while you were “walking” your child. Try walking among the children of the world who are terrorized by US policy
If you're toting your 3 year old around because you know there are protesters, which your Secret Service detail surely told you, you're a shit father AND person.
Vance is a politician and should know that his actions could impact on his family. I'm not condoning this but he must have known that as he'd upset so many people something was bound to happen.
Uhh, was his secret service security on their lunch break or something? This sounds like a shit story from a shit person, the kind of shit person who uses his 3yr old as a shield.
Next he'll probably don a black MAGA hat and a Tech Support t-shirt for the next presser from the Oval.
Of course they weren't chasing her, you dumb fuck, you're using her as a sheild, as an excuse. They're yelling because of all the dangerous bullshit you and your mob boss are spewing, shit that's tearing apart two entire countries. Fuck you jd
It's education tell them it's not as bad as the things Ukrainian children are suffering. They are young explaining it to them without lieing they will immediately understand.
poor jd's little girl got scared. boo hoo. how do you think the little girl kidnapped by russian thugs felt as they taunted her? who is the pos vance? putin or the pos that worships him like you. i find it a draw or if you prefer, a win win.
If this was indeed true you’d be screaming bloody murder to Fox ‘News’ and the various RWNJ outlets that now comprises a large section of the White House press pool about how ineffectual and unprofessional your security detail is.
Maybe he should have thought about that before they have put the rest of the children in this country and ukraine under threat. Karma is a b*tch!! Feel so sorry for his daughter that that’s her father. How sad!
Maybe Shady Vance could also reflect on the anxiety he caused Haitian-American children and their families over his and Krasnov’s pet-eating lies.
Not condoning the harassment of his child, but I can’t stomach his sanctimonious victim bs.
Just like Leon he uses his baby as a Lil Meat Shield. He knowingly put that baby in that situation, he knew he would get shouted at and she would be scared. He is a sociopath.
He spoke to them kindly and they were kind in return so he could then trash them when they weren’t there to tell him the deal was off. Tell me now who the shit person is?
Maybe when the policies he supports stop coming after our kids, we might give a shit. Good job getting under his skin, protestors! We all know he is lying.
When you're the vice president of the United States and you're in an area accessible to the general public (while "walking" your child), people might take that opportunity to chat. Nobody was chasing his daughter and if he thinks the VP won't be recognized and spoken to by passersby, he'd be wrong.
No self awareness...They're chasing you...just like musk using your children like human shields...try being a person your children can look up to instead.
This admin is going into schools to deport kids, cut training for teachers head start and snap, proposes cuts Medicaid and kids are sick and one died from their anti-vax misinformation. Vance and the billionaires are sacrificing kids for their tax cuts.
The proposed funding bill does not renew $40 million for more than 70 programs that help children and families. Programs like those to prevent child abuse and fund homeless shelters.
He's the one who pulled his kids into it, not the protestors. I bet he never lost sleep over Obama's little girls, and I never heard Obama cry and play victim like Vance has here.
If you’re bombing hospitals with children in it, homes with non combatants in it, and leveling entire cities for three years with no end in sight, I’m just curious what that would classify a person as, JD.
Was she scared of your secret service detail, or lights and ambulances in your motorcade? Did you take her to a bomb shelter to teach her about really scary stuff? Or just use this as an excuse to show how hurt you are Vermont doesn’t want you skiing there? You make it sound like ICE was chasing.
And dead or dying. Maybe it's time for his kids to realize what a prick they gave for a father. Those protestors were less threatening than the shit head on the couch playing for the cameras.
I also remember when Marjorie T Green ran after David Hogg in public, when he was still a student, and yelled at him and harassed him and terrorized him. JD never denounced that behavior did he?
Start your own Kongaline, a resistance network that
Picks messaging
assigns members to write consistent messages (emails, text, social, snail) drowning GOP Congress rep
organize and assign members to harass GOP Cong in all open spaces.
Be relentless
Be loud
I chose Claudia Tenney
I have not experienced a war but my mama did, the Spanish Civil War. She was 3 when started and she remembers the bombing if Bilbao, having to rum to the mines for shelter.
The kids in Ukraine that are being bombed, kidnapped and killed don’t have Secret Service Bodyguards that protects them from monsters like Putin,trump and you!
That's here in Cincinnati where we are protesting outside his house. Fuck him. I hope he feels the pressure and pain. I know nobody would harm or harass his 3 year old. But he KNOWS he's gonna face protest everywhere from now on. So why bring a 3 year old out into that intentionally?
He was "walking," not walking with his 3 year-old child? You know, like you're walking your dog. What's up with that? Is he trying to humanize himself with a child?
JD is such a pussy. Also so naive to think as a public figure he can use his child as a human shield to avoid the fact that he is destroying lives. Maybe better if he accepts reality and doesnʻt parade around with his child (same to you, Musk).
Oh look another dirtbag using his kid as a shield against facing the consequences of their decisions….maybe her and Elons kid can become friends, start a club and name it “Daddy’s avoiding accountability” club…
He "walked" his daughter? Like a dog? What a weird phrasing.
It's not political when you're choosing to help an evil ass murderer with his murdering & kidnapping of innocent kids. Maybe he should think about his kids when he makes choices instead of using them as shields against the consequences.
1. He manufactures outrage.
2. Being his 3 year old daughter must be tough. Not her fault. He is a failed girl dad.
3. This monster is incapable of sparing a thought for suffering 3 year old’s in Ukraine, let alone here at home.
4. Can we stop electing broken men.
Quandary. Does a shit person ever deserve to be left alone or is it better for the world that his kids grow up with the truth? Ok. 3 is too young. Find him later
I’m sure Hitlers family had to “endure” some blow back for his actions too. It happens when your policies are killing innocent people including children
He talks as if he is walking his dog, not his daughter. Why does he believe they were harassing his daughter when surely if this even happened which is highly unlikely, he is the one that deserves being harassed.
The children in Ukraine didn’t ask to be bombed, their parents didn’t choose a life of war for them. JD Vance chose this, in fact he morphed into it. The irony that he’s bent because his child was anxious, while he carried out orders and messaging to throw Ukraine under the bus… zero sympathy.
I wonder how anxious his child will be after his nazi friends completely take over. He is colluding with people that would have his wife and children killed. So stop whining about protesters.
If you're party to withholding American intelligence so Putin can bomb dozens of Ukrainian cities without any advance warning to its people, what does that make you?
Because I would say alarming a 3 yr. old (who's going to find out who her father is eventually) is small potatoes in comparison.
My first thought reading this was, how would this be possible, doesn't the secret service hang out with Vance? Or did tRump remove his security detail?
I hope that 3 year old eventually learns what a piece of shit their father is. She wasn’t harmed. She just got a non liar version of what her father is. Lots of kids have shit parents. Not their fault, but they get to see it eventually.
I have a feeling this is not precisely accurate. (No big surprise.) For one thing, wouldn’t JD have a phalanx of Secret Service agents around him to protect him from such unpleasantries as Ukraine protesters?
He's a fucking liar.
Secret Service hasn't responded to information requests.
Yeah, he's lying.
Next will come the realisation that anything shameful he is involved in, will affect his offspring's reputations forever.
Ukrainian children are dying as a direct result of his actions in the oval office.
JD is still breathing.
🖕🏼 JV
It’s a short life, but your deeds will make for a painful death.
May be they saw you as started at screaming at you, moron.
Your daughter and your entire family should be ashamed of you.
Go back and start humping your soda.
Never ever compare your kids with a Ukreanian.
Next he'll probably don a black MAGA hat and a Tech Support t-shirt for the next presser from the Oval.
Elon if your reading, this goes for you too
If this was indeed true you’d be screaming bloody murder to Fox ‘News’ and the various RWNJ outlets that now comprises a large section of the White House press pool about how ineffectual and unprofessional your security detail is.
Not condoning the harassment of his child, but I can’t stomach his sanctimonious victim bs.
you're a shitty person.
Btw, this Vance story never happened
Start your own Kongaline, a resistance network that
Picks messaging
assigns members to write consistent messages (emails, text, social, snail) drowning GOP Congress rep
organize and assign members to harass GOP Cong in all open spaces.
Be relentless
Be loud
I chose Claudia Tenney
Couchfucker can fuck off
I think this is a lie
Corporal Hillbilly and his fam are afforded 24/7 secret service protection on our dime. No one came close to this goober or his kids.
It's not political when you're choosing to help an evil ass murderer with his murdering & kidnapping of innocent kids. Maybe he should think about his kids when he makes choices instead of using them as shields against the consequences.
2. Being his 3 year old daughter must be tough. Not her fault. He is a failed girl dad.
3. This monster is incapable of sparing a thought for suffering 3 year old’s in Ukraine, let alone here at home.
4. Can we stop electing broken men.
It is abuse & privilege in one fell swoop.
Someone needs to come up with a word that combines the two.
Maybe it did, maybe it didn't... 🤷
And since you already KNEW how enraged the locals were that you were in their town, you should have known how they'd react.
Which means, YOU were using your 3 yr. old as a shield in hopes people would leave you alone.
Because I would say alarming a 3 yr. old (who's going to find out who her father is eventually) is small potatoes in comparison.
That seems to bother him little.
I hope that 3 year old eventually learns what a piece of shit their father is. She wasn’t harmed. She just got a non liar version of what her father is. Lots of kids have shit parents. Not their fault, but they get to see it eventually.