A for profit federal government. Unfortunately, citizens are out of the loop. No reaping for citizens, just raping. Oh how ignorant so many can be not to notice their drawers around their ankles.
Traditional gop goal. Problem lies in the fact that there isn’t much profit in ensuring your citizens have decent lives, healthcare, reasonable jobs, hope for their kids. Isn’t that what government should do? How does making the uber wealthy more wealthy help anyone, even them?
“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual by a group, or any controlling private power.”
― F D. Roosevelt
Do you remember the Grafton experiment in NH? They wanted to prove in the city that government intervention is oppressive and produces poverty. The disaster was total, social ties were broken, crime exploded, the city collapsed and became impoverished.
At the national level? Pure greedy ignorance.
In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians [or unelected CEOs like fElon Musk] enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates. (Wikipedia)
Yeeeeah, I wana' pony.
And a 30 yr old guurl with a killer smirk and sharp wit. Maybe glutes you could bounce a 50 cent piece off of and catch. In a house of glass overlooking the sea up a 2 mile road way from noise and ignorance....
He went bankrupt six times stiffing creditors and he often didn’t pay contractors for work completed.Trump is a horrible businessman and the worst President ever.In a few short weeks he has decimated our government,destroyed our economy, alienated our allies, brought chaos and death worldwide.
The government at all levels is the binder. The glue. The federal government is what ultimately makes us the United States. Not a bunch or corporations. Ugh!
Corporations in America factored out customer service when they implemented their new fangled Formula for Profit. Government is, or was, all about customer service. They want our government to profit… for them… and they want us to shut up and be happy with whatever crumbs they do drop us.
Musk’s X Payments ‘end goal’ revealed as a U.S. money transmitter
X Payments, subsidiary of X Corp., has acquired the money transmitter license in 50% of the U.S. states. The company is part of Elon Musk’s vision of building “X, the everything app,” now with its financial “end goal” revealed.
Well, Americans have been drilled for decades - first by talk radio, then by Fox News, that government is the enemy. Now they’re gonna find out what oligarchy is like.
In Trump’s mind, there is no constitution. No first amendment - or should say, freedom of speech only when it favors himself and MAGA, no freedom of speech for anyone that does not agree with him. He did not put his hand on the Bible on Jan 20th for a good reason.
Putting ones hand on the bible isn't required. Remember, there isn't a religious requirement to be in politics. However, Christian's lie ,even with "god"
All the services will cost taxpayers more because now there’s a middleman taking a profit. Whereas when taxpayers paid for services from the government, there was no extra charge for the middle man’s profit.
Maybe someday there will be “tax men” that we must pay to prepare our taxes, but only after “tax benefit managers” tell us which network we can use as they artificially set the prices of tax preparation
We will stop paying federal taxes as a movement, I hope. Turn off the fire hose of money and they have not as much to hurt us with. Keep the money in the states.
Does it not strike anyone else as ironic that the worlds biggest liar, cheat, felon, mysogenist and racist posts messages on something called TRUTH SOCIAL?
Out of fear of the successful peoples revolution in Russia. The ruling class had the R&D partiee grind the workers into the ground as the czars had. This is the birth of anti union anti communist propaganda all came from preventing a now long overdue revolution. https://Pslweb.org
I want to destroy our federal institutions so that we can instead funnel massive government contracts to the oligarchy-in return you will receive subpar service because you will have little choice. You won’t be able to seek outside sources because they will be tariff beyond affordability.
That's the UK. Privatised the lot - now we have crap spewing into our rivers, high electricty, high gas, high stamp prices. But guess what - they all make MASSIVE profits but receive Govt Bailouts funded by our taxes!
He wants the neoliberalism dream of Argentina. How is that going by the way? Oh right... sky-high inflation, protests, people starving and becoming homeless.
Yup. See - there's the lie. Government spending ends up in private pockets. Government workers are citizens that take home pay and spend it in their communities. Government agencies contract tasks to corporate and small business solution providers.
This trump has a very evil mindset with hatred on his mind always about the USA and the American people causing other countries to not want to be apart or interested in doing business with the USA VERY SAD
To me it didn't need translation as the statement was a frank admission that he intends for big business to take over from government. Problem there is that if there's not a buck in it , then it won't be done. Welcome to the Wild West.
Trump is a failed experiment as a president, businessman, father, criminal, golfer, and human being. Finding anything redeemable in those failures says more about you than Donnie.
Your oppression is their profession
Corporation have no desire to do anything unless it's profitable. So many things the government does that benefit us all inherently have no profit. Corporations or small business won't want anything to do with these.
Yeah, they have every intention of privatized him what they can so it’ll cost you more and they can control everything for decades to come no matter who’s in the White House
Capitalism has failed the poor, plain and simple. Privatization will annihilate any remaining checks and balances needed to protect our most vulnerable, while further consolidating wealth. Any economist with half a brain can see this is a horrible idea.
Trump 💩 is talking about the privatization of Social Security.
Who in their right mind wants to invest their life savings in a unpredictable stock market that crashes every other week because trump is an impetuous dictator?
@donaldjtrump-maga.bsky.social I want a USA that honors it's international agreements (1994 ring a bell?), one that denounce, denaturalizes, and deport YOU!
Oh I totally agree, but they're the ones bowing to him as that false god, so he's going to run with it. Also, a huge overlap in "Christians" and white nationalists in this country.
Care? No, he does not care for anyone but himself.
But the Christian Nationalists are using him to force their false religion on America. They put him into power so he could do this.
Him & his mega rich pals. The rest of us can see how privatization without gov regulation will cause prices to soar. He is not concerned for or respectful of anyone unless they have great wealth.
I dont know who needs to hear this, but Government isnt a business. It was created for entirely different purpose. One of the main benefits though is to expand business. Good governments have a different methodology for measuring success.
I’m all for private enterprise but not where my healthcare or defense are concerned. Social security is healthcare. VA is healthcare. USAID is defense. NASA and NOAA and the Park Service are defense and even healthcare. I don’t want greedy assholes profiting off my sickness or death.
"Election Day"2028.The great experiment of democracy now exists only as a whisper, a half remembered dream from another lifetime. The Republic,as it was once known, is gone.In it's place stands something darker, colder. A husk of a nation, wrapped in the colors of a flag now more symbol than promise
Can we all, and I mean everyone, start referring to Republicans as the party for billionaires? Seriously. Every headline. Every post. Every interview. “The party for billionaires is proposing a budget that cuts Medicare.” Screw the “my colleagues across the aisle” bullshit. Own the narrative!
Libertarians said that the centralization of power leads to chaos. They never imagined it would be Business Leaders that centralized the power. They still can't because they mistake ideas for facts.
Der! Corporations are more powerful than many countries now. Who has more power, Google or Estonia?
This would be fine in an economy where corporations actually did anything other than remove value from the market and place it in its stockholders’ and CEO’s pockets.
He keeps telling us that he only cares about making himself and his friends richer. I’ll never understand why middle and lower class people think that he values them.
I speak a tiny bit of American Asshole. Let me translate..
"I will fix it so we have a fucked-up country that will funnel your hard earned money to billionaires instead of your bank account. Now excuse me, I have to go play golf ALSO at your expense."
He isn't paying attention to the stock market. Private enterprise in America is collapsing under the weight of Trump's insane economic policies and the pathetic sycophants who keep telling him he's a genius. Trump is destroying America and making Joe Biden look like the genius Donald wants to be.
A capitalist dystopian nightmare of a country, just like science fiction has shown us over and over. Take your pick of dozens of great novels and movies. He is trying to takes us there.
I want a government by the People working for the People as directed by the Constitution. I dont want to be governed by private corporations. We are a country not a company.
Yeah. Look how well that private system works for our healthcare. We have the highest cost in the world with some of the worst outcomes. But the shareholders love it!
I don’t see MAGA factored in here anywhere.
― F D. Roosevelt
At the national level? Pure greedy ignorance.
And a 30 yr old guurl with a killer smirk and sharp wit. Maybe glutes you could bounce a 50 cent piece off of and catch. In a house of glass overlooking the sea up a 2 mile road way from noise and ignorance....
but alas, dreams are but dreams.
When was the last time 'private enterprise' ever helped me, in an emergency ?
Trump is doing the exact same thing.
The solutions are in there.
X Payments, subsidiary of X Corp., has acquired the money transmitter license in 50% of the U.S. states. The company is part of Elon Musk’s vision of building “X, the everything app,” now with its financial “end goal” revealed.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Maybe someday there will be “tax men” that we must pay to prepare our taxes, but only after “tax benefit managers” tell us which network we can use as they artificially set the prices of tax preparation
We need a revolution like the French Revolution immediately
Do you want guillotines?
Cuz that's how you get guillotines.
He makes Nixon look like a guy stealing a pack of gum from a gas station
Dynamic enough for you? 🤔
Out of fear of the successful peoples revolution in Russia. The ruling class had the R&D partiee grind the workers into the ground as the czars had. This is the birth of anti union anti communist propaganda all came from preventing a now long overdue revolution. https://Pslweb.org
Government work is private sector work.
time for him and his mates to take advantage of america
NY Law: Anyone Found Guilty of or Liable for a Sex Offense-is a, "Sex Offender".
Whether Registered or not.
NY Law: Anyone Convicted of and Sentenced for a Felony-is a, "Convict".
Whether Incarcerated or not.
America Knows!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
Your oppression is their profession
Who in their right mind wants to invest their life savings in a unpredictable stock market that crashes every other week because trump is an impetuous dictator?
But the Christian Nationalists are using him to force their false religion on America. They put him into power so he could do this.
Of course republicans are for it.
Look at this...
"I want to centralize power in the hands of corporations"
Der! Corporations are more powerful than many countries now. Who has more power, Google or Estonia?
"I will fix it so we have a fucked-up country that will funnel your hard earned money to billionaires instead of your bank account. Now excuse me, I have to go play golf ALSO at your expense."
The actual progressive policies are always popular-
However, the distrust of government and its ability to be an efficient middleman for people's services is great.
Life imitates art all the time.
Want a Government
We the People
Don’t care what
King Trump wants