Why is corporate media not asking why Trump is not on campaign trail for a week while Harris and Walz are on campaign blitz tour and Vance is campaigning on his own?
Why aren’t they asking if he’s too frail and tired?
Wouldn’t they be asking so of Biden?
Why aren’t they asking if he’s too frail and tired?
Wouldn’t they be asking so of Biden?
Is anyone handling their funds a fraudster?
New York Times alert: Is President Biden dead?
** Trump posts some insane dementia level nonsense.
New York Times alert: Is President Biden acting presidential by going to bed.
Maybe he should consider resigning.
I don’t believe the Conservative Media. 🤣
There's a disease Republicans get. It's exactly like COVID but they call it being tired. Trump's been in places where he could have been exposed. Who knows.
Trump’s successfully intimidated a lot of people into shying away from asking accountability questions.
using the platform you have NOW to make sure the fucker doesn't get into a position where he can REALLY fuck you up.
and he will.
dumbass losers.
I'm honestly not sure I buy it. i think it's greed and overconfidence in their own bubble. and ego.
Or it means "I recognize that the media has asked, but I didn't like how the media framed the answer".