What a pathetic, pitiful, hopeless shell of a man. Not one penny more, not a single one, until Schumer in particular, and national democratic leadership in general, realize that capitulation is not a fkn strategy!!!
“A non pass would be a Country destroyer, approval will lead us to new heights. Again, really good and smart move by Senator Schumer. This could lead to something big for the USA, a whole new direction and beginning!” - shitler
In case there was any question about Schumer's rationale, case closed.
Then you shit on people like Gavin Newsom, who prevented seniors from losing their homes to medicaid which is the single greatest expansion of healthcare since Obama care .
Who the fuck do you think you are? elites like you are the reason Democrats lose. You’re so hyped about people like AOC who have never passed a fucking bill because she talks a good game
You’re so fucking fragile when someone disagrees with you. You’re acting like a Trumper pretending that you haven’t lost when in fact you fucking lost and now you wanna throw poor people under the bus.
I just left a comment on his website because he's too big of a coward to take voicemails. https://Schumer.Senate.gov
NOW--who's going to primary this motherfucker?
In case there was any question about Schumer's rationale, case closed.
Retire now. Or expect a primary. Expect a lot of people to vote for your primary opponent, or if that fails, a Republican.
At least with a Groper, we know what to expect.
NOW--who's going to primary this motherfucker?