Lol Abraham Lincoln also ordered the largest mass execution in US history of 38 innocent Dakota. He also said the “Negro” will never be equally socially or politically.
I’m not arguing that it was right. People can debate about whether the death penalty is justifiable or not, but based off of what I read there, it’s consistent with what some might consider as acceptable for giving the death penalty.
The parties completely switched ideologies. Republicans no longer represent what they used to, so your argument is no longer relevant. It’s just history. A quick Google search will explain the history behind the switch and how it occurred.
It actually does. My point is not that the ideals are still good, but that republicans themselves are not bad. Whatever change that’s occurred could be reversed. If we’re going to change what a party stands for like that then the label doesn’t matter. We’re just talking about bad actions and people.
Dems are bad too. They're two sides of the same fascist coin. They both support legal slavery through the prisons system, they support cops, they support War, and genocide. BOTH sides are evil.
Feels quite melodramatic to say Republicans 'literally the only evil in the universe'... Fits perfectly with the belief that America is the center of the universe to Americans and somehow nothing matters but them.
They're also not exclusively a US problem, either. There are Republicans in other countries around the world and, yes, they're working with US Republicans.
Because they blindly follow their fearless leader (look, will be the cool kids!) who happens to be a fucking idiot! It sickens me that some people literally have a price....
Well you gotta know they sold their souls to the devil years ago so they are mere dark deep holes where there may have once been souls. Time for the devil to take their bodies and burn them in the fiery pits of hell. Or at least make DJT replace Sisyphus on the mountain deep in Hades!!
I don't think theyre 'evil' & I don't 'hate' GOP I disagree w/ most of it but there's always opportunity for dialogue I want to learn what our party can do better to not go through the embarrassing loss we just endured I want our country back too but I dont want to do it with hate and name-calling.
Nah, demorats are also heavily related to a lot, and i do mean a lot, of real bad shit. Then there's also how the WORLD AIN'T 'MURICA, like mfer don't come up to me with shit like that when there's the whole ass mfing world? Dawg Uribists are as bad if not even worse.
Most “Christians” in America are actually Satanists. Don’t empower them by allowing them to label themselves Christian when they 100% don’t follow Christ’s teachings.
I cannot condone this. I was once a conservative Republican and all they could say was how evil and demonic liberals are. Now I am more liberal than conservative, but I know this kind of rhetoric cannot be tolerated. If we are reduced to labelling people as good or evil, we are no better.
I'm saying we need to use better words and not think we can judge any person's heart. It's a slippery slope and once we head down that dark road, it's hard to come back. If we can't find common ground and fight for the unity of our nation, it will be lost. But I'm not saying don't fight back.
I'd also like to add that a lot of people are misguided, dumb, subject to tribalism, don't actually engage in the nuance of politics and just vote based on pressures in their life. Just because your dumb doesn't mean you're evil.
Not just republicans, but all far right demagogues, racists and authoritarians. These represent the worst parts of human nature, and should be repudiated so we can grow as a species.
Nihilism is satan’s tool. He/she then lets the forces of evil do its work. This is the definition of the Republican party, I mean cult, under Donald Trump.
I am Jewish but I am also an atheist. Prayer is a waste of time. There is no god to answer prayers because if there was the Holocaust would not have happened.
No, it's not, actually. I really wouldn't pray for Israel right now even if I wasn't. They have done to others almost exactly what was done to them. And if we're supposed to honor the sanctity of ancestral territory, every non Native American needs to get the f*ck out of North America.
Ok, so just as I was about to like and repost this meme, when I noticed how ironic the number of reposts were at that moment; so I screenshot it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
USA Republicans*, shit has gone down the shitter so hard in there that people were PARANOID that Germany was fucked when the DCU won despite them being not even slightly similar to the USA republicans, who they weaponized missinformation, a weapon capable of destroying generations.
Shit's scary.
Very true!
However, we must all look at the plans for Melania's further desecration of the White House, as the First Mail Order Hooker of the USA (FMOHOTUS) unveils her heinous redecoration of the Oval Office.
Okay, there's also Vladimir Putin. Not splitting hairs here; HE'S behind this. Look at how much this far reich rising is going on elsewhere. Canada, Germany, Australia, many places are having far reich parties get higher and higher numbers. It has to be Putin. He's the final boss in this.
Why are we apologizing for these people? Even if we only look at recent times, they led the tea party, they led the birther conspiracies, and the fight AGAINST women’s rights, they pushed for trump to be elected not once but twice and they have been crucial in making school shootings great again.
Believe me, I am not defending them. Everything you just wrote is true! But it's also true a lot of people vote without any real knowledge or understanding of how the government works.
I blame ignorance! We need to educate the American people
And which party is consistently against education? Which party is currently trying to abolish the DOE? If someone knowingly shoots themselves in the foot with a loaded gun, I’m not gonna spare any sympathy for them.
And they're all on the 99% of fentanyl coming from everywhere BUT Canada. We, however get guns, cocaine and meth from #rump s$#@!/ of as34567! #rumpian asininity!!!! (sorry to asses everywhere)
This is true! Everyone knows the evil Republican Nazis love abortion and love to start wars, Drumpf is always going on about how much he loves the war and killing happening overseas, he just wants to see human life extinguished and frankly that’s terrifying!!!
As a cradle and still practicing Catholic, I do not doubt the presence of embodied evil (the devil, or the enemy, if you will) exists. I also strongly believe the vast majority of Republicans are either his spawn or his minions. Those people have neither a soul, compassion, or a conscience.
Not the only evil in the universe. Let's give credit to all the colonizing empires that house us wage slaves within their borders. This is our moment to break free. #StopFascism
With bipartisan collaboration with rubio. They are now sending them to places like guantonimo bay The infamous torture place that neither Obama or Biden got around to closing down despite Obama saying he would. This entire empire is pure evil to the core. Trumps a symptom
Anyone who has actually read the Bible and believe what it says should also be able to read and interpret the many references to how the Antichrist/ Satan is described in those verses. The description is of literally of Trump and his demon cult.
Why do we always gotta bring Satan into this? Satan is minding his own damn business while Republicans are actively, consistently, and enthusiastically stripping our rights and freedoms away.
Yeah kinda comes with we were the major force that use to hold back bigger evils from over taking the world via other countries. Which looks like we’ve turned into with wanting to absorb Canada for one example.
Look, we already know there are at least 2 #RussianAssets leading the #FederalGovernment the best way to assure they have #NoPower over #Anyone is if the remaining #FederalWorkforce went on #Strike until #Congress did THEIR JOBS to #Impeach and #Convict WE THE PEOPLE still have #ThePower and
Republicans are not evil.,in%20regard%20to%20your%20slaves.
1/10 meme. Even MAGA memes better than this slop
They're also not exclusively a US problem, either. There are Republicans in other countries around the world and, yes, they're working with US Republicans.
- Oh no Jesus! Too late...they found you
As a queer person, the left wants to treat me like a normal human being, while the Trump administration has started to erase us
Not sure where the middle ground is between democracy and the people who literally think I shouldn't exist.
What better word would you use to describe him?
and there are many on the left twiddling their thumbs especially the leaders
I have to include Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Like, they're a level of evil that is empowered by the fact that most people can't stand to acknowledge its existence
But there is plenty of evil other than Republicans
- putin
- kim jong un
- neonazis that dont like the republican party
- any evil aliens
...are alright, Jack...
(Don’t socialize with too many Protestants, do you? 😅)
Shit's scary.
However, we must all look at the plans for Melania's further desecration of the White House, as the First Mail Order Hooker of the USA (FMOHOTUS) unveils her heinous redecoration of the Oval Office.
Nasty little shits!
They do seem to be getting increasingly evil.
But they get it
from somewhere.
(Like maybe from
Inside them….? 😊
I mean jfc, I spend a lot of my time thinking about the suffering that exists outside of earth, and that line made me laugh, and not in a good way
I blame ignorance! We need to educate the American people
2 Corinthians 11:14
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” KJV
1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” KJV
With bipartisan collaboration with rubio. They are now sending them to places like guantonimo bay The infamous torture place that neither Obama or Biden got around to closing down despite Obama saying he would. This entire empire is pure evil to the core. Trumps a symptom
But also: Over my cold, dead body will we become part of the US.