God save the day for perpetuity. 😂 Atheist since 1973. Oh my...what a lot of godly BS it takes to justify a belief with no evidence in support of itself. I laugh at the sheer ignorance of myth believers. Just keep following your goat-herder prophets. Fucking A!
Wait, what?! A day for ME?? 🥹 I was an atheist for 15 long years before I met another atheist (in college, of course, but it was graduate school). I love that there are more rational thinkers out there and we get to celebrate together. ☺️
I’m extremely comfortable believing that when I die, I’m simply GONE—and that’s totally okay with me. The memories created and left, is enough. However, the acknowledgment that neither I nor anyone else knows definitively what happens next is why I remain a proud, steadfast Agnostic. https://ffrf.org
The single most important thing to maintain free is your intellect.
Intellectual freedom from religion, political affiliation, cult or any grouping.
Lose that and you are open to exploitation.
Every religion I've heard of seems made up to me (with logical flaws abundant). I guess I just can't profess certainty that there isn't some God or God-like being, because how can I know that for sure?
I don't think it should change behavior one way or the other. Just be kind to each other.
Oh, yeah, no doubt. As was recently (rightly) shouted at some religious "leaders": "You used your religion to justify racism and segregation. Now you're using it to justify cruelty to immigrants."
Solely an abstract observation, independent of consideration of "organized" religion.
Did that in 1975. A grade six teacher asked why I wasn't standing for the lord's prayer. Told her I was an atheist. She looked stunned, said nothing and walked away.
You can be an atheist, of course. It's your absolute right. You can be an agnostic, too. Want to be a theist? Sure, there you go.
Your belief is none of my business, but - if people actually reflected the true model of Christian compassion, love and humility, things would be nicer. Not many do....
Not many Christian leaders do... that's the a big problem.
I totally get your point - its hard to argue against the teachings of Christ. But if the teachers of the faith are not faithful, credibility is lost.
Absolutely agree. I worked at a church for almost 20 years. It wasn’t until I stepped away that I was able to clear my head. I’m fine on my own, doing what I can, and it’s so freeing.
In the 16th century the word scientist did not exist, so if you look for answers to questions in the natural world as opposed to look into the supernatural world i.e. GOD you were a natural philosopher. You're right, of course but I'm taken with those that dared to say god was not needed to explain
So are you, like, employed as a scientist? Do you do research? If not, calling yourself a "natural philosopher" is super misleading. There have always been people who didn't practice or care about religion - they weren't all or even mostly natural philosophers. That's a different thing
No, not a scientist. I just believe all answer are found in the natural world not the supernatural. you are right, of course. I don't mean to confuse. Richard Dawkins had the same gripe & wanted to call atheists "Brights" but that seems pretentious to me.
No worries 😉
I never really looked at all the other replies that much
I just posted mine thinking it was witty
Then we Brits use more irony without really thinking about it 🤔
One of the more uncomfortable thing’s about social media is understanding the intent of the delivery
Bloody Atheists 🙄
Also those damn other religious groups, stealing holidays from other religious groups. Also the religious groups they stole from that stole from other religious groups. Also...
Morality and belief being two different things is exactly my point. I’m on the side of anyone who has compassion and integrity, irrespective of religion. The hypocrites are the ones who say they love god but clearly despise what they believe he created (their fellow humans)
You mean, like Atheists who cry that politics are sending civilization towards Thunderdome, and live in terror that roaming Mormons will knock on the sanctity of their door?
I doubt many people are particularly enamoured with the state of politics globally at the moment. Not met any of these terrorised atheists you speak of? Sounds a bit extreme.
In which case they’re Deists, like Washington and Jefferson referring to “an Almighty Providence” in all their speeches, since church was for the po’ folk.
And, like Agnostics, who get swept along in Atheists’ search to market their own public validation, because it was the gang on the playground.
So what? 😁 we're gonna have banners and give out inspirational atheist tracts. And preach our non belief to the believers?😄 I'm all for it. I came out last year and people still try to save me. 😆
Did you take the time and effort to ASK anyone about what you’d read, or did you just automatically assume you were the hippest dude in the history of Western thought to figure these things out for the very first time? 🙄
Only an Atheist or a Christian Nationalist believes the Bible was “written” as “one” book. 🤭😅
No, and no. It’s two document archives, by a couple thousand years’ difference.
One chronicles the founding of Judaism, and the other of Christianity.
Look up “Old” and “New” in Webster’s dictionary.
They don’t. 🤭
But you’d be surprised (I wouldn’t) at the number who can quote every tyrannical Kosher regulation from Leviticus and ask us why we get tattoos if we read the Bible.
Or, think they’ve found every scientific inaccuracy in Genesis, and wonder how Noah’s penguins got to Antarctica. 🐧
I've never read the bible and honestly don't care what people choose to believe or follow, as long as they don't use it as an excuse to impose on other people's lives and rights. 🤷🏻♀️
unfortunately too many "Christians" do exactly that, and this is where people rightfully have an issue with it.
I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're saying here, hostilities? I'm somehow hostile for being an atheist? I'm totally confused by what you're on about 😆
If they want to go to church they can go to church, if they want to believe in the lies of the republican party they can believe in the lies of the republican party. Do I want to rid the earth of them, NO. I want to help them realise that they are all being lied too, by religion and all politicians.
I like these posts so I can read all the replies from folks who claim to be agnostic and not atheist and then proceed to define themselves as agnostic atheists.
Freethinkers with the ‘Christian right’ being so maga wrong I’m certain the Atheist numbers will rise.
I believe in the Creator God who loves everyone always and in all ways.
Choosing our spiritual or not path is to me our greatest gift and Right.
Thanks for telling us what you think. Research disagrees with you, showing atheists are basically the most hated group in the US & hateful conduct against us is not disapproved of. Here's some info about what you may not know:
Multitudes of Christians in the USA throw their children away for being LGBT+, disown adult family members, discriminate in employment, won't let children play with the children of atheistic parents, &c.
As for promotion, why not? People of all religions promote their beliefs.
Then you must not live in the USA, and in particular, the southern USA. People are quiet about being atheists, or they (and their kids) are truly ostracized in The Bible Belt.
The arguments you're using are the same used by the right to suppress LGBT+. You're saying REALLY scummy shit. It's kinda like how some people parroted the "I identify as an attack helicopter" meme without realizing how harmful it was. Get woke.
I live in the southern US- we would definitely be ostracized if we were “ out” in many circles. And in a potentially dangerous and hateful kind of way we wouldn’t want to put our child through. I’ve never been Christian and I’ve been demonized ostracized and criticized my whole
Life for it.
You can have your day,along with Christmas, Easter,Feast days of other religions, but the real story is this:Goddess for many thousands of years,then male-sun-god for 1000 years,then YHVH, Allah,Father et al., evolved to today;how is the condition of 'today'?It is absolute CRAP! Because of male god!
I am not a full atheist, but know many friends and close family that are. Follow your conscience and if it says you honestly do not believe in a divine entity then you need to follow that belief. I follow my conscience.
There’s no word for not believing in Santa or the fairies at the bottom of the garden.
Hello to you all. 👋
Hello back! 👋
really think about this one stark fact:
indigenous people were telling us DMT was *familiar*, our inner light, thousands of years before we knew it was in fact produced endogenously
Now who's acting like a theist? 😆
Just kidding, we're all good.
If you are a thinking decent human
you know there is no god
Not one!
Thank you Multiverse
Intellectual freedom from religion, political affiliation, cult or any grouping.
Lose that and you are open to exploitation.
I don't think it should change behavior one way or the other. Just be kind to each other.
Then, there are hundreds of thousands who interpret their bible to suit themselves, OR for personal profit.
Sounds like a cult to me. I don't do cults.
Solely an abstract observation, independent of consideration of "organized" religion.
Your belief is none of my business, but - if people actually reflected the true model of Christian compassion, love and humility, things would be nicer. Not many do....
I totally get your point - its hard to argue against the teachings of Christ. But if the teachers of the faith are not faithful, credibility is lost.
That's all I've ever needed.
Right in the middle of Lent?
And Ramadan?
Typical bloody atheists
Coming over here
Stealing our holy days
Did you ever consider that I was being ironic?
Have a look, there are plenty of “Christians” trolling this post.
(Maybe in future include an eye roll 🙄 or laugh 😆 to make it clear?)
I never really looked at all the other replies that much
I just posted mine thinking it was witty
Then we Brits use more irony without really thinking about it 🤔
One of the more uncomfortable thing’s about social media is understanding the intent of the delivery
Bloody Atheists 🙄
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
Please consider joining and/or donating.
Those who criticized other people’s morality without showing it, he had a bad habit of calling “Hypocrites”.
Yeah. That sux. 😕
Some of them make cartoons, or Broadway musicals. 🙄
And, like Agnostics, who get swept along in Atheists’ search to market their own public validation, because it was the gang on the playground.
Enjoy the day, experts! Best of luck on Jeopardy! 😛
And no? Lots of people have had similar experiences so clearly it's not unique to me.
That might be one hint. 🤦♂️
Exceptions being something like science, medicine, programming, 3D modelling etc. Stuff that is self evidently real, you know?
Magic isn't one of those things for me.
Andrew Wilson, an outspoken Christian Nationalist, blocked me on X after reading it 😂.
No, and no. It’s two document archives, by a couple thousand years’ difference.
One chronicles the founding of Judaism, and the other of Christianity.
Look up “Old” and “New” in Webster’s dictionary.
But you’d be surprised (I wouldn’t) at the number who can quote every tyrannical Kosher regulation from Leviticus and ask us why we get tattoos if we read the Bible.
Or, think they’ve found every scientific inaccuracy in Genesis, and wonder how Noah’s penguins got to Antarctica. 🐧
unfortunately too many "Christians" do exactly that, and this is where people rightfully have an issue with it.
You know, like humans are supposed to?
Or does finding out that they go to a church give you the urge to rid the earth of scary Republicans, one at a time? 🙄
Everyone is an atheist, I just go one god further — Christopher Hitchens
All gods and religions are invented by humans to explain the universe and existence; now we have science — Me
Repost this, a lot.
Featuring "The Sheep" on backing vocals!
I believe in the Creator God who loves everyone always and in all ways.
Choosing our spiritual or not path is to me our greatest gift and Right.
As for promotion, why not? People of all religions promote their beliefs.
Please support my article deconstructing the arguments of Andrew Wilson, a prominent Christian Nationalist (and charlatan) on the internet.
The prophets hallucinate
Jesus was not the Messiah
He never raised from the tomb
Life for it.
I was told to.