But you did see the notice, didn't you? Arthur Dent : Oh, yes. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign outside the door saying "Beware of the Leopard." Ever thought of going into advertising
Deadlines threaten but i ignore
If I'm relaxed death won't occur
Life is a race but must i run?
Blinded deadlines stares in disgust
Lets have some fun
I'll have some fun
I'm a poet too man. Dunno if I'm any good honestly, but I just write, and hope I get the message across. Check them out...I posted a couple on my feed.
For me this poem has a second layer or interpretation:
Most of these words could also be the conversation with a person in the speaker’s life whom they keep putting off spending time with, treating the visitor’s presence as a surprising intrusion, because of the speaker’s focus on work deadlines.
Procrastination, my old friend
I’ve come to wrestle you again
Because the urge, softly creeping
Stole my focus while I was dreaming
And the plans that were planted in my brain
Still remain
Lost within the sound of silence.
Next Poem2 / 5
Previous Poem
An obsessive race of heightened fright
To a misty world beyond my sight
Did i indulge in toxic wine?
Just when will i reach my deadline?
If I'm relaxed death won't occur
Life is a race but must i run?
Blinded deadlines stares in disgust
Lets have some fun
I'll have some fun
Most of these words could also be the conversation with a person in the speaker’s life whom they keep putting off spending time with, treating the visitor’s presence as a surprising intrusion, because of the speaker’s focus on work deadlines.
thank you!
Love your work
I’ve come to wrestle you again
Because the urge, softly creeping
Stole my focus while I was dreaming
And the plans that were planted in my brain
Still remain
Lost within the sound of silence.