"Winston Churchill once famously observed that Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else."
It is also likely that the maga single mom is on SNAP/EBT an taking advantage of lunch programs, charity organizations for the holidays, and sending her kids to a church school that drains public school funding. Because they walk around with their mouths open and their hands out.
Trump cheated on his first wife with his second wife and cheated on his second wife with his third wife and cheated on his third wife with a prostitute that he then illegally paid off! Orange asshiole openly speaks of fucking his own daughter! Republicans are a traitorous bunch of hypocrites!
What's more gross is he admitted he likes young girls, claims the kid with his stepdaughter was "an accident" but then has a 2nd kid with her. This pedo needs to be in jail. Not sure what napkins' obsession with incest is, but maybe it's just bc their own kids are the closest they can get away with
Do you know how many times these same fuckers called me a baby killer and told me to get a job. Just for info, I have never had an abortion(I completely support Choice) and I was a profesional pilot at the time. So tired of ignorant and loud mouthed asshole.
Yes. But, can we quit comparing them to retarded persons, those with real developmental different abilities? Because one is born that way and generally pure of heart, the other is just plain evil or dumb by choice. Let's try NOT to use the "retard" word this way, K?
The most recent baby momma got famous by writing a children’s book pushing anti-trans ideology. Then she became a tradwifesphere influencer. Her entire career has been dedicated to shaming women who don’t live a traditional Christian lifestyle, but then she has IVF with a man she’s not married to.
That's only the babies we know of.
Because he uses IVF & crispR to produce male prodigy & he possesses &controls the embryos, who knows how many surgates are being used?
isn't that 6? sad women is what they are I hope they will wake up sooner than later and actually be women. As for Musk's wives what a sad bunch some of them got away when they realized what they married to some extent. Just not sure what any of them see in him other than money. Sad truth.
I’m so sick of the bs about single mums. Do they not realise that we’re the ones that stay, fight to keep our kids healthy, happy & loved. We earn & pay all the bills as child “support” is a pittance. And still single mothers are vilified. Where are the MEN who helped create these children??
It also doesn’t even end there. If a woman is married and only having sex with her husband, and uses birth control, or a single woman opts not to have sex with men at all, and no fetuses are conceived in the first place, they’re also outraged that she’s not “creating life”.
Pro-life people seem to massively hate women and even teenage girls who choose parenthood or adoption instead of abortion. They hate you if you abort, they hate you if you choose parenthood. It’s not about the fetus’ life, it’s about shaming women who do anything that violates Christian extremism.
The men who abandon their children are deadbeats (the worst of the worst). I love my sons and would do anything for them! I love their Mom. We have been together since 1986. I know several women who raised their babies and accomplished advanced degrees while being a single Mom!
Children cannot look after themselves so they have to take priority. The children had no say in their existence. The parents are responsible for looking after them.
Indeed it may be hard work for both parents. Part of that hard work might include men having to look after themselves to some extent.
If a guy is feeling “deprioritized” he should communicate that, not run away when stuff is “hard”. The problem seems to be that men need women to carry all of the emotional weight and can’t handle not being the center of their partner’s world.
So true, but Let’s not give into the culture war, it’s a distraction from the class war. That’s the reason he’s not seen in a bad light because he’s a rich white male. Pitiful. Eat the rich.
elon being a deadbeat dad and generally horrible parent cannot be overstated. the lack of responsibility and accountability for his ridiculous sexual behavior is just gross.
There were 5 chances by strong and independent women that dont need no man to prove they can be strong and independent,instead they chose to become your meme.
Much lovely respect to those girls. <3
So is MAGA telling us that there no Cons party single moms? If they say no. All of kumquat’s baby mommas are single moms. Oh the difference is is that they got that moron to pay child support and take care of them financially. Oh I get it the women that can trap stupid white men are what we want.
Yes and don’t forget, all 13 of Elons kids are supported by UNITED STATES TAX dollars. All the money is in the form of government contracts for his useless companies and then the new 7 million per week we the people are paying the made up doge. He IS a welfare bitch who needs to wrap it up.
I floated this idea one other time. I think we ALL need to mail postcards to OUR Representatives. Emails are too easy to delete, postcards take up space, time, and they might even be looked at. Overwhelm them! If half the country voted for this fool, the other half should bombard them with cards.
I guess that's a career path. Of sorts. For losers. Stick a turkey baster with Elmo's jizz up your vajayjay, wait 9 mos. and - voila! - sit back and enjoy the child support.
And reading online how a lot of people view Elon’s many children from many women as “at least he can afford it” seems to me a very “Handmaid’s Tale” attitude wherein only the ruling, monied class should be able to have kids.
Some right wing people have that attitude. People like Musk and Vance, and others in Trump’s cabinet, believe that everyone should have many children, even if they can’t afford it. Elon’s mom said that people should be giving up all luxuries like watching movies and eating at restaurants, so they…
And they love to cut services that help those that “can’t afford it” I remember a song Neil Young sang with the lyrics: “Welfare Mothers make better lovers” and yes, I realize that probably nobody, no matter what political party, would sing along with that now, even when the poor are demonized.
I’m a leftist slut? Cool. Haven’t been called that in over 20 years. Not bothered though, will continue to raise my teen daughter by myself and help my adult son, who has custody of his daughter. Is he a slut too, since he’s a single dad? Just clarifying.
Several people in the cabinet are Christian nationalists who are absolutely obsessed with the birth rate. Duffy (9 kids), Hegseth (7 to three different women). Musk isn’t a Christian but he’s another birth rate fanatic (13 confirmed kids, some close to him say it’s closer to 100).
For the record, I support their right to have large families, their body their choice and all that, but I don’t want Christian nationalists in government at all, nor do I want people who believe everyone has a moral imperative to reproduce.
That's how I see elon - a rich slut. Going around town fucking females. Funny thing, street whores do that and they are made shame off. But oh no not elon. Shit!
So what happened to shaming childless cat ladies?
Now we are back to Rush Limbaugh and his single mother welfare queen schtick that he employed after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine to great success.
He made so much from that attack that he could afford to fly to Haiti to rape children.
Isn't it funny that the right wing do-gooder evangelists and so-called Christians are the best. Hypocrites The scuzziest of crooks
And if Jesus came to Earth, those would be the first that he would banish from this earth
But musk isn’t “like us good Christians” he is however a tool of the lord Jesus Christ to cleanse our nation just like trump. Amen!
*sarcasm-please don’t really think I would say that
It's pretty clear that MAGA are immune to facts and truth(One vaccine they apparantly took in abundance, it seems). So, the only way to address them is through sarcasm and ridicule. Don't try and assume they operate on normal mental capacity. They sold that for their FOX subscription.
So what your saying the 2 assholes in the WH have 18 children and 8 baby mama’s between them and none of them are Americans. I See that Foreigners only will do some jobs that Americans refuse because than have dignity!!
You are correct I almost used it yesterday with another curse word "fu****rd* but caught myself. Thanks for the reminder...we can get angry but never lower ourselves to their level.
I still do not like the "tarded" thing. As a parent of a special needs child who had to rewire my own brain out of saying "retarded" when I did so as a kid, I fully understand how hurtful a term that can be. Not to mention associating it with Orange Hitler.
This post is offensive, unhinged, and just barely English. This may have been written by a Trumper wanting to make the Left appear unintelligent and hateful.
Such truthful language🤣🤣🤣
Baby #1 and #13 forced Elon to touch an actual woman.
Is Nazi inbred?
13 more fuck ups
It’s the poor that they despise.
Yet many of Musk’s most ardent cheerleaders are themselves people of limited education and means.
So to fangirl over Musk and take his notions to heart, first they must learn to despise themselves.
Because he uses IVF & crispR to produce male prodigy & he possesses &controls the embryos, who knows how many surgates are being used?
The problem is women prioritize the children over the partner.
Indeed it may be hard work for both parents. Part of that hard work might include men having to look after themselves to some extent.
Much lovely respect to those girls. <3
It's saying the same thing as
what it claims to hate.
How mature!
Spectrum aside, the mom is a woman & Eloff is (genetically) a man.
Musk wasn't nominated and confirmed.
The cabinet members were approved by the R majority including all the fake evangelicals.
You know, because they were experienced and morally upstanding.
[Even automiscorrect changes afraid of vaginas to Fred of vagrancy. It not homosexual , it’s hobosexual. Lol]
Now we are back to Rush Limbaugh and his single mother welfare queen schtick that he employed after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine to great success.
He made so much from that attack that he could afford to fly to Haiti to rape children.
She admitted to being brainwashed into having 3 abortions, despite believing abortion is murder.
She blocked me because she couldn't handle me calling her a murderer. Hypocrites.
And if Jesus came to Earth, those would be the first that he would banish from this earth
*sarcasm-please don’t really think I would say that
That's their mantra.
Google 👇
-Judge Roy Bean