With a 40+ year career in communications (arts, social services, higher ed) I knew it was time to retire when one of the department goals was to incorporate AI in our work. I was an early adopter of technology throughout my career until then.
No offense to any former coworkers that you still hold in high regard but that is the dumbest goal I have ever heard. Last time I tried (and it’s been several months) AI could not correctly alphabetize a list of 50 words. That’s something I tried doing when I was kicking its tires.
There is no intelligence in “artificial intelligence”. It wouldn’t be able to do a single thing without the human knowledge, understanding, and creativity that came before it (or steals from.)
AI could never grasp the true Jenny Lawson voice. I don’t care how smart it is. AI write me a story involving a huge metal chicken that inspires me to buy metal chickens every time I see them. Good luck.
Ahahahaha. When I looked at the screenshot, before reading your explanation, I thought it was suggesting an auto-translate to Polish language, which seems like a VERY specific suggestion, but not going to judge it.
Omgosh this is hysterical!! I also hate AI! I wish it would just do stuff that actually made our lives better instead of trying to turn us all into capitalist zombies
About the only folks I ever see who actually like ai are the charlatans who are trying to promote the slop. And also bots. Who are usually controlled by the same charlatans who are trying to promote the slop 😕
I left two jobs inside of a year when they started steamrolling ahead with plans to use gen 'AI'. Replaced my Android with an iPhone when Google crammed Gemini into their text app with no way to remove it. Turned off spellcheck in gmail to try to kill this (though mainly I try to avoid using gmail).
I absolutely hate it, and do all I can to turn it off. If you have AI in your MS Word, you are allowing it to scrape your documents for AI learning. TURN IT OFF.
Not the same, but this reminds me of Microsoft changing my name from Liz to Lizard several times because it apparently though I was misspelling my own name. Thanks for the laugh. I too hate AI.
Preferences > Privacy
Click on:
“Manage Connected Experiences” at the bottom
I Unchecked everything there.
I preferred your version, tbh
Just another reason not to email. I’m so sorry, Jenny. Don’t give up the good fight. Love you!