Kidnapping a rapist, taking them to a body of water with a lot of hungry alligators, and knowing that the FWC really only cares that we fed the dangerous wild animals.
Oh wait. That's a book plot, not my attempt to visit the SA's office.
You see. You dont want to pour scolding hot water on someone. Its not very effective. Instead add a bunch of honey to the boiling water first so it sticks to the skin and hurts longer… at least in my book
Permanent solution to a temporary problem. If life has gotten so bad you consider that please conciser instead just blowing it up in some other way and starting over. If the people in your life arent helping get new people. Theres a family out there with a you sized hole waiting to be filled.
On reflection I can see how what I said would be misunderstood and I actually really appreciate your kind words. But what I meant was deicide as in "killing a god"
Oh wait. That's a book plot, not my attempt to visit the SA's office.