I'm crying we put down our dog Chester in July. we did the same thing. The vet came to the house. Chester was lying on the bed with me holding him. Just like the posting Chester was old and tired and he hurt. It was time. They live in our hearts forever.
From childhood Belka, Teddy, Bonnie, Samantha, Tristan, Sombra, Mia, Max, Russell, Roma, Sam, and now Russellita and Audrey everyone taught me, loved me and I love them.
I... Couldn't do it for my dog. My brother had to. I couldn't... I couldn't be there. Couldn't watch them do it. Couldn't watch it happen. Couldn't watch it end.
That cartoon touches my heart, and every time I read it, it moves me to tears. Wishing comfort and light to everyone grieving the loss of their fur babies.
I’ve buried both my parents and I miss them dearly they were very good to me and loved me, but taking my dog to the vet for the very last time has stuck with me on an equal level
I'm with you. The look in their eyes, the heavy sighs, they know. But please folks, don't abandon your animal at the last. Hold them, touch them, speak softly to them as they pass on. They deserve that honor.
Thinking of you this morning George. I know there is a big hole in your heart. It’s hard to feel that emptiness for a while. I’m glad you’ve got your girl to help you through. Big love to you and Lenore. Smokey will be waiting for you. 🤍
Noooooooooooooooooo, I just got the diagnosis for my old boy today, he has cancer I'm devastated. I know he's old but I want him to be with me forever. He's the most beautiful dog ever.
“Heaven is by favor; if it were by merit your dog would go in and you would stay out. Of all the creatures ever made (man) is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.” - Mark Twain
So sorry George. I don't know you but I can tell you loved him so much and I know he loved every moment he had with you, because that's all they ever do.
I'm so sorry George. We put down our 16.5 year old precious girl two weeks ago so this brought tears to my eyes. She had a wonderful spoiled life, but it was time for her to cross the rainbow and we knew it was coming. Still hurts though.
Alfie (R) was poorly. He'd suffered enough ailments throughout his life. Charlie was strong and fit and able, liked his chuck and loved his walks, but his mind was going. Lost them over two years ago, still sorely missed.
I never met my older sister, but my human tries to show me pictures of her sometimes. He always seems to have something wrong with his eyes when he does, though.
I think this is on the money. Losing a pet is always heartbreaking. The solace is knowing that you gave him as much love and joy over the years as he gave you.
Watson and I are good for a bit longer and I am grateful.
Humans, dogs, most of we Earthlings – are members of the Ephemeroptera, we fly briefly. A dog’s shorter life reminds us: make the most of your time.
“Don’t be trivial.” – Paul Erdős
I am currently reliving the loss of my best girl. It's been two years and I have a new good boy, but it still hurts.
Her name was Mudd and I hung her collar on the Rainbow Bridge in Lake Lure, NC last summer. The floods took the bridge, so now I imagine those pups playing in the river forever.
That just happened a few weeks ago with 2 of my guinea pigs over the course of 2 weeks. I haven't felt so awful in years.
And now my pet fish is dying. Having pets is hard.
It crushed me. But it also seemed to make it just a bit easier.
Dogs are the best. We don’t deserve them.
You were, clearly, blessed.
This was my guy “Leo”. He was the best buddy puppy ever. He’s been gone seven months and it still feels like he left us today.
I... Couldn't do it for my dog. My brother had to. I couldn't... I couldn't be there. Couldn't watch them do it. Couldn't watch it happen. Couldn't watch it end.
And now I feel guilty. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
XOXO Monte
I’m not crying
I’m not crying
I’m not crying
Dammit…okay. I’m crying. ❤️❤️💕💕🐾🐾
Shame the same thing doesn't exist in most places when it hurts too much as a human rather than a pet.
We don't deserve dogs.
much more than they get.
Humans, dogs, most of we Earthlings – are members of the Ephemeroptera, we fly briefly. A dog’s shorter life reminds us: make the most of your time.
“Don’t be trivial.” – Paul Erdős
Her name was Mudd and I hung her collar on the Rainbow Bridge in Lake Lure, NC last summer. The floods took the bridge, so now I imagine those pups playing in the river forever.