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Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
If a left-leaning billionaire would offer security and protective services for any Republican and their families who showed some courage we could end this. They are literally fearing for their lives from credible death threats. It's no excuse. They took an oath. But a little protection would help
Well we know it won’t be the Washington Post. The paper that brought Nixon to Justice is now afraid of offending the worst POTUS in US history.
Billionaires… who needs them?
The US 🇺🇸 newspapers should also mention Ukraine giving up their nukes in exchange for the USA to protect them and for Russia to agree to agree to not attack them.
It almost sounds like the USA did not hold their part of the bargain.
It should also be mentioned that USA was the first to use NATO.
You mean the ones with the headlines about a "shouting match" between Trump and Zekensky, as if both sides were equal participants instead of one trying to berate and strongarm the other like common Mafia henchmen?
I think the Epstein list has so many important people’s name’s in it that DJT is using it for maybe Blackmail or something, not that DJT ever breaks the law.
Don’t count on the mainstream media who is bought and paid by the billionaires who are in bed with the CURRENT slime corrupt REGIME RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT INTO THE GROUND
They also should get a backbone and tell that Russian Propaganda Press Secretary she can knock off her smirky remarks and answer their questions… she and everyone in Trumps Regime forget that they work for us! Not the other way around! Losers.
I think every sane person despise them. But that the president of the United States gave them a private jet flight and welcomed them in his country. That should say enough too every woman in the world.
Most media outlets are now owned by a small handful of billionaires who use them to manipulate the public into supporting their personal financial and political goals. We need to use radical methods to change this narrative.
Trump is trying to tap down Americans disgust with his Alliance with Putin, He posted Sunday: "We should spend less time worrying about Putin, and more time worrying about migrant rape gangs, drug lords, murderers, and people from mental institutions entering our Country.."
That was an excellent point when Mikel Jollett made it a few days ago in those exact words. Just give credit where it’s due, please. We’re in this together.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
I agree. I knew from the second I heard Zelensky was going to make a deal with trump. - that the vindictive S.O.B would try to take his revenge. He even went on a rave about poor Putin - had to suffer with him through "Russia, Russia, Russia". What suffering did Putin have?
Sadly! that is why all News outlets even one's considered "Main Stream" are being Labeled FAKE NEWS !!! Headlines should read " TRUMP SIDES WITH PUTIN " But NONE!! of them have any GUTS!
Won't make the cut in the new world of chicken shit reporting.Only want to hear a sanitized version of news, one that won't upset the 🍊 imbecile and Ketomine Ken, MAGA REPUBLICAN CULT and the NEW AMERICAN OLIGARCHS.State news and state TV not far away. The Nazi Playbook is playing out in real time.
They can't report the truth or facts anymore. The Orange dictator won't let them anymore. He sues them if they tell the truth media is just propaganda now.
I've heard it repeatedly on CNN and MSNBC. Along with the fact that Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in 1994 in exchange for security guarantees from the West.
I have no idea expectations the media will start to do their jobs. The media of old is gone. The Democrats had a chance to restore some sort of order with media outlets when they had control but were focused on other stuff like pronouns. Don’t get me wrong that’s important but for a small group.
I also wish they would correctly state the whole "thank you" issue. Vance was demanding Zelenskyy say thank you for what dumpster has done for them NOT claiming he has never said thank you. Which is ABSURD because there's nothing to rank them for.
They might also add, just occasionally, that Russia is the aggressor here, and that they occupy parts of Ukraine illegally, while still killing Ukrainians to this day.
This is what I"m saying!
What Turnip is doing to Ukraine is a 'two-fer' for Russia and one for payback for not giving Turnip dirt on Joe (the FIRST impeachment: the QPQ). 😡
Mainstream news is just useless (for whatever reason) and we can't relay on anything from them. Good argument to bring in to the next impeachment process tho...
I'd also like them to mention the Ukraine gave up it's own nuclear weapons in exchange for a promise of protection from the United States and other allies from exactly what is happening now. WHAT EXACTLY WAS ZELENSKY SUPPOSED TO BE THANKING TRUMP FOR? Betrayal and extortion?
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Billionaires… who needs them?
It almost sounds like the USA did not hold their part of the bargain.
It should also be mentioned that USA was the first to use NATO.
Spread the Message!
You dont need to dig deep to understand trumps anger.
The timing of his entry into politics after this trip
Depose Trump, dismantle the Reich…
Trump humiliated Ukraine. Now, they want Zelenskyy to bow or step down?
✔ Stop funding billionaire-controlled media.
✔ Demand real journalism, not corporate-backed propaganda.
We stand against authoritarianism.
🏴 #LaResistencia
- NYT think-piece, probably
Zelensky was very restrained. A classy president.
🍊 very much less so....
What Turnip is doing to Ukraine is a 'two-fer' for Russia and one for payback for not giving Turnip dirt on Joe (the FIRST impeachment: the QPQ). 😡