The GOP is selling their votes to the NRA for political donations. The only concern they have is staying in power & making money. They can keep their thoughts & prayers. Gun control now! No teacher or child is safe. I'll take a "F" grade from the NRA. Foxtrot Delta Tango!
Don't be fooled for a minute. Trump and family LOVES that people are targeting Tesla dealerships. It keeps them away from Mar a Lago and Trump buildings and hotels.
Spot on. Elon plays villain & takes the heat for the Republicans fever dream (Project 2025)… Something that would be political suicide for them. Then R’s watch it burn, hoping the heat passes them by.
What’s in it for Musk? Starlink at every level of government and a data mining jackpot of course.
Elon Musk is a straw man. All of his orders come from Trump. All of his power in government is conferred upon him by Trump. The apparency that Elon is dismantling U.S. Government by himself in some whimsical policy experiment is false.
Funny, how we are totally opposite thinkers on that topic! I do agree that Trump is primarily responsible for everything Doge, and thus Musk, does. But the idea of having AI on the loose to find discrepanties in the Government is definitely not Trump. He just sells cars, abuses women, bankrupts, etc
We agree again on Elon's mission. He is feeding his own AI with the information, that's for sure. I haven't figured out the purpose. I only know that for decades I've been telling people that he who controls communication and information rules the world. He is aiming for President of the World?
Stocks. It's an international gambling pit. This is an hourly or one day statistic chart. You need to look at a six week trend to understand what is happening.
Yeah, it is. But somehow these days it's an American oligarch table. And yes. I've left the gambling word out. It's a sure bet for them, these days, if they follow Governmental advice and instructions.
At its core, conservatism values property over literally everything else. So it should be no surprise that they are far more concerned about a car than a child.
Lives are meaningless to them. Property means everything to them.
School shootings are regularly condemned by people across the entire political spectrum. Committing arson by burning teslas is currently being celebrated by those on the left.
This post is attempting to justify these acts of terrorism by blaming unrelated gun laws.
At the risk of sounding all “conspiracy theoristy”, I have to think: Swastikaars not selling and Muskolini not getting paid for the cars. But, if they burn, insurance covers the cost plus, Tesla doesn’t have to do expensive recalls on Wankpanzers……and he’s got their own security service…..
That’s weird… I’m in another conversation, right now, where people are paying $96 (with shipping and taxes) for a t-shirt that sells for $15.99 elsewhere.
If people can afford to pay that much for a t-shirt, they can afford other things.
That is completely untrue. We were going to buy a Tesla, I bought a Subaru instead. I have a number of friends who brought EVs from other companies because they did not want to patronize Tesla. The huge drop in sales of Tesla proves your statement false.
For people wanting the EVIDENCE.. you can go to Election Truth Aliance.. or I can remind you that Trump in still under indictment and his people have plead guilty to hacking of voting systems.. I know people forget but I don't
He is still part of the problem. A true comrade would work for the dismantling of the system. People like AOC and sadly Bernie sanders are exactly the type of people lenin spoke about at length of being full of shit. Fake communists fake socialists. In the way.
Every country devotes a national budget to trained trolls and this unregulated mass communication source. These trolls, post, upvote, report, follow, comment, and reply according to their employment requirements. These are not just pictures and words, they are subliminal.
The coup d’etat is off the rails
because Leon did 3 super correct
White Power Nazi Salutes and
was photographed while doing it.
They’ll never get an actual majority
of passive and active consent
for a WP Nazi/WP Christian
agenda without STEALTH.
Arsonist sets fire causing the loss of hundreds of lives, homes, and thousands of acres of forest: Well, if Gavin had swept the forest, maybe arsonist wouldn’t even exist.
Teslas Burn: Don’t they know people leave their children and pets in cars? (actual quote)
it isn't even "thoughts and prayers" anymore. they verbally attack the victims guardians because "well homeschooling/private schooling is better than public school anyway. it's the parents fault." they will happily watch children be slaughtered if it boosts their narrative.
Because white supremacists always blame everyone else…and 99% of them are done by white guys…that’s why…racism has nothing to do with this comment…it’s about truth.
Next up: Simulator classes for Tesla drivers using Carmageddon to train driving over protesters.
Or they'll just train the AI with the game. Fuck "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm." Just replace "human being" by "wearer of a red hat."
soon every American will have to buy a Tesla even if they drive or don’t drive, even straight from the womb
You won’t get a social security number, you’ll have to buy your newborn a Tesla even though it will inevitably die of preventable childhood diseases
I was surprised someone saw this inherently obvious connection. And then I saw who it was from, as if a Kristal ball was placed in front of you allowing you to say exactly the correct words. Thank you for making it from YouTube to Delphi 2.0 The BSKY. I've been sleeping on your content. Thanks.🗽🌟🦁✝️
Oh, look, a nazi has made it to blue sky. You don't belong here, little fascist kkkunt. Go back to Twitter where you belong, least you find yourself unable to continue breathing.
Research done. You are incorrect they have been a part of a full Republican Christian family straight white males who have stated homophobic and racial sht on their social media. Bet that burns your cheeks huh.
It used to be thoughts and prayers. Now these nutjobs dive through as much information as possible about the shooter to see if they can find the slightest whiff of leftism or being trans and/or gay and run with that.
Luckily most school shooters either take themselves out, or are taken out on the scene.
Maybe with a little luck the ones setting fire can start taking themselves out as well
Nope both are mentally ill people lashing out, one at people, the other at an American company with American workers. Both deserve the maximum prison time.
While I support Tesla protests, you can't deny they're politically motivated and terrorism has long been defined as the use or threat of violence for political ends.
Of course that makes any stand against political tyranny "terrorism" so that carries its own problems...
They understand us hurting their wallets. That can be done in other ways that, at least for now, aren't considered terrorism. Though it wouldn't surprise me that we'll tread closer to even boycotts being classified as terrorism.
Not a single word from the maggot crowd when their dear leader cuts off funding to those suffering from malnutrition, but they make an uproar when an inanimate object gets burned.
So if a bunch of abortion clinics were to get fire bombed, you wouldn’t complain about the blatant act of terror because the building was an inanimate object?🤔
Too many Americans love their guns more than children. They love their homes, cars & possessions more than their families & neighbors. Money is their deepest love. Trump is their hero because like them his money & possessions are more important to him than anything else on earth.
Pretty accurate especially when (I don't know where this was I just remember it was from some kind of video I think it was from Brian Tyler cohen but I can't remember exactly) 30% of the us population are these assholes
🤔 Burning down other people's property & threatening people for the "crime" of driving a Tesla, is violence. Eventuality, one of your perpetually violent "woke" will kill someone in a dealership, or driving a Tesla, Or! they'll encounter a "Try That in a Small Town" type.
Fuck with my social security and you and your asshole pieces of shit will redefine what Domestic Terrorism really is. There are Americans that won't tolerate this shit. There is always a breaking point. Push the button and FAFO
Or when Trump & his administration are not only doing crimes but wiping their asses with the Constitution daily while also targeting judges who aren’t allowing themselves to be walked all over on, like Congress.
This is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They don’t want to do anything about mass shootings but if you touch a rich man’s car it will be death. I think it will be the end of Tesla and that is a good thing.
is t it weird how all schoolshooting are made by white people and all they say is thoughts and prayers but if it was a gay or immigrant they all wold march asking for the death penalty and the deportation and death of all immigrants and gay people!?? is been done that why i say it whites are stupid!
but still 82% is way above the average white people keep claiming is black and hispanic but is grate to have the evidence but i had some whites angry blocking me cuz they don’t like the evidence and i don’t give a dam i’m not making excuses for them
yea i have seen the news 90% of them is white people cuz they are the only dumb asses bring guns to their teens who are always acting up, i use to live in buffalo and i know what im talking about so yea in the US schools shooting are mostly cary out by white people
go Fuck your self is not my spelling is you being a stupid retard trying to argue a pint you lost decades ago when white stater enslaving people and forcing their beliefs on others for profits and control of a population!!!! so if you’re white i understand why your arguing a lost cause 😂
Remember when original Postal had a scene with an elementary school for the sake of being edgy and a shock value because surely this can't happen in real life? How the world can change in 20+ years...
What’s really sad 😢 is how leftists will bend over backwards in mental gymnastics to condone blatant acts of terrorism.
Setting fire to a car to send a political message is an act of terrorism.
Someone said they wouldn’t be surprised if Elon was paying someone to blow them up for him and if that were indeed the case I wouldn’t be all that surprised either
My life is very good. I don't need your peace and love. What would be better if people who think like you would violently stop destroying other people's property. I'm all for peacefully expressing whatever opposing views, even the most offensive and hateful ideas.
It's significantly less violent than shooting up a school or threatening to annex a country. Poorly made cars are begging for extra decoration if they are funding a nazi takeover of america.
People should be angry about anyone shooting up any place regardless of the race or gender of the person.
Conservatives don’t tend to focus on the identity of the subject and focus more on the act itself.
Liberals tend to focus more on the identity of the subject and the act is secondary.
Don't worry. With #Krasnov destroying the Dept. of Ed. we won't have to worry about pesky school shootings with public schools closing and Richie rich kids at private school will be safe with the PMCs hired as security.
I agree with the sentiment of the cartoon, but I do remember working on an Eco Terrorism case 20 years ago where some vigilantes set SUV’s on fire at a dealership in Oregon, so I don’t think the terrorism claim is entirely unfounded or unprecedented, legally speaking. 🤷♀️
The self defense statute in WI allows people to defend themselves against a reasonable belief of imminent death or great bodily harm. With deadly force if necessary.
Explain how the self defense statute didn't apply to the circumstances that Rittenhouse faced.
According to Trump's merry band of assholes, attacking Tesla is now considered domestic terrorism and you face up to 20 years, and this is coming from a group led by a CONVICT, RAPISTS, EXTORTIONIST, etc etc etc...
I'm posting this emergent message wherever I can...
Judges, Politicians, Americans - do something!
Otherwise, we're all to blame.
Think about Trump's most beloved (disgraced & disbarred) mentor.
When he was asked:
Aren't you a tax evader, owe millions?
"Don't blame me for your inadequacies."
I love the Cuphead reference! It took me a minute. They should either find all violence abhorrent or prepare to be called out on selective outrage and conditional empathy. I don't want people to get injured in the reclaiming of our country, but I know why they're angry. Fascists fought dirty first.
Getting rid of firebomb-Tesla`s is a service.
When people do this for free, Musk, Vance and DungBall Trump should be incredible grateful, and they should say thank you.
Measles cases rise
Voters: "Maybe we should've prioritized healthcare?"
All for it. Let's hear what you got.
What’s in it for Musk? Starlink at every level of government and a data mining jackpot of course.
Fox should be as high up as Tesla in the sabotaging/boycotting/defacing department.
Lives are meaningless to them. Property means everything to them.
We need more people to understand this!
that seems like terror
This post is attempting to justify these acts of terrorism by blaming unrelated gun laws.
It’s like boycotting a product that you never intended to buy.
Taking a knee is more effective… and it’s not really effective at all.
If people can afford to pay that much for a t-shirt, they can afford other things.
I didn’t speak in absolutes.
Most people calling for the boycott of Tesla can even afford the cheaper EV vehicles.
When the terrorists torch the charging centers, that will be really fun for the rest of the EV owners.
Maybe it’s time to reconsider EV cars
No more #Swasticars !
He is still part of the problem. A true comrade would work for the dismantling of the system. People like AOC and sadly Bernie sanders are exactly the type of people lenin spoke about at length of being full of shit. Fake communists fake socialists. In the way.
because Leon did 3 super correct
White Power Nazi Salutes and
was photographed while doing it.
They’ll never get an actual majority
of passive and active consent
for a WP Nazi/WP Christian
agenda without STEALTH.
Leon fucked that up 100%🤣
Teslas Burn: Don’t they know people leave their children and pets in cars? (actual quote)
Or they'll just train the AI with the game. Fuck "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm." Just replace "human being" by "wearer of a red hat."
You won’t get a social security number, you’ll have to buy your newborn a Tesla even though it will inevitably die of preventable childhood diseases
World Leadership has failed children.
But hitting tesla will hit them in their wallets.
And you can't have that!
Do your research.
i am calling bullshit on your drivel. PROVE IT. provide links.
of course you won’t because MAGAt assholes never reply to questions with real answers.
Read this and find out who said "Don't f*** with a veteran..."
Maybe with a little luck the ones setting fire can start taking themselves out as well
Bluesky is lazy af
Of course that makes any stand against political tyranny "terrorism" so that carries its own problems...
You clearly missed the point and are the problem.
Think about dead kids vs a scratched car.
You see how it's absurd defending a billionaire that could not care less about you?
Smearing shit on an IncelCamino, destroying TSLR property, yelling at DRIVERS: Terrorism... PLUS
Poe's Law is the only law left apparently.
Fuck with my social security and you and your asshole pieces of shit will redefine what Domestic Terrorism really is. There are Americans that won't tolerate this shit. There is always a breaking point. Push the button and FAFO
Republicans have always protected property over people. Same with cops
All racist rapists.
Setting fire to a car to send a political message is an act of terrorism.
A Tesla is no better than any other car.
Conservatives don’t tend to focus on the identity of the subject and focus more on the act itself.
Liberals tend to focus more on the identity of the subject and the act is secondary.
Vandalism by setting fire to the cars to send a political message is an act of terrorism.
Are you condoning an act of terrorism because you failed to be able to sell your political ideology?
MAGA:I kill you in the name of Donald Trump for that.
Me: And you should died for smashing the windows of capital building at DC
MAGA: What you siad Terorist?
Me: Actually you the terrorist. Because when breaking windows make me one. I be lock as a kid.
MAGA: ahh
Explain how the self defense statute didn't apply to the circumstances that Rittenhouse faced.
4 years of presidency…
Amongst many other crimes and despicable acts committed by this shit stain president.
Judges, Politicians, Americans - do something!
Otherwise, we're all to blame.
Think about Trump's most beloved (disgraced & disbarred) mentor.
When he was asked:
Aren't you a tax evader, owe millions?
"Don't blame me for your inadequacies."
Try to keep up.
WHITE MALES should be designated a terrorist group.
When people do this for free, Musk, Vance and DungBall Trump should be incredible grateful, and they should say thank you.