I did my doctoral dissertation (1986) on the idea of a public informed by the press.
I'm not sure that idea survives this.
I'm not sure that idea survives this.
Citizens United is one of the many bad things that has resulted in insensible campaigns and elections. A colossally bad thing, but one of many.
For those who missed it:
There was another part where Dewey says that if the informed public is going to emerge it will need more than solid information well distributed.
There's an art we have yet to develop, he says. Today we call it engagement.
Sure Shakespeare's sales were smaller.
Not sure most ppl ever got their news from "the press". Can it still set news judgment standards for cable news? There may be a role.
In my book, I discuss the problem that Jefferson ignored.
No, the problem of paying for public information is quite vexed and we have not yet done it well or correctly.
Don't stop fighting the fight.
The strength of the fourth estate matters.
Is your dissertation available, BTW?
I’d better get that thread of valuable snippets from people and save it before people there delete their accounts (which I hope many won’t even if they get inactive)!
"Ooh was that wise?"
I tried to send the same alert with "verification in reverse." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTUknN1_JR4
Didn't work, of course.
That should have been a warning for us.
"They became what they beheld."
Because a massive amount of those who voted weren't informed, and not by the press…
How many Californians know what is going on in middle America?
And that's even after Roger Ailes had his famous epiphany: that a separate media could be built for propaganda purposes.
Do we need a Social Media Tobin Tax?
What we have has failed extremely badly. But it's also asymmetric, and I think it worked better in the past when it wasn't.
"Asymmetry between the major parties fries the circuits of the mainstream press." https://pressthink.org/2016/09/asymmetry-between-the-major-parties-fries-the-circuits-of-the-mainstream-press/