Some of his readers have asked Mike Masnick why his technology news site, Tech Dirt, has been covering politics so intensely lately.
I cannot recommend Mike's reply enough. It's exactly what readers need to hear, what journalists need to do.
I cannot recommend Mike's reply enough. It's exactly what readers need to hear, what journalists need to do.
“Like Techdirt and Wired, serious people in the legal space are being radicalized because they understand that this isn’t a game and that the liberal press does not have an obligation to present illiberalism as a point of view worthy of consideration."
I just can't understand how business types don't/can't see that uncertainty and corruption make for long-term disaster.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Spot on.
Clear, understandable, and eloquent.
Thanks for posting.
I can't recommend it enough.
Trump's apparatus = replacing ours w/ a planned economy.
But right now, the story that matters most is how the dismantling of American institutions threatens everything else we cover. When the fundamental structures that enable innovation, protect civil liberties, and foster open dialogue are under attack, every other tech policy story
becomes secondary.
What we’re witnessing isn’t just another political cycle or policy debate — it’s an organized effort to destroy the very systems that have made American innovation possible. Whether this is by design, or by incompetence, doesn’t much matter (though it’s likely
a combination of both). Unlike typical policy fights where we can disagree on the details while working within the system, this attack aims to demolish the system itself.
Remember all those tech CEOs who thought they could control Trump? All those VCs who figured they could profit
from chaos? All those business leaders who decided that “woke institutions” were a bigger threat than authoritarian power grabs? They’re learning a very expensive lesson about the difference between creative destruction and just plain destruction.
We’re going to keep covering this
story because, frankly, it’s the only story that matters right now, and one that not everyone manages to see clearly. The political press may not understand what’s happening (or may be too afraid to say it out loud), but those of us who’ve spent decades studying how technology
and power interact? We see it and we can’t look away.
"This isn’t about politics — it’s about the systematic dismantling of the very ... framework that allowed American innovation to thrive .... the line between “tech coverage” and “saving democracy” has disappeared. It’s all the same thing."