i think a big part of why the “these guys are weird” message is satisfying is that they’ve had an unchallenged lock on “we represent mainstream middle america” as a brand for decades even as the stuff they were talking about got wildly outside of the mainstream and now it’s finally being challenged
I don't agree that they have had a lock on "we represent mainstream middle America" - they haven't since reagan - they have been totally for the very rich for decades.
*ok, well, technically, still younger then than either Trump or Biden are currently
Trump is 78 (born June 1946). Biden is 81 (born Nov 1942)
So many of us weirdos hate that our badge of honor is being used as a stickpin.
You'll find another code.
In the meantime think of it as a medieval knight's shiny metal fancy dress accessories being used as weaponry.
You've subversively given your side the nuclear code
(to mix a metaphor).
But, i can easily recognize the difference between,
"Wow! Look at that weird sculpture! How mind-bogglingly cool!" and "Woah. Get your laws out of my uterus. Stop being so weird."
...and it's been like that long enough that they're way off from popular opinion on almost everything.
Society moves in waves. Increasing media saturation speeds up the societal shifts. Eg.
50s/60s-acquiring picket fence respectability
60s/70s-rejecting materialism/ hippie torn jeans
70s/80s-greed is good
90s->/hard rock shifted to grunge metal->pop->rap (+associated styles)
This repressive ere (yes, I'm looking at you, Floridians) is absolutely Victorian in that information (history/health/sex stuff) is hypocritically suppressed by those in wealth/power->
My point is, this decade the pendulum swung fast and hard->
Today? It's been less than a week.
Nations are vibrating! "Weird" is the vehicle of change!->
The speed has increased exponentially. This wave is less than a decade since decency filters were discarded for cosplay morals. Backlash can be a beach.
I know we're in for joyful excesses, and perhaps civil war.
Whatever happens. Like we've seen in Dr. Who, ->
...I have a weird-ass lazy eye, so I can say it.
These people are freaks.
“We’re delivering on the wishes of the British people”, they said. No, they weren’t; they were delivering on what their rich backers, Putin and the fawning, poodle Tory press with their offshore owners (plus the BBC) were pushing…..🤬🤬🤬🤬
And the Broidy payoff was obviously a) for Trump and b) for the abortion.
and annoying AF