It's just 90 minutes of Mr Bean wandering the streets of NY aimlessly saying "oh the humanity" while seeking a human connection to remind him how precious human life is.
Everything in the trailer makes it look like that's what's happening but in the first act he gets whisked away to NY. When he arrives, the audience discovers to its horror that it's not set in modern day when Bean picks up this news paper
Like he catches them and then also is tasked with escorting them and interrogating them and you can just imagine that he ends up having the terrorists swapped with an elderly couple flying home to a small town in Indiana.
In the movie, we keep checking in on both. The elderly couple is interrogated and sent to Guantanamo. They become radicalized, and escape to Pakistan. They're at Bin Laden's house the night of the raid.
Meanwhile, the Saudis adapt to small town life and settle down.
Only it's not Osama's kiss, it's Mr. Bean. He was ostracized after allowing 9/11, went to the only country that would take him, rented the basement from a very nice dude, and somehow married multiple women.
What interests me is what year he could have gotten away with a "totally not 9/11" 9/11 movie. They made the Tom Cruise "War of the Worlds" in 2005. I'm thinking maybe 2011?
Meanwhile, the Saudis adapt to small town life and settle down.
But also... lol.