every job is at best tolerable until you drop dead or retire, except congressperson, which from the way they cling to power must feel like riding down a water slide 24/7
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I had a friend run for school board and win, knocking out some dude who had been there 20 years. He has been isolated and somehow moved the entire board to the right, despite them all claiming to be dems, because he didn't ask permission to win. It's a country club for assholes
Kirsten Sinema seemed to just devote her time to running marathons, and only show up to the senate floor once in a while to make sure minimum wage workers stay poor.
I think they keep their healthcare for life if they've been in the House for at least ten years before retiring. So not a reason to stay on as an elderly person for most of them.
An aristocracy which is not the government, could never be the government, cannot do the government's job--but is mistaken for the government by the ignorant.
My theory is that years of being exposed to suck up staffers that exaggerate how great and irreplaceable you are (because they want your seat when you leave) gets to their head and they start believing they really are the only people who can do this
I think I appreciate this perspective except I kinda assume its a water slide in the sense that they’re having a blast pointing at the plebs below them and they piss in the pool after on the off chance someone else is allowed in.
These same actions these legislators even the democrats flaunt around would’ve landed them in jail when I was younger….sound like every old geezer that’s ever been
Or maybe it’s less like a water slide and more like sitting in a hot tub of power and privilege, where the only work is making sure no one kicks you out. Retirement probably feels like getting tossed into a cold pool no wonder they hang on for dear life.
I absolutely do not want MORE responsibility when I am 74. I want to spend my 70s going for little walks and reading books and seeing Wednesday matinee plays that must be exclusively for retirees because who else is going to the theater at 2pm on a Wednesday?
I have to assume it's because the ratio of privileges/actual labor you need to put in is so skewed. Ultimately you need to read some documents, sit on a bench during a few sessions and then check a yes or no answer box. But like you get chauffeurs and attendants and shit tho that's something
The worst part is that, if someone really tries to do their job in Congress as it should, it's absurdly exhausting and miserable, so they end retiring burned out, or stop caring and start being as shitty as possible, which results in the job becoming much more amenable
To be clear, the reason for this stark difference is that the other congresspeople see a striving newcomer as a threat, and will isolate and bully them as punishment.
Exactly. It’s like an exclusive club where the old guard does everything they can to maintain the status quo. Newcomers with ambition are seen as threats to their comfort, not as allies for progress.
remembering when chris coons got hopping fucking mad about the idea of having to stay at work because he had valentines day vacation plans and so they just gave up on pursuing impeachment entirely in order to ensure their pal could have his vacation
The decision to die in office is complicated tbh. You have to looked at it through the lense of "other people don't matter" and "life on earth ends with me"
Ever since I was I kid I wanted to be a gangst-er, uh politician.
“It’s like being a movie star with muscle.”
Were you just making a statement that many people do not enjoy making speeches?
Sorry I am confused about why you made the first comment