This guy’s always whining that people and government are getting in the way of him becoming filthy rich off other people's labor and data.
Reposted from
Erin Fogg
Oh for fucks sake
1. Licensing the content.
2. Track references that AI makes (no matter how small).
3. Pay rights holders.
And if you need something to help you figure out how to do it, maybe rely on your AI.
On the other hand, if you steal a carrot because you're hungry, the fabric of civilisation will be irreparably damaged.
“But it’s a PAINTING! It was made for people to see! I was just going to show it to other people at my house!”
What's the matter, Sam? Forgot to have an "exit strategy"?
Over-leveraged. About to fail.
Utter wanker
Come on. Be fair guys.
All other industries license IP. Tech doesn’t get a pass.
No going back after this #PandorasBox
Don't believe me? Go read/listen to any of's work in the last few years. Generative AI is nothing but a waste of money, energy, attention, and is destroying the ability of people to fucking think.