There's phenomenal hiking all over the Cascades but I've only done it in the summer. Can't imagine how cold it is at the summit of South Sister right now.
The Washington Park/Wildwood Trail/Pittock Mansion walk/s is/are so lovely & can be as short or as long as one needs. Not just the Japanese Garden, but the International Rose Test Garden & Arboretum & full of unexpected surprises & delights.
I love Multnomah Falls, if the trail to the top is open. Cape Perpetua has an incredible view from the top and you CAN hike up if you REALLY want a workout. (We drive. ) Heceta Head Lighthouse is incredible, esp if they’re giving tours.
Looks like that’s only an hour away so closer is not necessary! Further is fine! I would rather have a good hike with a drive than something close and super easy or less beautiful.
i mean it's hard to go wrong, almost anywhere is going to be gorgeous, if wet. look up the Valley of the Giants tho. would have to make sure the road is open, it closes for logging sometimes. plus drift creek falls. or tillamook forest center! or alsea falls?
You're going to be spoiled for beautiful if the sun so much as peeks out. "A good Hard hike" is gonna be a bit trickier. Coastal trails might be the best bet for that? I'll ask family who might have a better feel for that sweet spot of challenge and beauty.
3 hour drive is pretty much half of Oregon and Washington.
Silver Falls is wonderful and walking behind the south falls is an experience, but I've only been in summer. It's not particularly cold and there hasn't been snow. Just rain. And rain and rain.
Next week or so is rain and temps in the 40s to 50s near sea level. But Mt Hood and Mt St Helens are each within your driving distance, as is the Pacific coast from Westport to ... Well not coos bay ... but Yachats
So there are hikes for the falls on the gorge & Bonneville Dam is impressive.
2. Overkill is Silver Falls State Park. The waterfall hike is long but a life changer. It is one long exposure to pure awesomeness
Silver Falls is wonderful and walking behind the south falls is an experience, but I've only been in summer. It's not particularly cold and there hasn't been snow. Just rain. And rain and rain.
So there are hikes for the falls on the gorge & Bonneville Dam is impressive.