But the STOOGES WERE PUT IN POWER, and they are threatening the rest of the world, 🇨🇦 & 🇲🇽 included. Until they are gone, your apologies are hollow, sorry! WTF talk of WW3, that F’n draft dodger is threatening WW3!
If the majority were the decent, democracy loving people you think they are they would have suffered hell and high water to get to the voting booths to keep this Russian owned stooge out. They simply couldn’t be arsed.
Thank you for this, the unvarnished truth as always. I volunteer to help organize some of the protests you describe--agreed, a 28-day spending boycott may be a good place to start. This madness has to end!!!!!
Our sense of shame and regret is immeasurable. Forgive us for having inflicted this scumbag Trump upon you, and for permitting him to ambush you. We will never let him live it down. Godspeed.
Tried to call the DC Ukrainian Embassy to express my apologies for the way President Zelensky was treated today by the 2 Russian stooges sitting in the oval office. There was a recorded msg with an email address that I couldn't understand. The majority of American people stand by Zelensky/Ukraine.
KO....I used to think like that before I turned 86. Now I can say with certitude......even this ugly monstrosity will have faded into obscurity and stashed beneath the proverbial "rug" in only a matter of hours or days.
I feel no shame. I didn't inflict Trump on anyone. I've been pounding the drum unceasingly since 2016. I was raised by a man with a TBI. Trump mimics anti-social symptoms, scary AF. I took on shame that didn't belong to me. Not making that mistake again. Take heart resisters, we're NOTHING like him.
How on earth did Americans after Jan 6th allow this man to even be a candidate...The new President presiding over the greatest cuntery on earth has just put on quite the display.
So what are you gonna do about it? Wait 4 years? Or start a strike, revolt or just commenting on SoMe? It’s your country but it is our world that you are destroying!
Trump has delusions of grandeur. He obviously admires dictators and aspires to be one so people have to kiss his ass. That’s obviously what he has wanted his whole life. Having it play out in public is sad and embarrassing.
Sadly you’ve inflicted him on the world and it is to the USA’s endless shame that your much-vaunted to the rest of the world democracy has fallen to a petty crook elevated to power by Russian gangsters & reality TV.
Quick update: this current administration is quickly eradicating the communists, like Keith here. While BlueSky people might be sorry, the majority of America loved it. 🇺🇸
I believe it is illegal for individual states to provide support to foreign countries, but surely our blue states could identify a collective way to keep the fight going for 🇺🇦
That was just horrible. The way Trump and Vance spoke to him. Everything Trump said. I was embarrassed, horrified and ashamed just watching that video.
And let’s collectively recognize that Vance and Trump came across as scared men who lost control of their emotions and dissolved into a fit of yelling. If they were women, there would be jokes about PMS going on. What fools
The American people absolutely demand that Trump and Vance be removed from office immediately. They are incompetent and are an embarrassment. They are Fools and Stooges for a war criminal- Putin an enemy of America!!
We are not safe in our country anymore. God help us.
I'm tired of apologizing. It is time to end this administrations behavior toward the elected and bravest of presidents, Vladimir Zaleski. Bless Ukraine and all she stands for.
That "reporter" Brian Glenn, purposefully asked his disrespectful Q. about not wearing a suit, is MTG's boyfriend so he set Zelenskyy up by getting his hackles up, though Z handled it beautifully. When that didn't work JDV went for him again. I so appreciate VZ's ability to see through this attack.
As a Ukrainian - I am in tears. How is this America now? These henchmen ambushing Zelenskyy is "strong" and the "art of the deal" SPARE ME THE BULLSHIT!
We weep with you. Then we dry our tears and fight for all of us. We will get rid of this pestilence; it might not be today, but we will fight in every way we can. So so sorry for your pain.
Sorry Keith, I think the popular vote-winning President is more qualified to speak "on behalf of the people of the United States of America" than some washed up lib "journalist."
I sincerely apologize for the disrespect President Zelenskyy has received. Many US citizens are so distraught by this. The Ukraine people are heroes. We have been praying and in support of Ukraine 🇺🇦.
The current administration is deplorable here.
I really hope Trump doesn’t make it to the end of this term—maybe through impeachment or something else. That would be the right outcome not just for Ukraine, but for Americans themselves.
I’m sorry Ukraine 🇺🇦
Millions of Americans support and stand beside you and are deeply embarrassed by how you were treated by Felon47 and his sidekick J.Dick.Vance!
Omfuckinggod!! First of all, I’m totally Outraged by all of this and more so that others will be okay with Felon47 and his side kick’s behavior!! JFC!! I’m so sorry Ukraine 🇺🇦😩😭
It's pretty obvious what the plan is here. tRUMP wants regime change in Ukraine. he called Zelensky an unelected dictator, ambushed him today to try to show he's weak and can't end the war. And finally, he was "kicked out" of the white house and not welcome back. They want someone else in his place.
After all is said and done, Zelenskyy will be hailed a hero. Statues will be built to his image, but Orange Turd's burial plot will get pissed on 'til the end of time!
Not good enough, I'm afraid.
The good people of the United States of America spent decades being preoccupied with BS, and betraying their own righteous victory in the Cold War - while Putin was already preparing his now demonstrable state capture of the US.
everyone should copy/paste this apology onto every social media site we can.... millions of us need to show the world that we do NOT stand with our president or this admin.
Omg! I hope President Zelensky knows that the majority of Americans are with him.
What a disgrace tRump and Vance were to a man that is a hero on the world stage. His courage and tenacity are so honorable.
When can I (of course nothing compared to Ukraine) wake up from this nightmare???
Me too! I am sorry President Zelenskyy! I do not support these insane people in our government. And more than likely they stole their way into our White House. Please forgive us! And know they will not be here long!!!
Donald the delusional one and JD jackass just embarrassed President Zelenskyy from Ukraine
They shouted at him they put him down. They belittled him. These two need to be removed from Office.
Donald and Vance are unfit for Office. Please repost this everywhere!
I too apologize to President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people. Trump should be impeached and removed . When will Republicans in Congress say enough is enough ? Will they ever ?
Good for Zelensky for not sucking up to this awful bully! Shame on people who brought him &Vance to the WH. This is bad even for US’s national interest. I’m embarrassed as an American! 😡
Yah, yah... I hear all the time about 'I didn't vote for him!'.
But this is now far beyond that point.
If you're an American... this is YOUR PRESIDENT!!!
Please do SOMETHING to stop this madness!!!
I just want to clarify some things: Only 63.9% of eligible voters voted. Of that 63.9% a little over half voted for Trump and the rest for Harris. 36.1% of people didn’t vote. People who didn’t care about what happens and are now suffering the consequences of their inaction. So no, not a majority.
This is the case in many democracies. But the US has the added issue of gerrymandering meaning that many votes are wasted. Both parties have played their part in this, and nobody has done anything to stop them. Own it. Fix it.
And how would you suggest we “fix it”? I would love to remove the electoral college which I feel is part of the problem. Change it to ranked choice voting. Give election days off to all workers so that everyone votes. Make voting mandatory. When laws are put in place to stop gerrymandering they are
First vote for people who are committed to fixing democracy rather than doing what’s politically expedient. Then they need to enact laws which moves control of electoral boundaries into genuinely independent bodies. Then reform appointments to the Supreme Court to ensure selection is not political.
blocked or overturned by the next administration or by right leaning judges. Lobbying is also an issue in government that should be made illegal. Politicians shouldn’t be able to take money from corporations. All we can do is protest which we have been and vote for better people rather than party.
We, the rest of the free world, are ashamed of your country. You’re a disgrace. Nothing better than Putin’s puppets run by self serving billionaires. Your people elected them, now rot in hell.
Whoa wait a minute! Not everyone in America voted or supports Felon47, we’re just as pissed & outraged & are trying to do everything we can to get him/others out asap! Millions of us stand with Ukraine! Musk purchased this election for the Felon 🤬 shits going to hit the fan sooner than later!!
I didn’t vote for Trump. I don’t even live in the states right now.
But as an American I deserve to be tarred with every brush possible. It’s our brand now. We may hate it, but until it changes, it’s all over our faces too.
I refuse to “own” this just because I am an American, I’ve fought against this with everything I had/have as one person could do, and still am! I’ve been protesting since 1971! I refuse to be acknowledged and be aligned as one of them, MAGAS. Oh hell no, but you do you ✌🏼
I agree-this is on all of us. If we don't own what is wrong we can't fix it. I accept responsibility for not paying enough attention, not fighting earlier and not being a better example to those around me by expressing my thoughts and concerns.
Fuckwit Elmo hacked the election for himself and Putin’s bitches!! But, the fucking Dems did nothing. We the People are fucking pissed and WILL #REVOLT 💪🏼🤬
I know. I’ve lived in the US and have a lot of American friends. But over the decades US voters have allowed things to drift to the point we have now, with utterly unsuitable people running the country. Too many people voted out of self interest, party loyalty, or just plain ignorance.
51% or so…. Half of us still fight, bleed, donate, and care for what is right, true, and fair. We are currently living in hell wondering what we did to deserve this and/or how much did those people lick off their walls as children to be this messed up.
Sorry Keith but apologies from the minority of decent Americans won’t cut it after this. The US can go fuck itself into a despotic dictatorship after voting for this shithouse of a President and his disgusting sycophantic party. Europe has to step up and defend democracy alone.
If there were a way to send my tax dollars directly to Ukraine instead, I would. I would change my withholding to zero and automatically dump them into an account for Ukraine, without question as I have ZERO representation in the US right now. No taxation and all...
Thank you President Volodymyr Zelensky for standing up to these fraudsters. You're the only one who is speaking truth to power, unlike our congress and WH press.
Just made a donation to https://unitedhelpukraine.org/
Trump is a shit stain. My son served in the Army and met with Ukrainian soldiers and helped train them on equipment in Bulgaria. He was visibly upset watching this on TV. Ukrainians are real people dying for democracy. He said 18-19 yo and teachers, ordinary citizens turned into soldiers. So sad.
Forcing Surrender on Ukraine is not a deal, it is weak and a disgrace.
Getting Putin to call his boys and toys back to the homeland is strong. Putin was supposed to win in 3 days. It has been 3 years and 700,000 troops...he is weak. USA should go in for the kill!
zelensky was smart to not sell his minerals and lithium to the US the conducted themself like Assholes! Putin toe kisser unamericans! Vance a suit don’t make a man you coward prick! go see the war for yourself. both of you! Everyone change your profile pic in solidarity!
Today at the White House: We just saw a President of the United States attempt to rowboat and extort the President of another nation, a repeat of exactly what Hitler did with the Chancellor of Austria, Schussnigg, in 1936, he brow eat him to surrender Austria to Hitler.
That was disgusting and disgraceful. I’m in shock. I know Trump is a piece of shit but he just broke through a new level that has left me feeling embarrassed and saddened.
They were such total shits to him in the Oval! It's an embarrassment. I hope the European's buddy up with him stronger than ever and get Pres Z/Ukraine what they need to survive.
I knew this was a terrible idea for Zelensky. Under no circumstances was Trump & his caravan of scumbags going to help.
Trump and Vance acted like street thugs. No actual use of diplomacy. And let’s be real, they never ever had a plan to try to make a deal between Ukraine and Russia. This was political theater all to appease Putin.
We need to take the House back with these upcoming elections and impeach him again. Show his dementia to his followers. Work on the Senate also. Boycott businesses that support him. When the bucks stop coming in they will change their tune.
Me too. It’s not all of us. Only the cult, greedy tax freaks, and ideologues. We’ll rebound and the perpetrators of illegal acts will be eventually held to account and imprisoned.
I, too, apologize for the treatment the hero of a president, Zelenskyy, received today. It was despicable and also terribly embarrassing for the US. President Zelenskyy is a bigger man than our current president will ever be.
Thank you for the interpretation, I admire Zelensky so much more now than ever, those who stand up to the felon show what it means to be brave and unafraid and to not bend the knee!🇺🇦
You missed something, when trump said “you don’t hold the cards rt now” Zelenskyy replied, “I’m not playing cards.”
Don’t forget the language barrier here. If they were all fluent in the same language Zelenskyy would’ve been quicker sticking the truth in their faces. They shouted to drown him out.
I understand that Rubio was in the room, saying nothing, having completely checked-out. What a disgrace. Rubio who once was a strong supporter of Ukraine: completely silent? Does the job of being Trump's lapdog Sec. of State mean that much? What a gutless coward!
You are most likely correct. And, I still have difficulty understanding how these seemingly ok folks act so badly for him. Power? do they get the chance to use it? I don't agree with Marco on much but I did at least used to respect him.
I am not embarrassed. I'm hopeful... that one brave and righteous leader can somehow demonstrate to the still blitz-dazzled that there is indeed an effective way to fight back.
The world will not turn its back on Ukraine simply because Cheeto Jesus couldn't extort from it and threw a tantrum.
I feel worse for the people of Ukraine than Americans. They didn’t have a chance to vote, but their very lives for years to come are in danger bc of the orange anus.
Not to be dramatic but the US owes an apology to the world right now and the debt of shame grows with each day that passes. Not that it makes a difference. ✊🏻🇺🇦
This was done for show: 1) to prove how tough Trump is, 2) to show that Zelenskyy is disrespectful, therefore Trump's stance in supporting Putin is justified. BUT, 3) his degrading of Zelenskyy has shown the world what a vile and weak asshole he truly is.
After George II took power, Americans apologized to the world through a website and a book called Sorry Everybody.
This time sorry isn't good enough. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorry_Everybody
The sad part is we're never coming back from this.
Even if we kick out the fascists, install competent leadership - the best case scenario - we've burned too many bridges. The geopolitical balance will have shifted.
No one will trust us, truly. And they'd be right not to.
This is not entirely true. We Europeans have voted for some of our own idiots and bullies, and we understand what can happen. I for one have faith that good will prevail, eventually. Good people now have to make a stand, across the USA and Europe.
Although it may not be the same, it is certainly possible to try. Do the right thing long enough & our allies will understand our small blight on our historical fabric was just that and they can at least not be adversary anymore
None of this helps. Literally none of this doomsaying helps. Just DAYS ago, Zelinskyy thanked the American people, knowing that they are different from our current terrible leaders. You are not helping and you're making everything already bad much worse.
I guess the next step for Trump is now to help actively or passively russian to attack any european countries which disagree with him so he can steal rare earth minerals in Ukraine. Yes USA is now no more than a hostile mafia country
I was amazed President Zelenskyy did not walk out of the room. What inner strength and resolve, sitting there with all the fucking LIES being spewed.
Shocking display of utter incompetence by our so-called prez and vp.
Apologies to President Zelenskyy are not enough today.
We are so screwed!
I would like to apologize to President settlement and the people of the Ukraine on behalf of the people of the United States of America for Trump's odor specifically. It may seem like a small thing considering all of your trials, but it is still an unnecessary cruelty.
You now what ? -- FU -- These apologies make it even worse. It comes across as self-righteous. Trump is just the ultimate symptom of a deeply rotten US populus.
Europe now stands alone, and I'm really afraid we might not have the time to pull it off. But never count on us again ever.
I’m trying to get onto the site but it’s taking a while to load
💙💛 #SlavaUkrainii
Always stand with those fighting for freedom from tyranny!!!
Slava Ukraine!
We are not safe in our country anymore. God help us.
Sadly, he is too dumb to understand it.
The current administration is deplorable here.
I’m sorry Ukraine 🇺🇦
Millions of Americans support and stand beside you and are deeply embarrassed by how you were treated by Felon47 and his sidekick J.Dick.Vance!
Yes, we all are embarrassed and apologetic for the chaos cause by Orange Shitler and the Ketamine Kowboy
sorry, Ukraine, sorry World. Most of us with a bare minimal amount brain matter between our ears voted for her, and voted for sanity.
The good people of the United States of America spent decades being preoccupied with BS, and betraying their own righteous victory in the Cold War - while Putin was already preparing his now demonstrable state capture of the US.
T. said that Ukraine started the war, R´s stay silent.
T. said Zelensky has 4% approval ratings, R´s stay silent.
T. made concessions to Putin before negociations started, R´s stay silent.
T. did´t say a bad word about Putin, R´s stay silent.
What a disgrace tRump and Vance were to a man that is a hero on the world stage. His courage and tenacity are so honorable.
When can I (of course nothing compared to Ukraine) wake up from this nightmare???
Donald the delusional one and JD jackass just embarrassed President Zelenskyy from Ukraine
They shouted at him they put him down. They belittled him. These two need to be removed from Office.
Donald and Vance are unfit for Office. Please repost this everywhere!
I stand with Zelenskyy and 🇺🇦✊🏻✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿
Today I am so proud of my Ukrainian heritage and appreciate president Zelenskyy’s courage to stand up to tyranny both from Russia and Trump!
But this is now far beyond that point.
If you're an American... this is YOUR PRESIDENT!!!
Please do SOMETHING to stop this madness!!!
Unfortunately, this "never been more" statement
could have been true of every patriotic American
every day since 1/20/25.
But today's Trump/HillBilly embarrassment may be hard to top.
I didn’t vote for Trump. I don’t even live in the states right now.
But as an American I deserve to be tarred with every brush possible. It’s our brand now. We may hate it, but until it changes, it’s all over our faces too.
For such a large population to be represented by someone so divisive, keen on conflict, is a tragedy.
As a fellow American, I support this Apology 100%.
The current administration is such a Shame.
Just made a donation to https://unitedhelpukraine.org/
Getting Putin to call his boys and toys back to the homeland is strong. Putin was supposed to win in 3 days. It has been 3 years and 700,000 troops...he is weak. USA should go in for the kill!
We all should be in the streets...
US Congress should take a lesson from Zelensky. Zelensky stood up against the Mafia Boss unlike the cowards representing us in Congress.
Doesn't mean anything.
America has become Russia II. Europe will act accordingly.
Fix your shit.
I knew this was a terrible idea for Zelensky. Under no circumstances was Trump & his caravan of scumbags going to help.
Typo. It’s UnTied States of America.
I would have been arrested if it was me.
Can you point to where this occurred?
Don’t forget the language barrier here. If they were all fluent in the same language Zelenskyy would’ve been quicker sticking the truth in their faces. They shouted to drown him out.
A hearty and defiant "GO F YOURSELF ! " for the world to see.
Incompetence wrapped in bravado are the fraying fabric of this MAGA LARP WEEKEND!
The Fools show themselves.
Zelensky leaves with a big win!
The world will not turn its back on Ukraine simply because Cheeto Jesus couldn't extort from it and threw a tantrum.
The whole world is looking at you now.
I’m infuriated, nauseated and embarrassed.
I feel worse for the people of Ukraine than Americans. They didn’t have a chance to vote, but their very lives for years to come are in danger bc of the orange anus.
If I were Zelenskyy, I might have walked out, then and there.
This time sorry isn't good enough.
Even if we kick out the fascists, install competent leadership - the best case scenario - we've burned too many bridges. The geopolitical balance will have shifted.
No one will trust us, truly. And they'd be right not to.
We are watching it happen in real time.
By the end of trump's presidency, the US will be "just another country" and China will be the world leader.
Just weird to do it so...willingly.
Trump/Vance is an embarrassment to the world. Putins Biitches
#TrumpIsAConvictedFelon !!!
#JDVanceHumpsCouches !!!
Shocking display of utter incompetence by our so-called prez and vp.
Apologies to President Zelenskyy are not enough today.
We are so screwed!
Europe now stands alone, and I'm really afraid we might not have the time to pull it off. But never count on us again ever.