Labour want to come on Gary’s Economics, should I let them?
Consider proposing a written format, at least initially, to feel them out. Labor and Gary respond to 5-10 questions about economic problems and solutions. Agree on where to publish. Share widely.
It made me think. Why can't they take some written questions from you and answer those in writing.
It forms a definite record to scrutinise, publicly annotate, and discuss.
School them.
You must have control and set the agenda and not be outnumbered.
Perhaps choose some questions from your followers to direct to the, too. I’d want to know their view on Doughnut Economics!
Reach for new shores or get caught up in the seaweed of a retreating tide?
Anyone who DOESN'T want to do that, I can only...
More Martin Lewis than Rupert Murdoch maybe.
Re Form is unlikely to get behind Gary's key message. They're all Millionaires...
The demographic of younger voters want economy & 'money' to work for them.
Gary's educational channel works for electorate, not for Political actors (lobbyists, MPs, Banks, etc)
It could result in a consortium of 'the willing' to stand up and defend UK democracy and stop the foreign influence.
In any event, we agree there must be elected officials standing up, not knocking us down
If you do it, don't let them do this.
Only do it if you're prepared to expose their BS. From what I've seen you're very skilled at that.
These weasels are slicker that Piers Morgan tho
Which one is it?
I do not care - get them on, Gary!
On the other, someone very much needs to hold them to account as the economic orthodoxy of this country is killing us.
If you press them on their greed & genocide 👍
Do let them know broadly what questions you wish to ask, but don't be part of any orchestrated PR effort by them.
Educate them. They might listen to you!
We don't want "Blame the Tories". We know whose fault it is that this country is on its knees, we want answers.
As a historian, I tend to view everything through that lens...
It's disgusting & another indictment of how out of touch & corrupt Westminster is...
This labour gov won't introduce a wealth tax of 2%on those with £10million+@ a cost of £200k each. It would raise £26billion...
In releasing figures on how much disabled people "cost" the taxpayer while at the same time saying, with a smile, it's their "moral duty" to kick said people it's like calling them "useless eaters".
Obviously, cutting certain areas of civil services will have a negative impact on the vulnerable while cutting others will make avoiding tax...
The German government wants the UK to rejoin the customs union, to cut 2billion bits of paperwork. This would raise at least £8billion in tax annually. So why are Labour hesitating.
Austerity will further damage this country & lead to greater wealth inequality. All the while...
And have your staff go over and research their media interviews on inequality, tax & economics so you know common responses & prepare follow up?s for em
Listen to some episodes on the rest is politics even if you don’t like the hosts because they know politics very well
As someone whose main hobby is politics and has been for a 4 decades?
I don’t think you’d have a good outcome if you did it now.
But if you got appropriate training and practice, you would.
video them, learn from them and then write the lessons and delete them.
Then chose the strategy who engaged with, who not etc the ?s he floated on the video.
But you do need to understand the different games they’re playing the frames of references how they communicate how they miscommunicate the verbal tricks they use and out of counter it. It’s not just having a high IQ.
But if you don’t have any training in expertise in another area and you wanna get involved in that area, it’s good to find some training, coaching in it.
That would be a worthwhile investment
Then later have a strategy them an interview
From watching your video it won’t end well unless you invest time on learning about politics
If you do want to make change you will have to learn more about politics.
So maybe focus on that now, and learn how to interview & how to deal w/ politicians
But that’s the same with any guest
They want something otherwise they won’t do any interviews
They also have s/t to lose too.
Challenge them with fact - where do their figures come from. Fact check them and reference your sources. Give them figures from when policies have been enacted and failed in the past
That way, they have nowhere to hide
Any of them
You may not change their minds but they have to be held accountable for their betrayal.
This is an economics channel after all.
2. Make them aware that in the end you won't post the video if it does not further the aims of the channel.
3. If you do post the video, don't allow them to use edited clips without your consent.
In short, don't trust the Labour leadership.
As long as you remember they are almost certainly not there to listen to you, take advice, or answer questions, but to try and con your audience.
This is Starmer, the guy who lied in his leadership election, then culled anyone who suggested taxing the rich. out
He and his cabinet are lying scum, please have them on if you feel comfortable pointing that.
Let them answer,deconstruct them, then people can decide if those answers hold any weight.
I really don't think they'd try discrediting in person on the podcast. If they wanted to do that they'd
I would like to her Labour’s reasoning for not taxing those with >£10m at just 1%
And / or specifically for not raising other taxes such as CGT or on unearned income. Many good suggestions here for the specifics
Approach with caution, but you should in one way or another do that.
Without having them on the channel, you could publicly ask all political parties direct questions about how their policies drive or reduce inequality.
You can then offer to share and analyse their responses.
Not to mention all their broken election promises,
No change as promised, only more cruelty and austerity, regardless of what Rachel from accounts says it is.
Keep up the good work Gary, you're being taken seriously. 👍👍👍👍👍
Don't let them control the narrative.
Educate them on tackling inequality, why they need to do so and why their failure to do so will lead to their own failure.
HMRC can't maximise tax take without staff.
Please do it. The ladies on the don’t have interviewing experience - they’re guided by their morals.
You are too…🫶🏽
How many units of affordable housing will Labour get median wage earners the keys to over 5 years? How will the scheme be structured financially?
Hold them to that question remorselessly.
Stick to this and you're bulletproof. That question is kryptonite for bullshitters on both sides.
This will amplify your voice and steer the conversation in our direction. I'd be amazed if they actually do it tbh, I doubt it will work out well for them.
Keep it focused on everyday working people who continue to work hard for less returns.
Though Reeves would never have been my choice for no. 11 and I'm feeling sadly correct. Totally entrenched in the same old 50 years of failed approach.
But it depends who.
And make sure you dictate the format, in particular asking them to explain why to a lot of questions. Such as "why are they OK with the highest inequality in X decades".
"Why do they think they know better than the studies showing inequality is economically bad."
You should maintain some level of contact with political parties, but if they just keep you at the public PR perception level (just adding noise to your message without any meaningful progress), then you should stop the contact.
All of this, while keeping your default youtube videos going, because they are the main pillar of your message here.
No doubt they’ll send Darren Jones, their best communicator.
There’s no requirement to platform everyone.
Your goal is clear: to reach the size of a mass movement to change progressive policy. Reform and the Tories aren’t part of that story.
1. Gov needs to hear your logic on economics & viewers to hear their policy justification.
2. It's your USP. In a world of influencing politics, you follow of bridging public/politics.
Work it all to your and our advantage... Play the odds!
Yes I am great fan I wish everybody understood economics as well as you do
It's a surprising move and not a moral one.
If you do decide to have them on, no obligation to have others; they're on because they're government not because they're Labour
Good luck whatever you decide
They will compromise you.
They are malevolent actors whose purpose is to smother dissent.
They are very good at it!!
Also, accept that this will demand more investment than just the video. If you get a major MP (do not settle for less), it will require promotion.
You're never alone in this fight
Later it will turn out to be smoke and mirrors, but they'll have got their amplification.
You might have a better chance of building a movement having that advantage
Unfortunately too many people now think that their problems have been caused by immigrants rather than (the real reason) …. WEALTH INEQUALITY.
Honestly should be on every single debate.
They might even promise to do something down the line.
You just need to keep in mind they have a track record on this where they just lie to get what they want.
Ultimately they need to be challenged on their lack of action on inequality. They have their own comms channels to tell us why.
Good they're worried about you and your message. Keep up the fine work spreading the true reasons for decline for most.
But, to make sure you approach it from both sides and you avoid being called biased, I suggest you also talk to Conservatives and Reform.
We need voices like yours 💪🏼
I say this as a Socialist.
I'd say context and prep are everything.
There are topics, like #taxtherich, which people are wondering about and Labour is not acknowledging.
Perhaps the compromise is 'not live', but a right to edit?
Don't forget, this could backfire on them, too
I'm getting a lot of pushback on #taxtherich
Comments about it doesn't work etc.
Perhaps #taxtherich needs to be accompanied by #stoptaxavoidance