⚠️ “The two damaged data cables in the Baltic Sea between Finland and Germany were no accident—it was sabotage. I don’t believe they were damaged by anchors,” said German Defense Minister Pistorius.
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Showing the Melania pictures on ruzz state tv wasn't helping either... it's strange... it's almost like he wants no way out. I thought this whole time he was waiting for Trump to get in power
The translation misses the message. Correct is:
"I don’t believe they were accidentally damaged by anchors either,” said German Defense Minister Pistorius.
He went on to say that we have to consider this as hybrid actions and sabotage.
They could say to russia, next sabotage, next filmed execution of Ukrainian prisoner, next strike on civilian object, we deliver Taurus. It would make Putin responsible for consequences. Instead, they embrace Putin's rethoric and it encourages him.
Sure thing, they should. Sadly Pistorius has a pretty obstinate boss.
And nonetheless, misquotes really won't help achieving that goal by bashing on one of the proponents.
I think the Baltic sea should be closed to all outsiders. China has land routes to ruzz. Just as important are strong new sanctions and clear statements about preconditions, ruzz has to meet in order for these to start being loosened gradually over time. E.g. return of ALL deported children.
Where are military ships to detter russia in the sea? Why we are so naive after 3 years of full pledged russian war? They have full war economy? What is Europe waiting for? Why we are financing the war via sending money for bloody natural resources?
1 - "Una señal muy clara de que está pasando algo. Nadie cree que estos cables hayan sido cortados por un descuido. Y no puedo creer en versiones que dicen que fueron anclas las que casualmente, por así decirlo, han causado daños a estos cables ...
2 - Por tanto, debemos constatar, sin saber concretamente de quién viene, que se trata de una acción híbrida y tenemos que sacar como conclusión, sin saberlo todavía con certeza, se entiende, que se trata de sabotaje."
Y es que en la situación actual de conflicto, el mayor beneficiario de acciones de sabotaje es Rusia, es la guerra en la zona gris, una estrategia para potenciar el enfrentamiento. El Nordstream otra claro ejemplo, hay que pensar quién se beneficia de estas acciones. Para mí la respuesta es clara.
No no, es solo mi opinión, sin tener certeza no se puede acusar, pero que Rusia está detrás de todos los sabotajes porque es el primer interesado en generar inestabilidad, cero dudas por mi parte
Der Verteidigungsminister vermutet hinter den zwei in der Ostsee beschädigten Datenkabeln Vorsatz. Pistorius sagt, er gehe von einer "hybriden Aktion" aus.
Der Verteidigungsminister vermutet hinter den zwei in der Ostsee beschädigten Datenkabeln Vorsatz. Pistorius sagt, er gehe von einer "hybriden Aktion" aus.
Europe bases their actions on the Biden admins ideas and behaviors, at most we’ll get token sanctions–like Obama implemented after Russia invaded and killed in Ukraine in 2014.
Right now, we have too weak foreign policy on one side and too crazy and collaborating on the other 🙉🙈
A bit late in the day for this assertion. Whoever sabotaged the Nordsea gas lines should have realised that one day there were definitely going to be tit for tat exchanges…..
Folks listen closely and although I would never put words into someone else's mouth .I will direct you to @baddcompany.bsky.social to see if he has thoughts on the subject . My thoughts are this is part of the Putin plan to disrupt and disable our allies while trump tears everything apart here😎
I think it was an easy distraction with little to no.consequential risk. Food supply and power grids will be chosen as they will cause the most widespread damage and chaos. 😎
putie isn't as powerful as msm makes him out. I read on twiXX that his vids being played are old and hasn't been seen in a week(?). he does an escalate then hides NK troops in there as he's trying to buy time + Afghanians are being paid 2 fight w RU 2 he's running out of 🚶♂️➡️! Their economy is on🔥.
Putin is as dangerous as they come don't be misled by his gaunt look and I'll health reports . He is bitter ,petty ,delusional and willing to set the world on fire for sport . It's his last hoo rah and he has nothing to lose. 😎
Neither is the baltic GPS jammer, nor the finnish nuclear plants getting hacked. Oh, did I forget the Hospital getting hacked and shut down? When are we going to accept we are at war with ruZZia ?
It's good he's one of the most popular german politicians who won't be "Scholtzing" around. I hope.
Weird how the USA gets Trump in January; but Germany also gets a new governement in January ...
Never believe western politicians again. They lie. 20 yrs of war in Afghanistan, wmd's in Iraq, the list of lies to motivate citizens to hate goes back to the end of the second world war.
Russia told us they would sabotage cables.
Another sabotaged today.
Time NATO @Potus @EU acted swiftly and proactively to STOP Russia
"I don’t believe they were accidentally damaged by anchors either,” said German Defense Minister Pistorius.
He went on to say that we have to consider this as hybrid actions and sabotage.
They could say to russia, next sabotage, next filmed execution of Ukrainian prisoner, next strike on civilian object, we deliver Taurus. It would make Putin responsible for consequences. Instead, they embrace Putin's rethoric and it encourages him.
And nonetheless, misquotes really won't help achieving that goal by bashing on one of the proponents.
The world is not getting safer anytime soon.
#pistorius #russland #ukraine
Der Verteidigungsminister vermutet hinter den zwei in der Ostsee beschädigten Datenkabeln Vorsatz. Pistorius sagt, er gehe von einer "hybriden Aktion" aus.
#pistorius #russland #ukraine
Der Verteidigungsminister vermutet hinter den zwei in der Ostsee beschädigten Datenkabeln Vorsatz. Pistorius sagt, er gehe von einer "hybriden Aktion" aus.
Right now, we have too weak foreign policy on one side and too crazy and collaborating on the other 🙉🙈
Weird how the USA gets Trump in January; but Germany also gets a new governement in January ...