First they didn't call for US to stop sending weapons. It's in the headline. "Offensive weapons" meaning heavy bombs. Which are not in use in northern Gaza. Secondly that there is a "hostage deal" available is refuted by all mediators. I'm so tired of arguing against moralistic oversimplifications
There are three Israeli antimissile systems plus airborne interdiction. It's not just iron dome and that's why "offensive weapons" is a deliberate obsfucation.
I'm a big fan of it. There will come a time when it is no longer needed and peace reigns. In the meantime, it is arguably the most humanitarian use of weapons technology in the world.
You self-admittedly support the genocide of the Palestinian people. I will put my feelings gently by telling you (and everyone agreeing with your proclomation) to go fuck yourself.
Honestly it should be shocking that it took this long. This should have been done immediately when the invasion began. We should never have gotten to this point.
Truly now, what do you imagine you're accomplishing? MAGA and Kahanists have won. Orange Mussolini will support the Kahanists and the Kahanists have not been coy about what's coming. Encouraging Palestinians' jihad with empty demands is just going to get more of them killed.
Sad that people have forgotten how critical Israel is for the Jewish people. I'm old enough to remember when protecting Jews from terrorists was a good thing.
Never forget the Jews for Hitler organization, they were all killed by Hitler when they had the chance. I assume that the point is, some Jews never learn
I hope you are not involved with any synagogue or Jewish organization. You are a disgrace to your faith, profession and the people of Israel. I presume you have no difficulty that we suffered the worst event since the shoah.
When 90-95% of Jews identify as Zionist, using the term in a negative manner is antisemitic. Additionally, antizionism as antisemitism started in Soviet Russia. There is historical context for this that needs to be understood
For my family 3 generations back, surviving pogroms and the incipient Holocaust in hostile Europe, Zionism was a dream of moving to a better, safer place. A kind of paradise.
That meaning always touches the word for me, and makes the current reality even more painful.
As a general rule, not using terms that are complex and loaded if you don’t understand, their complexity is a good idea.
Zionism means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some people who identify as Zionist have been fighting the occupation for decades and pushing for a+
And complicating it too much by asking for Jewish Israelis to continue to benefit from the Nakba in a colonial capacity over Palestinians, "alongside and Israeli state, or in confederacy with one," is problematic, especially without simultaneously and explicitly calling for Palestinian return
That's kind of a problem, isn't it though? "Zionism" should really mean one thing, otherwise aren't we all just going to end up talking past one another?
I'm a lit prof, so I can speak to this. A huge number of words, seemingly technical terms for various complex human endeavours, have many and various meanings based on layerings of context. The word "modern" is my go-to example. It means at least four different things, just off the top of my head.
Something I managed to articulate recently: when I speak to decent people who label themselves Zionists, they (we) believe in the Jewish right to live and vote in their ancestral homeland. When I speak to decent people who label themselves anti-Zionists, 1/
they stand against Jewish supremacy over the other inhabitants of their ancestral homeland. Seems to me there's an overlap in the middle where most of my friends live - Jewish native rights, but not in a way that supplant or remove other native rights. Both Zionist and anti Zionist
"Some people who identify as Zionist have been fighting the occupation for decades" ... they should probably identify as something else then shouldn't they?
Palestinian state alongside and Israeli state, or in confederacy with one, for a very, very long time, in coalition with, and working alongside Palestinians. Some people who identify as Zionist are theocrat who wish genuine harm to the Palestinian people. Some people who identify as antizionist +
Are Jews who dream of and work for, alongside Palestinians, Jewish and Palestinian liberation in a world without ethnonationalism — And some dream of Or work for Palestinian liberation via burning down Tel Aviv (literally, a chant heard sometimes in pro-Pal Gaza actions): that wishes harm or exile +
I hear this, but counterpoint: if L’Havdil someone is a “Trumpist” and supports him, but actively supports immigrants and queer people, this doesn’t mean Trumpism actually includes that nuance. Rather, this person has cognitive dissonance that they can support Trump without taking responsibility.
If someone is supporting Bibi, that's different from supporting the existence of Israel. Just like someone can be a patriotic American and not believe in supporting Native genocide.
Zionism inherently involves genocide, and has since the 50s at the very least. Insofar as Liberal Zionists try to do good work under that label, it is due to a denial of the violence Zionism requires for its maintenance. Shaul Magid discusses this in his excellent book “The Necessity of Exile”
When was the last time you kept Shabbat?
When was the last time you kept Yom Kippur - the holiest day on the Jewish calendar?
As a non-Jew, I don't use it unless I couch it in really specific terms, but I'd love to know your take, if you have one.
That meaning always touches the word for me, and makes the current reality even more painful.
Zionism means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some people who identify as Zionist have been fighting the occupation for decades and pushing for a+