IMO most of this generation's brain drain is not squarely their own fault. Grammar is hard for some people, but so many schools lost funding since NCLB and, as a result, pushed kids through grades who weren't ready, which made the problem worse.
If I had my grammar corrected by *the* Flavor Flav, it’d be the only story I ever told anyone about myself ever- what an honor. I’d get the story tattooed on my face.
Flav, you are the legend. ❤️
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We're a bunch of depressed robots drifting through space on a journey with no end, where all music is created from the swish-swash of doors moving and the boom-bang of our heavy metal footsteps clanging on the bulkheads, and even WE know the score with Weird Al.
Man, I hate overachievers... "Yoshi" doesn't know that Weird Al is, in fact, a LEGEND, doesn't know the difference between basic homophones, AND drops some casual racism? Any one of those would have been bad enough on their own, but he went for the hat trick of ignorance... wow!
An absolute legend is an absolute legend. You’re counted in that list, Flav…as well as many others. That includes Al Green, Bernie Sanders, Taylor Swift, Aaron Parnas, and many more
man this guy really doesnt no what hes takling about. theyres a way to spellcheck this stuff and i thnk its turned on by defualt. maybe one day hell learn some proper grandma
You sent young ladies to the Olympics and took time to show someone what an actual legend looks like when they were confused on the topic? I love you man💙
It's like they've never heard of hyperbole, or how it affects the meanings of words. Awesome once meant something that literally gave you a sense of awe; that is, the heady mix of fear and reverence in encountering the divine. Now it means something's pretty cool. That's how language works.
Just because he doesn't get plays in the club doesn't mean he isn't a legend in the music industry! This person just doesn't realize how big things are outside their range of interests.
First off sir, Mr Flav, you a real one! Second, tell me one other artist who wrote and performed a 12+ minute long insane song/journey titled “Albuquerque?!” 💪 Weird Al got the name for a reason, respect where it’s due.
This is how blind people can read your Screenshot (and no, your interpretation is not the intention of Alttext unfortunately). You can do better, I‘m sure!
That I was in anyway able to interact with this living legend by giving his post some ♥️ is amazing to me. ♥️ Was not meant to see Public Enemy I had my tickets for Gathering of The Tribes (1990) but things got out of hand at the first show in LA.
Pssst. Us white folk call people legends too. The reason they're upset is probably because you're not white. (aka racist) Weird Al is ABSOLUTELY a legend, and so are you, at least in my house!
My favorite Weird Al story is the one where he got invited to an award show after party and when he walked in he overheard someone say “Check it out, Weird Al is here.” It was Paul McCartney.
There's always a certain amount of satisfaction that comes from smacking some asshole with the "good grammar = demonstrated intellect" stick. SMACK! Now sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
just wanna point out someone being black and using AAVE or participating in black culture shouldn’t inherently make you think a person is unintelligent, so many rappers and black people show it when they use AAVE or rap, if you take time to listen or read what they’re actually saying and understand
His claim to fame was wearing dozens of thick gold chains and jumping around yelling "YEAHHHH BOYYYYYY"! My assumption had nothing to do with him being black
WTH?! I was just teasing you because Flav is known for the clocks, and ofc Yeaahhh Boiii, ( and some domestic issues ) what does my comment have to do with Trump?!
Honestly, you took offense where you shouldn't have. You got really mad over nothing. Sorry you took it the wrong way. Peace.
I came back to bluesky and made 1 comment complementing flav and you scumbags somehow called me racist because of it. This is why I left in the first place
The idea that only Black folks are using the word legend is probably one of the most odd pieces of racist bullshit I’ve ever seen!!
Also- Flav!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!
And sidebar: you are not only a legend but also a great human for all that you did for the US Women's Water Polo Olympic Team. A big thank you to you, for that!
This seems like a good time for me to ask something I have been wondering: Why the three commas? And do you type them individually or have a keyboard shortcut for it?
It's amazing how as a society, we agreed that we could have ONE parody song artist that we will consistently listen to since 1979 and he does all genres and everyone loves him and he's largely uncontroversial personally on top of all that. Weird Al rules.
Besides his music, the man is an absolute legend at how he interacts with fans.
Ended up in a line next to his at a comic con.
Knew who he was but wasn't going to get a picture...saw how great he was with each of his listeners. Left part of the "club."
Weird Al is SO much of a legend it's almost impossible to imagine a time when it was mostly just him doing that! He inspired SO many-if you were living under a rock you could almost confuse him along with the thousands of artist who followed. "What's so special?" It's like TV before/after Seinfeld.
I also love hearing all of the crazy stories people have about interacting with him over the years it's so random - shit their friends would never believe the next day. He took a date to Airplane and wore the same outfit as his cameo - dipped to bathroom then he comes walking out the plane on screen
People look down on Al because he makes comedy music, but name another artist that has consistently put out high-profile hits across five decades like he has.
His parodies are top quality musically and vocally as well as being hilarious. It wouldn't work otherwise. The musicians who work with him are top notch, too. I imagine people would forgive a lot, but he never asks them to.
He is absolutely a legend. His career gies back to the early 80s and has not been out of the entertainment industry since he started. A rare talent. Comedy is hard!!!
I know all these grammar rules well, but in all fairness, writing with my thumb on my phone and the mess that spell check can make, some of these errors happen to the best of us. On the other hand, there are plenty of folks that suck at writing correctly.
How could anyone NOT consider him a legend!?
He who hates weird Al hates themself.
Flav, you are the legend. ❤️
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He should stay in his lane and do parody, not computer stuff.
Professor Flav is at the podium!
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
they can get a smack for that, man.
Pretty sure Weird Al is an absolute legend,,, but it seems this person needs more than cultural education.
The troll he educated could have at least said "thank you."
Big fan here
I will take this.
Some of my favorites...
Honestly, you took offense where you shouldn't have. You got really mad over nothing. Sorry you took it the wrong way. Peace.
Also- Flav!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!
And sidebar: you are not only a legend but also a great human for all that you did for the US Women's Water Polo Olympic Team. A big thank you to you, for that!
Ended up in a line next to his at a comic con.
Knew who he was but wasn't going to get a picture...saw how great he was with each of his listeners. Left part of the "club."
He seems like a GREAT guy!!
As usual, your taste is ON POINT!
You were one of the highlights of the Olympics!
The first was Tacky. How I managed to not hear Happy for as long as I did, still amazes
But for my money, it's Bohemian Rhapsody as a polka for the win.