Right like why charge much more than wholesale when they know they could sell a fuckton of eggs? Unless I’m to believe this is wholesale price for NYC (I don’t)
With all the birds being destroyed due to infection, it will take some time to clear those growing spaces and reestablish flocks. Eggs may indeed be $20 each before it is over.
Some if the unmarked organic brown eggs are like $7. Just check at the reg. But also, always check prices at the reg. That store often "forgets" to update prices in the system to reflect what is on the shelf.
There was a man from New York in my local grocery store in Santa Cruz CA who was taking pictures of eggs. He said his friends didn't believe our eggs were so cheap so he was sending proof.
At Lucky in the East Bay (El Cerrito) a dozen large was $10.49 last week - if you can be in Trader Joe’s at the right time, they are still reasonable. Raley’s, Safeway, Lucky - all Trump take egg pricing
I can’t wait for the logical conclusion, namely stores having to eventually toss out eggs they cannot sell. Probably because of millennials and their spending habits or the attack on farmers because the left has abandoned rural America.
I recently acquired three dozen at $5.19/doz thanks to Whole Foods not raising its prices. Trader Joe’s also had kept prices the same, hence empty shelves
I think it's all very local at this point. Our stores in CA are mostly sourced from local farms and they haven't had any problems so the prices haven't moved.
It’s because eggs don’t travel that well, and the US allows hyper-industrialization of farming. In Canada average flock size is around 20k and hundreds of farms supply an area. In the US there can be millions of layers in a single operation, so one farm getting culled devastates an area’s supply
I pay more taxes, but I have universal healthcare and affordable quality food.
Price today of 12 eggs from chickens feeded with corn in Europe. There are even cheaper eggs.
But, the Marketing Board system balances supply and demand, so there is little excess for export, if it was even allowed by the USA.
If I was still on Twitter I'd call his bluff and froth some more
So much winning mAgA! 😂
You took a page out of Trump's playbook.
I paid $6.50 for 18 eggs and $2.66 for gas at local CostCo the other day. The warehouse was mobbed!
Thats $2.53 USD per dozen.