What a crock of shit. He and his family are constantly protected by secret service. You know who wasn’t protected? The estimated 2,000 Ukrainian children who have been killed or wounded by Putin. Or, the over 20,000 Ukrainian children who have been kidnapped by Russia.
Yeah, well, if you’re responsible for BOMBING three-year-old Ukrainians in their homes, schools, parks, and hospitals, JD, you’re an even shittier person.
As if his daughter should be shielded from the tyranny and horror being unleashed on the world. Fuck the bastard. No children are safe in the world he wants us to embrace.
Sure, JD. Two problems I have with your story. You say you were with your 3 year old. Out walking. Unbelievable. Two, do you have any evidence this happened or is it fiction like your memoir?
So his daughter was scared? Imagine the Latino child watching a parent being escorted by ICE. Not only are they afraid but maybe traumatized for the rest of their lives.
He’s scum, and should be told he’s scum— but he’s right that children should be left out if it. His girl jas plenty of time to discover for herself that her daddy is a vile opportunist.
Nobody was targeting his kid. They were protesting HIM. If he doesn't want her to see people protesting a Nazi, he should start leaving her at home when he goes out.
I am sure the protesters were just lovingly visiting the area in a peaceful way. Just normal. Billy bob jd is a snowflake. Sorry but I don’t care about his daughter. I care about the Ukrainian children trump and Vance are killing by sharing intell with Russia. Blood on his hands. Fuck him.
Most of the time I would be against harassing kids, but this one is tough because JV is such a douchebag. He, and only he, put his kids in this situation. And as long as we have deal with him, then he and his family will have to deal with us.
Actions have consequences. You sow a message of division in your theater of hate. Yet you want to be able to walk around freely as if you're not doing things that impact lives for the worse. If you wanted to be treated better, you'd have treated others better.
THIS ASSHAT! Now he's afraid for his daughter? He wasn't afraid when he was lying about people eating dogs and cats. He wasn't afraid when he was telling Germany to love Nazis again. Stupid sucking asshat.
It’s a tough spot to be ! You had kids and you want to be the tough leader.
I guess you go to Twitter and cry about it! Me I always picked safe places for my kids . You want to be the ass in the world . I have some advice for JD .Hire more security, your not the only one being look at through scope!
"MY DAUGHTER was scared! 'Cause she's a little girl so SHE was scared! And that was it! Just her, my daughter, she thought people were being very mean! And that I don't deserve to have people be mad at meI MEAN SHE THINKS PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE MAD AT ME HER DAD!
you know, kids around the world are scared for their lives, I feel bad for Vance's children, not because of them being scared of the protesters, but because they have to deal with their sad excuses for parents. I hope they can find safety away from those monsters that are the so called vice and # 2💩
Lots of American kids are scared these days because of the administration JD Vance is part of: immigration raids, parents with federal jobs getting fired, removing identities of trans people, the vilification of DEI, cuts to Medicaid, hateful government, etc. *Those* kids really are in danger, JD.
Gosh gee whiz. Imagine her being an Ukraine child. Does she not practice live shooting drills like all America. Children? You best teach her to buck up because she is female
I want only the best life for your daughter. It's your fault that you are taking orders from Putin's Tool and incurring the wrath of the people. Change your ways for the sake of all children.
His daughter? During the campaign didn't he refer to his children as his wife's kids? I haven't seen the video but I'm sure he was aware that protests were likely, he could have easily left his children home or with his wife. When you want to run for public service, you have to expect this.
Why is his daughter more important than the daughters that Russia is killing in Ukraine. His daughter isn’t being harassed he’s being harassed because he’s a a Russian stooge.
A snowflake raising another snowflake. I hope that your wife has a spine and testicles because no one else in your family does. America doesn't have a VP, we have a whinny little sissy.
Republicans brought it on themselves. Boo hoo just think of the starving kids in the United States today. Vance could care less. Hate of your citizens is a real bit@h.
Vance, you deserve this. You don't deserve your kid though. Maybe be a good human and not commit treasonous act against America for once and people wouldn't hate you so much.
No one is protesting and following your 3 year old.....they are protesting you. Maybe as her father, you should not expose her to this by making good decisions elsewhere for others. You can cry us all a river, and still we won't care because you suck.
When that DOGE POS was found to have said “Normalise indian hate” did he say anything to defend his indian wife and kids? No, he stood up for that douche! “We all make mistakes” Fuck you, you racist Care Bear. How can people expect you to defend your country if you cant even defend you family?!
Yes, Ukrainian children are afraid, trans kids are afraid, undocumented kids are fearful in school. People, children are afraid but at least you have wealth/status to protect them. The rest of us are just vulnerable/helpless.
Now, imagine your daughter terrified in a school bunker while Russian bombs destroy her home and atomize her family. Stop using your daughter as a human shield against accountability and responsibility, you fucking coward.
Another stoic magcunt i see. Such whingers the lot of them. Considering this scum is with trump terrorising a nation, I couldn't care less about him or his family. Hopefully, his daughter will see this as the consequences of her father's actions.
Just desserts.
When You act like a vile maniac turd….
Expect some ……stuff in return.
All sorts of stuff.
Tit for tat, babe.
That’s the common sense you keep harping about.
The Master Manipulator is Putin, Elon is Minion number 1 and Trump is the Narcissistic pawn. Both are puppets and are tasked to destroy the USA. This is not new information but a long-held truth after the break up of the USSR. When Trump could not do much damage at his 1st term, Elon was deployed
Your boss Pardoned people who beat,& were responsible for the Deaths of law enforcement,fuckface. You need to stfu about anyone else protesting, you piece of shit. Your party gave up that right on Jan 6th. Now go back,& have your beard apply more eyeliner, cupcake.
Best news I've read in quite some time. This prick has done nothing but frighten vulnerable people here and abroad. He exploited his own neighbors for his own gain. How's it feel, dimwit?
Yea and our families are scared too about becoming homeless, going hungry, losing health care, and all the other vile gross shit you are doing to millions of Americans. Go back to your warm well secured chalet you putz.
He is aware that tens of thousand of Ukrainian children have been kidnapped by Russia? That tens of thousands of Palestinian children have been murdered?
JD (or whatever his name is today) tried to take his family skiing in Vermont and surprise surprise protesters showed up. What a tone deaf move on his part.
This guy who has no empathy for the children sent to Gitmo is whining that people expressing their first amendment rights upset his kid.
You know ? The makeup thing made me dislike him at first sight but the more he talks the more I realize it’s not just me
It's called cause and effect. You bang a couch.. you're a couch fucker. You side with fascists.. you're a fascist. You insult a man with infinitely more morals and integrity than yourself on TV..well..
MAGA isn’t just a movement, it’s a personality. Trump’s grip isn’t about politics; it’s about identity. So, how is the spell broken? How do we pull people back without pushing them further in? The answer isn’t what you think. Read this before it’s too late.
His daughter is scared by protesters? How about the kids in Ukraine who are being scared by bombs? Sorry, Vance, but if you weren’t such a jerk in the first place this would not have happened.
wow! Close call! I guess they would have overwhelmed the army of secret service agents that guard JD so it's good he's Yale educated and can think on his feet!
So for a few brief seconds his family gets to experience the tiniest bit of what he's putting migrant families and trans kids through... Right before they go back to their cushy, pampered lives. Forgive me if I can't squeeze out any tears to weep for him.
Be scared you pieces of shit
He is an asshole.
Hello earth to Vance-shit anyone in GoP
I guess you go to Twitter and cry about it! Me I always picked safe places for my kids . You want to be the ass in the world . I have some advice for JD .Hire more security, your not the only one being look at through scope!
JD Vance is the Clown Prince of the No-Bottom Brigade.
What a colossal dick
I wonder how 3 year old #Ukrainian children feel about missiles raining down on them and killing them!!
Missile hits Kyiv #children’s #hospital amid barrage of Russian strikes
Published On 8 Jul 20248 Jul 2024
And we don't care about you, but your child should be left alone
And Russians are far worse than protesters you mentioned.
I'm sorry your daughter was frightened by the protesters. Now, can you empathize with parents in Ukraine?
Vote your best interests 2026!!!
Left his couches alone
When You act like a vile maniac turd….
Expect some ……stuff in return.
All sorts of stuff.
Tit for tat, babe.
That’s the common sense you keep harping about.
By the way, I'm calling BULLSHIT!!
He's the Vice President's (Trump) side bitch. He has a complete TEAM of secret service. I say STFU and man up.
But then again...🤔
Well done America !
That we are betraying our allies?
He has the audacity to object?
Let her cry.
Excellent learning opportunity for his daughter on First Amendment and true free speech, and understanding the consequences of one's actions.
You know ? The makeup thing made me dislike him at first sight but the more he talks the more I realize it’s not just me
sounnds like vance went out of its way to confront them then blames them for his actions upseting his child
children know what their parents are really like
Stay home!
MAGA need to personally feel the same discomfort, threat they are imposing on Americans.