This is getting ridiculous. Stop looking for a savior. You know who needs to stop this? YOU. All of us. The people who give a shit in this country. Anonymous is still leaking info and taking action. We never stopped. It’s not enough. People aren’t listening. It’s up to all of us.
Kinda like what the big accounts are doing telling all blue state governors to meet.
We need millions.
today they say anything critical of trump is not a valid opinion. a maga hat just arrived in the mail.
but i live with them. when the business i just started takes off, I'm outta here.
At what point, white america, will u stand up & be heard. your silence is deafening.
I know, there's some of u out there & yet we know the're more than 100 mil white ppl that could be on streets right now😞
Seems "early adopter" is filling
We face the chasm. In tech it's where failed projects die
For this, it's where disinfo & apathy/comfort/cowardice cause a failure in the social response
Climate& tobacco
Covid- that got weird. Felt like mind manip.
Can we override it?
Except that savior thing.
Make the world a better place. Do it with like-minded people you meet through anonymous. And do it for your Savior.
Be smart. Be relentless. Protect each other.
The reason they voted for him is because they were out of the information loop or misinformed.
Some Dems cut maga out of their lives. Who is talking to them now?
PS join a local march on 4/5
Can I ask you a question?
Both online and offline, I talk to people about what's going on in the world, trying to offer some sort of perspective on the matter. But I feel like I'm hitting some serious brick walls. Trying to make this brief >cont
But my big problem is with, when I talk to someone about this stuff, and people seem to be open to rational...
Some people, in an attempt to convey they understand what I mean, completely go off on a tangent and demonstrate they didn't understand at all.
Some folks even actually act like they understand but then they say something completely unrelated.
I feel like I'm at a loss. I feel like I'm so close to reaching these people, but it's like their mind is riddled with potholes...
Sorry, this was a lot to unpack. Any advice would be appreciated.
We continue to leak new data to the press as it presents itself.
How about you?
Unions are stronger, communities are stronger. Forget the Democrats etc. Individuals collaborating and communicating. Apart, but together, that's the way to go.
Demonstrations are good for morale, to give spine to elected reps, and show the world that we're not all MAGAts here. But more action is needed. This White House ignores the people (and the law). Money to these folks may help too:
People need to stop elevating Anonymous.
As far as X's outage that was Dark Storm.
I'm reading a couple of studies suggesting it doesn’t matter what you use, water, milk, baby shampoo, etc. Nothing works any better than anything else.
milk of magnesia ( an antacid liquid)
You can use milk of magnesia diluted with water *on the skin,*
Not your eyes. Just water in the eyes.
Research says actually numbing agents are not helpful either (though this source uses them) .
But we CAN...
Start posting our outrage...everywhere...use a fake email, don't show a face, hijack your kid's Halloween mask...
"But I'm only ONE tiny drop"...together we can make a storm.
How do I "stop this"?
#50501movement #indivisible #womensmarch #SonsOfLiberty there's support out there.
Midterms will the #resistance rise?
I protest, I write postcards to voters, I call my senators and rep. Those actions are valuable but they aren’t enough - I just don’t know what else to do.
he took and OATH OF OFFICE to follow the LAW and Constitution...he's blatantly fCking every one of his oaths...
He should be yanked out of the WH physically
Not sure of the legalities but am sure it was a get out of jail card in his mind.
For those who are unaware that you can create alternative email addresses to sign and stay updated, we recommend using protonmail.
Be solution oriented instead of sabotaging yourselves or others. #3E
#3E #EndImpunity
1/6 of the Serbian Population were on the street last night!
That would be 66,000,000 in America!
1.5 Million 🇺🇸 attended the Superbowl Party. At that very instant in time - Elon Musk robbed the Treasury w only 40 Protestors Outside!
66,000,000 : 1,500,000 : 40