We gave a short survey to White Christians & asked them to pick between our govt prioritizing economic prosperity with more immigrants or reducing immigration even if it hurts prosperity.

Majorities of White Christian nationalists would tank our economy if it meant preserving the ethnic status quo.
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There's no such thing as Christian Nationalism. It's an inherent contradiction, like kosher pork. What it actually is, is pure, straight-out racism. And that's what it ought to be called. The core of Christianity is that it transcends worldly matters. Using it as a cloak for racism is abhorrent.
Sorry. I know too many people who call themselves Christian Nationalists. And this chart from the study just says it's true. Believe them when they tell you who they are. It may be a contradiction in your mind but it absolutely is NOT in their own.
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Wow epic you just ended theocratic base impulses in America
Just like there's no such thing as American racism
But Christianity is still a socially constructed entity/organization that is affected by people and the social environments that those people are in. When you speak this way, you remove needed critical conversations on the development of religions in spaces.
Further proof that "Christian" nationalism is not Christian.

This seems relevant
So if Adherents and Sympathizers combined comprise roughly a third of Americans, and if roughly two thirds of Adherents and Sympathizers combined take this hard line stance against immigrants, then the current hard line approach to immigrations looks like gov’t capture by a strident 22% of Americans
What justifies splitting the respondents into quartiles? Is there a URL for the paper?

cc @conjugateprior.org
The Public Pool Policy.
Fake Christians. Even a heathen like me knows that Jesus said to welcome strangers.
Yeah Mr depart for I never knew you loved the stranger
Because those white Christian haven’t felt the pain yet. They think others will suffer, but not themselves.
Sadly, this is not surprising. But still incredibly disheartening.
We may get to see if that same attitude applies when economic conditions actually worsen. It’s a similar attitude to the 1920s and people didn’t realize they were wrong until real economic calamity hit them, immigrant and christian citizens alike
Thanks Prof Perry.

What is there to say ? Disappointing, but unfortunately not suprising. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how it is still a successful political stunt to demonise the other. Surely by now, people can see through this rubbish ?
A genie says to a peasant, “I will grant you any wish, but remember that I will give your neighbor twice what I give you.” The peasant thinks for a while and responds, “Poke out one of my eyes.”
Old Soviet joke
Did you ask any validating questions to see if the participants even have a cursory understanding of economics?? They are reared to hate immigrants. They don’t have a clear what the US dollar means
Yes we know
What if you were to change the "our" in your question to "your"
white christians, destroying planet earth and all its creatures for 2025 years and counting
Tar Sands mentality imho.
I want to say I’m surprised but, sickeningly, I’m not 😔
Japan allows very few immigrants because the Japanese value preserving their culture and way of life even in the face of potential demographic and economic decline. Could it be that some Americans have a similar outlook?
Yup, that's kind of their thing, a necessary presupposition if you will
It would be interesting to conduct interviews with groups 3 and 4 to see how they articulate that in a broad worldview. Perhaps grievance and retribution would come at the fore, but even then, I'm curious to know what would comes after this in their view.
Interviews would indeed be important. The most online leaders/writers in this space would argue that earthly tribes & nations are God's idea & thus it's perfectly Christian to love/prefer/privilege your own people, just like you love/prefer/privilege your own spouse & kids over others'.
yes, but writers & leaders articulate, provide coherence and justify. I'd love to hear the 'grassroot' versions, rather. Also, what would be fascinating: to interview the same folks over the next 4 years, see how views evolve - in particular when Trump 2.0 start to bite them.
So sad. Not my Christianity. I left my church, my denomination. Found something more Christian.
As I look at the weekly news and hear from those around me, those results confirm my experiences.
If this teaches us anything, it should be that the definition of 'Christian' is way too broadly applied.
This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing in this medium.

Since no good deed is left unpunished, I have a request. To aid interpretation, can you give an example of the response pattern for someone categorized as a sympathizer?
Thank you! I really appreciate it.
Would Jesus be a Christian (any type) today?
I look forward to seeing all of these white "Christians" working the jobs that those immigrants work for the pay that those immigrants receive. Because I know it won't be my Black ass doing it.
Was this a survey of white people in all denominations, certain denominations, or just white Christian nationalists? Would be good to clarify. Would be surprised if this was the case among mainline Protestants and Catholics.
The paper w methodology is included in the OP's reply under his original post. It was not limited to self identified white Christians. Non-white Christian nationalist adherents were also anti immigrant, though less-so.
Just like Jesus would have..
If only white American Christians would police their own communities, perhaps they could reach these people before they became radicalized
Why they gotta be like this?! Love thy neighbor, people.
Knowing these people pretty well by now, many would confidently reply "My 'neighbor' is my literal neighbor in my community who shares my values. Not those people over there." And they do not read The Good Samaritan as requiring them to love/aid foreigners. Whole theology built on "us vs. them."
I have a good story about this you might enjoy. I lived in rural Appalachian Ohio for two years during the height of COVID. In order to get an agricultural use tax exemption on his property tax, our neighbor grew sweet corn. He offered us some of it, which we appreciated but didn't really want. 1/3
But I was doing some research with a local nonprofit that sought to get local produce to food insecure households in the area, + they said they would welcome a donation of sweet corn. So I asked our neighbor if we would allow us to pick some of his sweet corn ourselves... 2/3
+ transport it in our pick-up truck to the nonprofit's facility. I thought I was pretty smart. He gets the tax exemption he wants, some local folks in need get food, + he does none of the extra work. But he hated the idea. Eventually he told us he found someone to give it to that *he knew.* 3/3
I don't specifically know if he would identify as Christian. I would suspect he does. The contrast of a strong mutual aid culture for those you personally know + who look like you + hatred for those you don't know or seem different was something I encountered a lot in that area.
Kamikaze nation. There are at least 77,284,118 suicide bombers living in the U.S. who happily are pulling the cord.
The Christian nationalism quartiles are made from @prripoll.bsky.social's Christian nationalism questions and I'm using their categories. Data I'm using for this are proprietary at the moment, but had to share this little finding. https://www.prri.org/research/a-christian-nation-understanding-the-threat-of-christian-nationalism-to-american-democracy-and-culture/
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As always, it's left to BLACK Christian churches to stand for any social justice issues at all. I wonder what it could possibly be that makes their responses to challenges different, and more genuinely Biblically based? What could it be?
Not to disagree with the overall sentiment, but the poll clearly shows white Christians who reject Christian nationalism prefer prosperity + immigration. There are lots of social justice oriented churches that are predominantly white, and even white evangelicals are not all Christian nationalist.
I agree; 300 characters limits nuance though. Many White churches are honest believers and work to strengthen others besides themselves. But White evangelical churches *that overwhelmingly support Trump* are driven by Trump's "values", not those taught by Jesus. Black churches aren't easily fooled.
In every single one of those people will pick to align themselves with fascists before anybody else, including those immigrants.

What they do is far more important than what they say.

Indeed, it's the only important thing.
That is the “white elephant” in the room so-to-speak. The R-word.
The Gods firstborn knows better. 🙏
Jesus himself would be unable to convince white Christians to let go of their bigotry
I've got no doubt a lot of them would nail Him right back up on the cross in a heartbeat if He even tried.
I think Jesus would be shocked at the actions of Televangelists, and Roman Catholic Church and be horrified at what is happening to Palestine
they've seen "God fearing" white "Christians" burn down black churches before
There is something wrong with the methodology of this survey. It reports that 46% of Black Americans who attend church weekly are considered White Nationalist adherents or sympathizers. I do not believe this can possibly be true, so question the validity of this survey methodology.