We gave a short survey to White Christians & asked them to pick between our govt prioritizing economic prosperity with more immigrants or reducing immigration even if it hurts prosperity.
Majorities of White Christian nationalists would tank our economy if it meant preserving the ethnic status quo.
Majorities of White Christian nationalists would tank our economy if it meant preserving the ethnic status quo.
cc @conjugateprior.org
What is there to say ? Disappointing, but unfortunately not suprising. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how it is still a successful political stunt to demonise the other. Surely by now, people can see through this rubbish ?
Since no good deed is left unpunished, I have a request. To aid interpretation, can you give an example of the response pattern for someone categorized as a sympathizer?
What they do is far more important than what they say.
Indeed, it's the only important thing.