I saw him speaking at an event at the botanical gardens. Everyone there was over the top rich… he said “ we look out for each other” . I almost passed out. Major disrespect for him after that
Only assholes end tweets with "prove me wrong" demand. It's edgelord nonsense and beneath a professional political operative. Especially one who's funny.
Rick Wilson is a Republican clout farmer who has sussed out that Bluesky is filled with low-info lefties and libertarian techbros and has changed his message accordingly.
Chuckles only cares about how much his pocketbook can be filled to change his vote. He will fall for any scraps they toss at his feet whole wiping the smORANGE stain from his lips. Disgrace to the Democratic Party.
I'd like to say is a stupid, very old man who has overstayed his welcome, but it is becoming harder to disagree with you.
Schumer is a disgrace! They need a real leader.
Thank you, I will keep trying to call . Nothing will determine me from voicing my disgust at his wavering loyalty to the democratic people he is supposed to represent
I was just attacked for stating that Schumer's office closed for the night...I was accused of being a MAGA infiltrator...If I was not so insulted, I would of found that funny....
How about a little less intramural fighting? This only helps the Reds. Shumer is an institutionalist and he needs to be. He gives cover for our Senators who are a little more adventurous like Jeffries gives AOC, Jamie Raskin, and Jasmine Crockett cover.
I would send a link to the hours and hours and hours and hours; literally thousands of hours on how to do just that, but in context you are asking me this in response to my counsel about your defense of the indefensible.
I feel more betrayed by @schumer.senate.gov than I do by Trump. ONE I didn't VOTE for him and TWO I knew who he was to begin with. Chuck is a coward and a traitor! Vote him out!!!!!!!!!!!!
As leader,Schumer shepherded thru Senate some of Biden admin’s major legislative initiatives,including American Rescue Plan Act of 2021,Infrastructure Investment &Jobs Act,Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,CHIPS Science Act,Bipartisan Safer Communities Act & https://en.wikipedia.org
Chuck Schumer - Wikipedia
My question is how much of the Democratic establishment is just like him that would rather cave then fight a bully. The stakes are high but being meek won’t save you against American Fascism.
Schumer and some other Democrats are part of a Controlled Opposition that give the illusion of an opposition. They function as a mole, now acting with the government in power.
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are bribed self-servers.
You're wrong. Here is your proof: some (maybe not all, but *definitely enough*) of the DNC is corrupt. Schumer simply is also a corrupt one. This post lists twelve others.
Hey, young Americans. Here is proof that even old smart people are fooled by their own emotions. They protect capitalist notions rather than believe/accept that even "good" politicians are easily corruptible within a capitalist system after enough time.
Not enough of your DNC cares about you and you refuse to see it until things get far worse.
Meanwhile, lower income Americans have been dealing with that pressure for decades. Why not stop this farce and join your fellow citizens in uniting against corrupt politicians and their donors?
Never ascribe to evil what can be reasonably explained by incompetence. Believe me, I’ve met the man several times—incompetence is a generous description. The man is no Harry Reid.
SHUT IT DOWN. Chuck showing us, again, he is not up to the challenge. Thanks for your service Chuck. Feel free to take a complimentary pencil as you leave. Chuck must go.
What is wrong with him??? I don’t understand how he can be this dense.
His posts are all “a shutdown will empower trump” while that MoFo is ALREADY EMPOWERED!!! It’s crazy.
As an Australian looking in. Chuck Schumer doing this is virtually saying we now follow and agree with everything that President Musk and his dementia riddled VP Trump does. America truly died today!
Wrote this 10 hours ago...
Schumer has indicated that the Dems will vote for the CR. Looks to me to be more performative politics aimed at the appearance of opposition only to eventually capitulate. Am I wrong?
OK, here’s my question if the government shuts down what prevents Republicans, Trump Musk from taking full control? And just keeping it all shut down?? Republicans want a shut down!!
They all are. The exact same lobbyists fund all these fascist clowns. If theyre wearing a business suit, they are using business to govern aka fascism.
NO NO NO THIS IS THE MOMENT TO STAND UP AND AGAINST THE MONSTERS PROPOSING THE DISMANTLING OF OUR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. Do not back down from this fight. Unite our party and JUST SAY NO. God help us and the American people if you vote yes, and DAMN YOU IF YOU DO. https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/mess...
Please send a message hold the line vote no on the Republicans'CR, don't cave the majority of Americans are behind the dems standing firm-he is saying they will give repubs the votes don't let them!
Send to everyone you know will fill it out it takes 2 mins
I say it's time for Dems to send Chuck by way of Pelosi. Options to consider could be Sheldon Whitehouse, Angus King, Mark Kelly, Bernie Sanders, Chris Murphy, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren. Schumer is outdated. Instead of breathing fire, especially after Trump's insults, he's coughing up ash.
If someone isn't planning on primarying Pelosi what are we even doing? There should be a systematic effort to get every damn one of them over the age of 70 out. They aren't helping. Time for them to get the fuck out of the way.
I was suspicious of the dems when they chose Hillary over Bernie when they knew he would have won first time around. The US needs another party instead of 2sides of what seems to be the same coin
The Democrats have been hosing their voters for five decades. Rick knows it well because he has been running ram shot across the Democrats in countless elections. The Democrats have been abdicating their responsibilities towards the working class since the 80s. They have rolled over again and again.
Hey Rick, a Republican from say a Deep Red state as comparison would never cave to the Democrats would they?
Being from what was made as the Blue Boogeyman of NY state, shows their politicians don't follow this trope.
LOL, I don' tthink he is a sleeper agent, I do think he is playing Old School Checkers when the Reich is playing Chess and that is a problem. We need new blood running the Senate Dems, I'm not real sure who but there are plenty that would be better.
he's spineless scum and we need protests at every senate dems office demanding they remove him from leadership immediately, we won't survive with traitors like him in charge
Don't be an idiot. If the Dems shut down the government, they own that. They immediately share blame with bad economic turn. They'll get nothing but a thank you from Republicans.
That is the narrative the Republicans would love to spread. But! They control the presidency, the Congress, and the judiciary is teetering. If the govt shuts down it is on them, not Dems. If they want Dem votes, they can negotiate for them.
We take the shaft every time regardless. You know who rose to the top? The fucking tea party. We will never win them over. Playing nice got us nowhere, and it’s time to stop. Agree to disagree, bro. 🤷♂️
It takes zero intelligence to destroy. It doesn't take strategy. It doesn't take planning to tear it all down. That's the Tea Party. To build, or preserve, you must use strategy, intelligence and planning. So until you can answer, what's next, I'm not on board.
I have to agree to disagree. Planes were falling from the sky, measles are spreading across the south, grudge induced tariffs have caused uncertainty, a military invasion of Panama is being floated, markets are crashing, but Dems have to worry about taking the blame. Fuck that. I say
Congress has been fiscally incompetent for decades. Why would a change in the occupant of the Oval Office—whether a bible salesman, sneaker seller, or a future political titan—lead to better decision-making?
It sure seems that way. Dems need to recruit younger talent that aren’t afraid to rock the boat and stop being a rubber stamp for everything the GOP dictates.
Instead of assuming Chuck is evil or bought as your priors demand, you might want to see what probably influenced his decision: namely, the fact that Musk was planning to use a shutdown to accelerate their plans:
Why not, schithead Schumer already handed them the fucking keys and ok by accepting that shit show election without a fight & nit mentioning a fucking word about it
I hear what Rick saying, but I think this could have been true, too. You don’t think they would stop breaking thing just because no one was there…seems like they just might be able to break/steal more…again I do get the frustration but kind of seems like a rock & a hard place, no winning, no where.
They set it up to be this way! Senate will do what they can to do the least amt of harm: ppl would immediately loose pay! But by doing so, lose faith w/voters.
We shouldn't give a sh*t what Musk wants? Let it shut down and let people feel it and then see if all the Rs have the chutzpah to let it all crumble.
I don't understand how we have given this creep so much power over the world.
Let's shut it down and then fight to fix it.
yes, but the Republicans have already broken it. They have already broken the government now they own it, and they need to own it to the entire nation instead of Democrats coming up and reviving it while republicans get away with attempted murder.
They haven't come close to doing what they could with a government shutdown. The DOGEcels would have free reign and no one to inconvenience them. The important services the government provides would end. Let's not accelerate heading that way.
I've gotten a quarter of the way through and am thinking that Trump wants a government shutdown. A shutdown won't maintain the status quo. It will give Trump the capacity to permanently eliminate the staffs of programs and agencies he wants to close.
So just hand over the keys? Sounds pretty blind. They're already doing all this shit regardless of a budget. Giving them permission is what will fast track this tear down.
It could be that he believes the economy will crash even more and is trying to remove Dems from being blamed for 🍊 trash’s bad decisions and administration. But I don’t agree with this strategy.
Chuck is the first and only person I've unfollowed on Bluesky, and I follow the guy who makes nothing but lame ass dad jokes. Even that guy inspires me more than Chuck.
Sounds nice, BUT NO… what he is feckless coward more concerned with keeping his own personal power at the expense of our country’s democracy and our party’s credibility.
Vividly, I remember when Chuck stopped the Democratic Senators from rejoicing when Republican Senator John McCain tanked the vote to turn back the ACA.
Here We Go Again, #America!
#SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and #MAGAGOP - Are At It Again!
Remember the Dec 2018-Jan 2019 "Merry Christmas" Government Shutdown!
Trump and MAGAGOP Were To Blame Then-And Trump and MAGAGOP Are Completely To Blame Now!
America Knows!
🇺🇸 🗽
He needs to be removed from leadership. Get the old bipartisan fuckers out. Procedure be dawned and if Trump declares some state of emergency, so be it. Let's heat things up a get some heads rolling.
Call him. Now. Keep the pressure up. I’ve called @peters.senate.gov twice now and I’m calling again. He’s reported to be another yes who needs to be holding the line instead. My understanding is we got Slotkin to flip to no, though.
Dems have been R lite for decades, including Obama and B Clinton. Total corporatists who sided with big banks and Wall Street. We have not had real Dem leadership for decades. We need a new party, we have the Maga party and the R Party ( aka Democratic Party). We've moved so far right - appalling.
Exactly. Here's the thing, they are a reflection of the voters. People are raised to believe left is bad. They vote that way, too. We need everyday people to become more involved.
No, I disagree with that assessment. We have a large % of voters who don't vote, because the Dem Party gives them little reason to. When the Dems are in office, they do little for the people, except tweak a few things around the edges. In fact, Bernie probably would have won in 2016.
So can we flip it then? Voters give some Dem leadership little reason to, and they do little to help by withholding their votes. A lot of politicians are transactional.
Way too many career politicians that want safe home districts from which to virtue signal and grift. The poison of Citizens United has corrupted both parties. Just about EVERY House and Senate seat has earned a serious primary challenge. Collaborators should be retired.
Prove me wrong.
Schumer is a disgrace! They need a real leader.
What were the idiots thinking censoring Al Greene? They should have all walked out together.
You’re right
My cat has bigger balls than Schumer
And the cat is neutered
@schumer.senate.gov needs to go! As a NYer i will remember this!
He has no idea and pissed we all are and he caved! 🤬
So my answer is Matthew 7:6
Have a blessed muted day
He’s delusional too.
He might want his investments to go up.
DINO after Trump called him a Palestinian? He caves?
Chuck Schumer - Wikipedia
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are bribed self-servers.
Trump is cancer.
You're wrong. Here is your proof: some (maybe not all, but *definitely enough*) of the DNC is corrupt. Schumer simply is also a corrupt one. This post lists twelve others.
OH LOOK, TWO MORE (Tim Kaine and Hickenlooper) to go along with Chuck Schumer and these other twelve.
If you require more proof, it will come.
Meanwhile, lower income Americans have been dealing with that pressure for decades. Why not stop this farce and join your fellow citizens in uniting against corrupt politicians and their donors?
Yes on cloture? Fuck him!
(202) 224-3121.
(202) 224-3121.
His posts are all “a shutdown will empower trump” while that MoFo is ALREADY EMPOWERED!!! It’s crazy.
During a shutdown, the executive branch has LEGAL authority to run “essential services” of the government.
Which means, anything Elon does during a shutdown is ok.
I wish more people would learn about the consequences.
Promotes strength when his knees are made out of rubber.
Schumer has indicated that the Dems will vote for the CR. Looks to me to be more performative politics aimed at the appearance of opposition only to eventually capitulate. Am I wrong?
You just can’t trust any of them
Send to everyone you know will fill it out it takes 2 mins
The stick in the spokes.
You never go full Fredo.
So yes, you are correct.
Being from what was made as the Blue Boogeyman of NY state, shows their politicians don't follow this trope.
Prove me wrong
I’m inclined to think Schumer is out of touch and has no idea that the rules of the game changed
– 1979 #ChuckSchumer #RoyCohn and #Trump at #Studio54 …mob.
Back when Trump considered vaginas “weapons,” and STDs were his… personal Vietnam? (says the #DraftDodger ) 🙄
Would that qualify you to be able to run for a primary against Schumer? I think you'd o an excellent job; I'm not kidding. I'm no lad insane.
Why play patriot now??🤨😒
I don't understand how we have given this creep so much power over the world.
Let's shut it down and then fight to fix it.
Try a chicken
The Vichys won't say.
Vote Chuck Out!
#SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and #MAGAGOP - Are At It Again!
Remember the Dec 2018-Jan 2019 "Merry Christmas" Government Shutdown!
Trump and MAGAGOP Were To Blame Then-And Trump and MAGAGOP Are Completely To Blame Now!
America Knows!
🇺🇸 🗽
..and he falls for almost everything
He should be made very afraid.
PASS IT ON! https://5calls.org/
Call them both tonight & tommorow
Fuck Chuck
It’s not far off as to having Dems who really are Republicans