"Well, the economy is crashing, but at least we're ruled by a mad dictator who is about to persecute his opponents," said the suburban woman staring at the expensive eggs in the picked-over grocery story shelves ravaged by the trade war.
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MAGA is truly hopeless! They'll cut off their noses to spite their face. What a bunch of depraved, idiotic lunatics! Sorry, but the MAGA threat is existential. HOW do we live peaceably with these maniacs?
“Ha”, she laughed to herself “We really owned those libs. And we stopped the trans’s from taking over.” She consoled herself as she walked through the 120degree heat across the four acre parking lot “It was all worth it.”
Most of my friends and family have historically voted for Democrats. Most of my friends in the construction industry vocally support right wing conspiracy theories. None of them watch MSNBC. The pharmacists are just as ignorant as the laborers. Nothing is more effective to me than watching the lie.
They wouldn’t have had a ghost of a chance of being successful if it hadn’t been for the thousands of corrupt people planted in strategic positions to put their scheme into action. It’s still happening with their connivance.
it’s easy, too many people like Rick Wilson devoted too much of their lives to helping people like this, that once they tried to turn back from it the wheels were already in motion
the guy that called Max Cleland a terrorist and thought democrats should be physically curb-stomped and owned confederate memorabilia and tried to get Rudy Giuliani and Marco Rubio to be the president doesn’t get to pretend his fingerprints aren’t all over this
Yes that's all true. Still doesn't explain why the US public and the mainstream media knowing **full well** the stakes and who this guy is decided it would be fun to touch the hot stove again.
Yes but USians voted for only 2 sexes (extinguishing the existence of family, friends, neighbours who are trans), and life begins with a sperm & egg in same EO.
How long until Pride Marches are banned? (Orban doing it)
Next up, females can’t abort, divorce & GOP perverts can marry young girls!
Go to https://seeyouinthestreets.com
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
People should notice just how ridiculously vulnerable this highly politizied system, which is actually for and by the ruling class, is to a complete takeover. Perhaps an "honor" system for the ruling class is beyond inappropriate as well as conveniently insufficient.
Ummm. So, dude who is a union auto worker thrills at the notion that he won’t have to pay those pesky union dues any more. Bummer that overtime will start at 81 hours a week.
Donald Trump is starting off exactly the same way Adolf Hitler did. Let's just hope it ends the same way. With a group of hero nations banding together to stop a fascist dictator and a bunker scene.
All aboard Trump 2.0—same crazy show, but this time, no guardrails.
No Congress to check him, no Court to stop him. A runaway train of grievance, fueled by attention, barreling down tracks of chaos with no engineer, no brakes… and no way off.
Buckle up, my friends...Next stop—the Twilight Zone!
While her husband pours over their financials wondering how he’s going to break the news that she can no longer run over to Saks for her “retail therapy “
The people pay the price while the elites play their power games. Neither party will save us—it’s time to build a system that puts workers first. Join the People’s Prosperity Movement!
The economy is crashing because you're ruled by a mad dictator. And he'll be unable to tell the difference his opponents and his friends, and will persecute everybody.
You "REAGAN REPUBLICANS" were the ones that helped make this Monster possible... remember when YOU thought HE could be controlled?
And now you give us The Lincoln Project....you know what? You "Reagan Republicans" are still the same ones who laid the foundation for Trump. Some of US REMEMBER....
Can't argue with that.
But there were and still are plenty of Reagan Democrats.
They're still singing his praises while trying to convince people that they don't support trickle down economics and if we vote for them they'll take us back in time before Reagan became President.
Who failed to protect the country from trump and Putin? In both elections that he won the D's had the executive branch. The FBI,DOJ, CIA.
The people in power failed to protect us. Same 2 people. Obama and Biden.
No wonder 89 million people didn't vote.
I take offense that they're telling us that we The people have to save the country from Facism on our own while they accept no responsibility for the fact that they were the ones who had the legal authority to stop him.
The felon has been a cruel dictator since he was a kid. He always had an affinity for Hitler. Trumpers were easily taken by the conman/dictator/felon.
Egg prices r higher... consumer confidence on the ground...allies walking away...putin and elon the African dude are the ones running this country.
We are already living in a dictatorship. It’s a little like the movie in which Bruce Willis doesn’t realize he is dead. We have already died and no young boy is around to tell us, “I see dead people.”
It's so sad to have to wake up every day to hear new bullshit from his stupid fucked up "human" being. It's like the fucking toxic and abusive family member or partner who is looking to commit his abuse by finding the dumbest and irrelevant motive. We are being abused. I'm so fucking tired.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Musk, Thiel, and their network dismantling democratic institutions.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Must be really fun to live in the U.S. these days! (I'm sipping a glass of white wine on a sunny terrace near the sea in the democracy of The Netherlands ❤️ Europe)!
Well, Canada will always remain a great and independent country but I understand that now with this crazy trade war you’re very worried. I read that Mark Carney is in Europe now, visiting France and the U.K. Europe stands united with Canada against Trump. Good luck!
Don't know exactly what you mean? I'm European and I'm trying to convince people to buy European and/or Canadian or whatever, as long as they boycott all American products
Saw an older woman looking excited at the low priced, large display of eggs until she realized they were Cascarones (confetti eggs). I felt bad to see her disappointed look while also wondering if she voted for trump regime. Easy to assume living in deep red state of TX.
There is only ONE man in this world who is destroying the US and the world so far as possible. Country if not the world would be a much safer, decent place if he and he alone were dead. Is he getting health issues yet?
Idk. The economy is once again at the whim of “ Tweety Amin”. He says stupid shit and the market reacts. It’s still up. I’m in no way endorsing Donny douchebag. I’m just saying I think this game is part of his distraction tactics or “antics”( more accurate).
Our only message on this is "once again Trump is focused on anything but the economy. This is why economy is suffering and people are suffering." Frankly that should be our message on anything he does. Let that sink into the voters.
Im a simple disabled 60 year old guy.Trump scares the shit out me.My son is a fed wrker he's gettin Elon emails.What really frightens me are his supporters.When will they start draggin people from homes? Its like all the bullies are getting revenge on the smart kids and loving it for its cruelty
It’s scary. But what they’ll quickly learn is all the other Americans have guns. Lots of guns. And when you threaten and frighten Americans in their own homes, you pay the ultimate price.
We must accept that half the country's "citizens" do not care about participatory democracy. They are content with a tyrant provided they are convinced the tyrant wears their jersey and will persecute their perceived enemies.
However, democracy, to work, requires acceptance of diversity of thought. Unfortunately, I am not seeing much of that or a willingness to do what #science says can work with some to change closely-held beliefs.
Your well-intended comment is based on several assumptions which may not be true. The first is whether a working democracy requires diversity of thought. Since we have not defined terms, in the strictest sense, it does not. Greek democracies worked with a rigid monolith of male, land-owning"voters."
Also, "diversity of thought" implies differences in perspectives, which is fine, but what we now face is diversity in "thinking" or, perhaps, the absence of "thinking" as we usually define it. A person who does not have a moderately high "NFC"—Need For Cognition can be easily swayed emotionally.
So, I would argue that a working democracy requires information inputs of sufficient quality and depth so that the voting public is well-informed enough to make adequate decisions about the issues relevant to their lives.
This is the argument Walter Lippmann made in his warning about American Democracy in his book Public Opinion published in the early 1920s.
The media cannot be relied upon to provide the information necessary to adequately inform the body politic. He cites multiple reasons for this inadequacy.
ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model) persuasion research demonstrates the near impossibility of changing closely held beliefs that implicate a person's identity.
(@george-lakoff.com has written extensively about how neurological frameworks shield against contrary facts.)
Interesting article. However, the results of the “analogic perspective taking” technique are meager. Only 1 in 10 evinced a changed mind.
I agree that empathetic discourse can bridge the gap and should be attempted, even at 10%, but how does this study apply to changing someone’s political views?
Yes, but the alternative is what? Not gain that 10%? ;)
My suggestion is to accept people having diverse opinions. One can hate an opinion w/t hating an individual. Understand what led them there, then apply the principles in that article. Doing something, for me, is better than not trying. 🤷♂️😉
Ruled by a person who breaks the law, even as POTUS. Elected as a convicted felon and breaks the law because he thinks he is the law. The sooner Trump is removed as POTUS, the better off America will be
Fascism feeds on fear.
Starve the bastards!
Get loud!
Be proud!
Alone, each of us is but a drop of water.
Together, we are a flood!
Thank YOU @schumer.senate.gov - you and only YOU made this possible for ALL of us!!
Now we are EXACTLY like your sponsor, and our ENEMY 🇮🇱
Damned #Judas - at least have the decency to follow through with MATT 27:5
And yet the orange one & his sycophantic administration continues to tout how well they're doing. I would say that it's a classic example of the emperor wears. No clothes, but the last thing I want to think of is that mushroom dick. Stormy Daniels deserves every penny she got for touching that thing
Not because Trump did anything.
Because we stopped buying them.
USA LESSON - never give the top job to a bloke who tells you he’s “gonna be a dictator on day one”!
"But she laughs too much"
"I don't really feel like I know her"
We do this to ourselves
The blame for both of these election losses lies with Dems
Resist and organize! https://www.fiftyfifty.one/
Playing short commercials during pro sports games and March Madness would be the most efficient way to find ignorant Americans.
How long until Pride Marches are banned? (Orban doing it)
Next up, females can’t abort, divorce & GOP perverts can marry young girls!
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
Trump is coming for all of us who he considers his enemies.
There aren’t enough prisons or camps but he will make sure you don’t get your social security or you won’t get covered under Medicare.
He’ll have the IRS garnish your wages.
so much winning...
No Congress to check him, no Court to stop him. A runaway train of grievance, fueled by attention, barreling down tracks of chaos with no engineer, no brakes… and no way off.
Buckle up, my friends...Next stop—the Twilight Zone!
MAGA are the dumbest motherfuckers on the entire planet.
I see my people
and I am so ashamed.
Then I am horrified.
And now you give us The Lincoln Project....you know what? You "Reagan Republicans" are still the same ones who laid the foundation for Trump. Some of US REMEMBER....
But there were and still are plenty of Reagan Democrats.
They're still singing his praises while trying to convince people that they don't support trickle down economics and if we vote for them they'll take us back in time before Reagan became President.
The people in power failed to protect us. Same 2 people. Obama and Biden.
No wonder 89 million people didn't vote.
I take offense that they're telling us that we The people have to save the country from Facism on our own while they accept no responsibility for the fact that they were the ones who had the legal authority to stop him.
You can warn these people until you are blue in the face.
They won’t listen.
They will live in denial.
These people are mind bogglingly delusional and dumb
‘Die, B*stards’: Russian Propagandists Celebrate Trump’s Closure of Radio Liberty, VOA
Egg prices r higher... consumer confidence on the ground...allies walking away...putin and elon the African dude are the ones running this country.
But go on.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Episode 65: Trump Replaces Voice of America with KGB-FM
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stampify, the new platform for philatelists.
#Trump #VOA #Rubio
Ideology is what separates us from others--and we are doomed for it.
- 21% approve
- 68% disapprove
People need to put pressure on and call attention to project 2025 and the REPUBLICANS who are ENABLING THIS TO CONTINUE
#Felon47 #USA #Project2025 #thebiglie #trumpcrimefamily #goptaxscams #dictator #fascism #genocidedon #letsgofelon #impeachdonaldtrump 🇺🇸
Please get it right.
the majority of Americans voted for this...
they knew he was going full throttle dictator...and still voted for him.
When are Americans going to take a stand? asking for a friend.
Canadians make the best songs for sinking ships.
And Deadpool.
The media cannot be relied upon to provide the information necessary to adequately inform the body politic. He cites multiple reasons for this inadequacy.
ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model) persuasion research demonstrates the near impossibility of changing closely held beliefs that implicate a person's identity.
(@george-lakoff.com has written extensively about how neurological frameworks shield against contrary facts.)
If you aren't trying this, are you helping?
I agree that empathetic discourse can bridge the gap and should be attempted, even at 10%, but how does this study apply to changing someone’s political views?
My suggestion is to accept people having diverse opinions. One can hate an opinion w/t hating an individual. Understand what led them there, then apply the principles in that article. Doing something, for me, is better than not trying. 🤷♂️😉
Starve the bastards!
Get loud!
Be proud!
Alone, each of us is but a drop of water.
Together, we are a flood!
Now we are EXACTLY like your sponsor, and our ENEMY 🇮🇱
Damned #Judas - at least have the decency to follow through with MATT 27:5
Now we know who his FRIENDS are - and why things never moved forward!!
Demand they #REMOVE @schumer.senate.gov from all leadership roles!!
Let them flip gop - where many belong!