smash cut to sbf and his brother in flip flops standing on the shore of their private island, looking off into the distance, with storm cloud waaaaay out in the distance, slowly approaching
beavis and buttheads signature laugh/cackle is heard
One, and you saw what he was trying to demand the city do. As soon as the other super yachts start having more trouble they will join the chorus to destroy bridges
I was actually talking about this boat, not Bozos boat, but yeah when you just operate off the assumption that rules don't apply to you/ can just be bought, that's a problem.
If it's the North Atlantic Gyre, then there will be a few years of exhausting people pointing to freshwater ice (where it decidedly shouldn't be) as "evidence" that nothing is happening
When the novel Swarm came out it addressed this very thing. And had orcas attacking humans in retribution.
(under control of marine microbes, but still...)
beavis and buttheads signature laugh/cackle is heard
*checks notes*
"Gulf stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests"
Ah shit
(under control of marine microbes, but still...)
problem solved