Leaders lead instead of react. Democracy means the common people. Basic questions, when will the Democratic party allow ability for the common people to elect a Senate leader with a plan and a voice?
Trump has demanded the Sudetenland. Democrats are sending Schumer and Jeffries to negotiate. They propose that to placate Trump that he take all of Czechoslovakia and Poland and they promise that when he invades France they’ll look the other way.
He doesn’t have to stay the minority leader. If he isn’t built for the moment, get someone else. You need a representative who can deal with the coup that has happened.
I am furious with him about this also. But I am even more furious with him for calling Social Security benefits an entitlement in the news conference. I paid into SS since I was 14. That's my money, you bastard, not an entitlement.
Democratic Senators aren't the only ones who are “furious at Schumer for not having a strategy and message to counter the House Republican bill”. It is no better in the House. @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social & @schumer.senate.gov have capitulated. They are the Vichy @democrats.senate.gov
Schumer’s press release on the bill was the worst and most useless thing I’ve read recently. Very blah blah blah. Stop babbling about bipartisanship with the right wing terrorists and cut to the chase- something like THIS BILL WOULD KILL SOCIAL SECURITY.
From WaPo
Alt Text:
But Schumer's neutral position has alienated others in the conference, according to two people familiar with the situation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to disclose private discussions.
Some Democratic senators are "furious" at Schumer for not having a strategy and message to counter the House Republican bill, according to Democratic Senate aide.
They're cowards for not being very public about it though. Nothing is going to change if these "furious" senators don't make their views known. They can't build these sort of movement behind closed doors.
Give them a break! Can't you see that they are fighting hard to keep their coalition of Silicon Valley millionaires and Israel lobbyists from deserting them?!
They hold ZERO power…what would you like them to do? Id love to hear any ideas. Haha when you have ZERO power, you have nothing. Not one republican senator is willing to hold trump to the law. They all are just kissing his stupid ass. Schumer has nothing, he has exactly zero power.
when at a worse disadvantage in 2009, republicans pledged to be as disruptive as possible to obama's agenda as possible, which they were, leading to massive gains in 2010. saying "they can't do anything" is loser behavior and reinforces schumer's own loser behavior.
We need to make it clear that we not only are going to primary Schumer, we are going to primary any Senator who supports keeping him in a leadership position. We need new leadership and anyone who tries to protect the old leadership needs to go.
Maybe some unnamed Democratic Senators should publicly and loudly create the message that this should be countered and rejected. Really bothers me how much these cowards will talk when they don’t have to put their name on it. You’re a sitting US Senator!!!
Dude, there is literally a setting on Bluesky that won’t let you post pictures without alt text and there is ALSO literally a setting on any phone newer than 5 years that lets you auto capture the text off an image like this
Take the extra ten seconds to stop being an anti-accessibility asshole
What's the value in saying this and then not even doing it? It's a fine point but if accessibility mattered you'd have done it.
Also I think there's an assumption that screen readers can read images of pure text, I don't think that's common though. It'd be easier for bsky to do basic OCR.
It's not the commenter's responsibility to make the OP's post more accessible. Don't be an apologist for people that don't make an effort to be inclusive, it's a bad look.
Do you care about a post being accessible to people who don't have the same abilities as "us", or do you care about getting one over on someone who doesn't? Where's the apologia?
I'm just saying you should do it.
The screen reading misconception I mentioned confused me, hence me bringing it up.
Oh, f'crissake... not knowing what the fuck to respond with without a focus group or professional strategist has been Democratic Party SOP for at least 30 years now.
@vituperativeerb.bsky.social Democrat senators are furious at Democrat leader. So what’s so wrong with me, normal US citizen, being furious at Democrat leaders? I’m modeling Democratic behaviors! Thank you for listening if I am not muted.
This is Schumer’s strategy: “For as long as I live, for as long as I have the privilege of serving in the Senate from New York, I will unflinchingly, unstintingly and with all of my strength be Shomer Yisrael, a guardian of Israel. Ladies and gentlemen, Am Yisrael Chai!” (AIPAC conference, 2010)
@democrats.senate.gov must vote no on cloture & No on CR.
Don’t ask Dems to obey gop in advance.
GOP will not accept Dem amendments. A fools errand to whip for gop.
I, too, am furious with Democrats in general for continuing to ask me for money almost hourly, whilst implementing an opposition strategy that consists mostly of whining and waving around auction paddles. Ineffectual and feckless. NOT. ONE. PENNY.
So everyone in these replies who is also furious at Schumer for having no strategy/message to counter Trump/Musk: alert your friends, family, and neighbors to the danger our democracy faces. We have to be the messengers.
Senate Democrats divided and fighting with their leadership speaks volumes of how incredibly fucked Democrats are at uniting to fight Republicans... but also how fucking traitorous and spineless the leadership is for lack of interest in fighting Republicans.
Why can’t they? Just curious. Why can’t someone call for a leadership election? I don’t understand the party workings particularly great. If they can’t vote no confidence they can publicly speak about it. The Dems willing to fight need to go around party leadership and buck their system.
They could but Dems can’t stand the idea of leadership chaos and instability. That would be too similar to how Republicans operate. Thats why they stick with the same failing leadership over and over. Results don’t really matter to them.
Someone needs to call for a vote of no confidence in @schumer.senate.gov and seeks a leadership election. We cannot let this man drive us all off a cliff in the name of decorum.
If we're talking about ousting Schumer, it's not too late
If we're talking about civilization, I mean, could've been when Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls came out, could've been when Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota, Rutherford B. Hayes wasn't great
Then it’s time to buck the system and ignore his “leadership”. It will only reward the politicians telling him to fuck off with the voters. No one is happy with @democrats.org leadership and anyone who steps out of line and takes a lead will be a hero to voters.
Oh I have no faith in 99.9% of democrats but a few stepping out of line would the become actual leaders we need. We need to fight both MAGA and the @housedemocrats.bsky.social @senatedem.bsky.social now if we are going to survive this.
We need a whole lot better than the “heroics” of making an obvious choice, I don’t think it would be a good thing to valorize these “leaders” who waited this long to complain about a lack of foresight.
I can’t put all of this on Schumer. Most of the Senators in the Democratic caucus have thrown up their arms and surrendered to the situation and are waiting for others to do the work. They have a choice to get out front of Schumer and to try to force him to come along with ideas of their own.
Schumer’s core brand is ‘no message’ messaging. He feels it is best to let Republicans lead and Dems figure out messaging why ‘bipartisanship’ is the best course of action.
Chuck Schumer is very slow on the uptake. The strategy is “No to everything.” The message is “Republicans are destroying the country, we will not help them do that!” There is no common ground with people who don’t give a fuck about common ground.
the strategy is probably to just concede like he always does because Schumer is a worthless coward who cares more about his wallet than the American people
—Blow up the Economy & End Democracy
—Blow up the Economy & Support Democracy
Either way the MAGA economy is doomed. It can be a bipartisan failure, or a MAGA failure. The choice should be obvious to anyone.
A comrade posted this. It's really good.
There's also a short on super patriotism worth a watch.
Fuck the empire that made trump inevitable.
Who could have predicted?
(Spoiler: Everyone)
Alt Text:
But Schumer's neutral position has alienated others in the conference, according to two people familiar with the situation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to disclose private discussions.
He's rather lost at sea in a stormy time.
But, he is supposed to be the Leader.
Work this out Senators.
Do your job.
Not all leaders are appropriate for all times.
We have an authoritarian Administration and the era of "norms" and "bipartisanship" is over.
We need fighters to lead us now.
If not, they need to shut up
Take the extra ten seconds to stop being an anti-accessibility asshole
Also I think there's an assumption that screen readers can read images of pure text, I don't think that's common though. It'd be easier for bsky to do basic OCR.
And when I myself post photos, I DO use alt text
I'm just saying you should do it.
The screen reading misconception I mentioned confused me, hence me bringing it up.
Stop whipping up votes 4 gop.
@democrats.senate.gov must vote no on cloture & No on CR.
Don’t ask Dems to obey gop in advance.
GOP will not accept Dem amendments. A fools errand to whip for gop.
Does Chuck want to be primaried⁉️
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It's time to fill his seat with someone who will take action and fight for the people
Dem senators “furious” with Schumer for having no strategy to counter the House Republican bill
If we're talking about civilization, I mean, could've been when Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls came out, could've been when Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota, Rutherford B. Hayes wasn't great
We can do better. The Dems need to die
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
There are settings to ensure you can not post without alt text.
If your resistance isn't accessible it's not intersectional. And if your resistance isn't intersectional, you can miss me with that.
please do better.
Against pure evil
Why is this so hard for dems?
He should be challenged for his position and his seat.
Pansy. We need STRONG LEADERS, thinkers and planners a counter-insurgency is required at this time.
We will not forget your negligence.