Our dog is similar. The main differentiation with Trump is the lovability factor. Our dog is lovable as well; Trump is a miserable, loathsome, despicable, reprehensible jerk-off.
The only love Trump exhibits is phony, manipulative and just for show.
Poor Max. Maligned like that. If he wants to be adopted and escape this emotional abuse, I leave the door open for my grass is greener indecisive dog, and I never compare her to that guy no matter how much she annoys me. 😂
Peter Navarro once wore a Speedo to s news interview, while running for Mayor of San Diego. Apparently, he didn't realize how cold was the bay, so he was shivering most of the interview.
The only love Trump exhibits is phony, manipulative and just for show.
I'd wager that's about the only similarity though, and I'm sure Max is better in every other regard, including intelligence.