Hey, I've had a lot of new followers in the last few days.
If you're looking for other m/m romance writers like me, I've made a Starter Pack (and there are those I've missed, so shout them out! I'll add w/ much glee & many apologies for my oversight). It's a gr8 place to start!
If you're looking for other m/m romance writers like me, I've made a Starter Pack (and there are those I've missed, so shout them out! I'll add w/ much glee & many apologies for my oversight). It's a gr8 place to start!
I'm not trying to gatekeep. I'm just looking to build a list of people who love m/m romance. Write it, read it, love it, talk about it, it means you're #OneOfUs. Fine by me! We all need each other more than ever right now. We're a community.
Tagging you in case you’re interested in getting added to this starter pack
Diana Castilleja w/a Diana DeRicci
Honestly, I didn't expect the response I'm getting. RIP my notifications. 🤣
Been here a few months & it's been hard finding our community, so I'm happy to do this. If you know more names, lemme know when they get here & I'll keep adding!
Who are your co-authors, and I'll make sure they're added as well?
Also, thank you for assembling these.
I won't pout too much that I'm not already on it lol
Also, I'll keep making packs as long as there's demand. Not getting technical, but I made a feed w/ everybody for all the packs. No matter which pack you're in, the feed underpins it all for those who hit the "follow all" button. Those who don't should still pick up lots of ppl.
Gawd, I just LOVE the energy here! Everyone is so positive!