I took it as “Trump is obviously worse than Biden but Biden isn’t too appealing either.”
Let’s face it. Both of these options suck. Badly. The fact that Biden’s own supporters can call him Genocide Joe and his response is “More support for Genocide, you say?”
I think pessimism is a real and crushing problem; despite the many positives, the disparities are the glaring day to day monotony of a great deal of people who haven’t seen meaningful change in over a decade. Plus the billionaire run media is invested in making positive coverage obsolete.
And maybe this is going to result in lots of anger in my mentions, but I really don’t hate Biden in the slightest. I vehemently disagree with some of his choices and I’m disappointed by missed opportunities, but he’s accomplished a great deal. It’s not enough, but it’s better than he’s credited for.
This is pretty much my my take. As much as he was not my pick in the primary, I have to admit he's been the most effective Dem president of my lifetime.
I will say it: Mr. Novak appears to have been drinking wishful thinking kool aid. You and Mr. Bouie have so much patience!
People can want better & still support the best of the two candidates. It's not that hard, unless one wants to cling to childish notions of "how things work in the real world."
You're dealing with a DSA extremist. Bluesky is filled with them. They live in a fantasy world. They don't realize that on the real planet Earth, they are a miniscule segment of the public.
I mean think about it when he won three short years ago we all sighed in relief. Then he got us through the pandemic then he signed more legislation that helps Americans then almost any other pres then he stabilized our relationship with allies then he helped us stop the R’s in the midterm then he..
"Stabilized our relationship with allies"? When were they unstable? What's scary is he has involved us in one war that, for a while, looked like it could lead to WWIII and one genocide, and you are acting like he has brought us peace in our time.
Just the fact that I don’t have to doomscroll every waking moment has been life altering. We are doomed if trump wins again. The nation and our sanity.
This is an underrated benefit of trump not being in office - the constant fear of what he'd tweet, who he'd fire, which world leader he would start a fight with, etc at any time for any reason.
and yet a real estate agent i talked to today believes that the economy is a mess and biden's doing a terrible job. i knew she voted for the orange monster last time, but i was hoping she had learned something real in the interim. no such luck. mind boggling.
Agree. Nevermind comparing him to Trump. That's easy. I've been around since Nixon, and he's been the most effective and, dare I say it, progressive. I realize compared to the rest, it's easy, but...
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that Dean Phillips may not be the guy to do it, but he's not wrong about the party's distaste for Biden. And if Biden loses to Trump, historians are going to ask why there weren't more people like Phillips.
“The illusion of choice” is what’s messing you up here. We have a choice and it is as stark as night and day. It’s not what we want it to be but there is a difference and it is absolutely vital.
If Biden loses they’ll ask why Biden didn’t step aside after one term, as he arguably should’ve.
Why can’t people understand that the choice is binary, not Tri-nary? Biden or Trump. Pick your poison. I pick Biden. Who will chose experienced people with integrity to be in the cabinet? Not Trump. Who will use the presidency to pardon criminals and enrich cronies and avoid prison? Not Biden.
👆 extraordinary display of lib wonk brain mindset here. you are aware that there are many -- quite a few! -- voting citizens that Biden seemingly assumes will be awarded to him because he has a (D) next to his name
and for those people, who are different than you & experience life here differently,
... there may not be as much daylight between life under Trump versus life under Biden as you have been able to enjoy. if the fate of democracy in America rests on this election I would think Joe Biden would be taking every measure to make sure of that. every vote counts!
Well, if I can only Vote for Biden or Trumpf as you say, then why do you get so Fascist and Angry when I say between those two I will Vote for Trumpf? Don't you hear how Fascist and Authoritarian you sound? Blue MAGA is just as delusional as Red MAGA.
Lotta trolls in this thread with major sympathy for Hamas and disdain for dead Jews. Lots of them living on the “what’s in it for me ticket,” with no real regard for real people who have benefited from Biden policies.
It is what you’re saying. You’re working under a stated premise there is a fundamentally false choice because someone has you convinced everyone hates the presumed candidates.
“…the guy to do…” what?
Historians will say it’s your fault. You’re wrong if you think there’s any good in “protest votes”
Exactly. Much of the party’s distaste for Biden comes from an absurdly strong wing of the media ecosystem that profits from obfuscation and lies designed to benefit his opposition, while the rest is incentivized by conflict. And they’ve been marinating in malice since the Obama years.
Let’s say a plan going 10 years into the future that allows American millennials to believe that they can meaningfully become part of society by the time they reach 30-40 years of age.
They can start by showing up to school board and city council meetings instead of leaving it to the old cranks and then wondering why they can't get anything they want.
People who say there's no meaningful differences are usually people who are simply privileged enough to not be affected by the differences. For instance, Trump tried to gut SNAP during his tenure, a change that would have resulted in 700k families losing benefits if the courts hadn't overruled it.
Go tell that to all the people whose student debt was wiped out, or the railroad workers. Those are some pretty tangible outcomes that came from voting for Biden.
Let’s face it. Both of these options suck. Badly. The fact that Biden’s own supporters can call him Genocide Joe and his response is “More support for Genocide, you say?”
We saw Trump screw us. Biden is now
I agree he has been ok to good on economic policy. Some seemingly “own goal” mistakes.
But that is overshadowed by his funding genocide.
If you’re feeling the need to vent, I get it. I really do. But reacting this way to something I didn’t say doesn’t seem helpful for either of us.
People can want better & still support the best of the two candidates. It's not that hard, unless one wants to cling to childish notions of "how things work in the real world."
If I were pro-war, owned defense contractor stock, or hated brown people everywhere, I would also love Biden.
Biden undid most of what Trump had done and killed twice as many.
Biden didn't get us through the pandemic - it is still raging. He hid the pandemic.
He killed a million to protect downtown real estate investments.
If Biden loses they’ll ask why Biden didn’t step aside after one term, as he arguably should’ve.
and for those people, who are different than you & experience life here differently,
I can literally vote for anybody I want. Even myself. It’s really not complicated, and it’s definitely not a binary.
Biden is a winner for us all.
If we had nominated a more liberal candidate we would have had a less progressive outcome.
They would have lost to Trump or failed in the few bipartisan victories Biden won.
Stop putting the blame at the top. They need congressional support.
“…the guy to do…” what?
Historians will say it’s your fault. You’re wrong if you think there’s any good in “protest votes”
That’s a meaningful outcome.