What the hell does Dana mean by “well we’ll leave it there” after Duckworth makes above statement? I want to know what Dana thinks as well because this implies that she agrees with Mace instead of Duckworth.
Yet when children are gunned down, all on the right say "My thoughts and prayers" and never mention anything about gun control. But yeah, transportation is America's biggest problem.
This sounds very similar to boobert and her obsession with public urination that wasn't even part of the bill she was complaining about. In addition to proving that can't read she's also showing a repug trend of obsession with pee
I have much respect for Senator Tammy Duckworth! She might be missing legs, but trump is missing compassion, patriotism, decency or any other human traits!
Oh look it's dana bash my head against a wall. Because I can't watch, someone tell me is she sure which side is worried about the bathrooms or as confused as the nazi march?
Why is Dana wasting everybody’s time with this ridiculous question? As Duckworth points out, there are far more important things to talk about. Why isn’t she asking about any of that. Bash is is a trash journalist. CNN your ratings won’t go up until you stop with this nonsense.
Starlink rigged election & Duckworth almost died in duty. Wonder what she thinks she won't say aloud going in circles with above the law republicon thugs? @joebidenbsky.bsky.social @kamalaharrisbsky.bsky.social No one wins allowing republicon treasonous criminals to keep seated or run for any office
Ban the republican perverts, many who are hiding in the clergy! Follow Beks to see how many sick perverts are preying on children!
At The same time, let people go to the bathroom and pee.
Beks @antifaoperative
It’s a distraction, and it always has been. Transgender people are doing the same things others are doing in the restroom… pooping, peeing, fixing their hair, and washing their hands!!!!
It's not a matter of issue priority. It's an issue of the government shouldn't be allowed to attack ANY American citizen. There is a GOP party wide concerted effort to make entire groups of Americans disappear into silent obedient subservience.
Lauren Boebert can give a "HANDIE" 🥒💦 at a musical in PUBLIC and it just got "shrugs" from her maga buddies....but a TRANS woman using a womans bathroom is just....blasmephous!?
Coz they repressed AF. And the only way they can find some semblance of power is to focus on irrelevancies that re-assert their position as the 'majority'. That or take what doesn't belong to them. It's pathetic.
They're afraid of minorities being treated as equal to them.
"It is offensive that a man in a skirt could ever think [she’s] my equal, that [her] challenges are the same as mine. They’re not. ..." - Nancy Mace (Republican threatened by equality)
This centrist act that CNN has become so set on doing is so damaging. The grifters and hypocrites on the right do not need to be legitimized with a platform.
Tackling all the tough topics. 🥱 Nancy Mace has a problem taking care of her personal business with a trans person sitting in another stall? Do they just walk around in the bathrooms with everything hanging out, at the Capitol?
Then campaign on those issues instead of whining endlessly with billionaires & celebs about how awful Trump is.
Campaign on public option, paid family leave, U pre-k, subsidized child/elder care, CTC, school meals, affordable housing & higher ed, modern infrastructure & public transportation.
That's disappointing because the whole bathroom issue speaks to who is deserving of rights. Besides, did she speak to what is more important? Just massive disappointment throughout about the Dem party.
This is absolutely the right approach. Call attention to what the clown show is not focusing on vs. spending time being outraged by what they are focusing on.
This is the dilemma.
They want us focused on this instead of so many other issues.
And yet what is our choice?
Ignore it so that the media stops spending time on it to focus on Ukraine, Gaza, nominations, etc?
Doing so says “discriminate against trans people and we’ll ignore it.”
We get that. These issues are so "safe" to talk about. Look what's happening with the transfer of power, the refusal of background checks. All the laws being sidestepped. The Constitution being stepped on and nobody is doing or saying anything! That's what's so frustrating about Dems and the media.
Because when it comes right down to it, women’s boundaries don’t matter so long as they will vote for us over abortion rights. Beyond that, we defer to the patriarchy and the needs of males with body issues healed by us all playing along that they're women. 👍🏻
Obama said it best. "Elections have consequences". Obviously this election was a major reflection of how the average American felt about the direction the country was going. With gender issues playing a major role.
Tammy Duckworth. PhD in Human Services. Blackhawk Pilot. Lieutenant Colonel in the 106th Aviation Regiment. Purple Heart Recipient. Lost Both Legs in Combat in Iraq. Her family has served the United States in every war since the American Revolution. Tucker Carlson says she hates America.
Exactly It is really something to watch the party who supporters poop on the floor in the Capitol and wipe their feces on the wall tell us which bathroom to use.
Great answer. Had the Dems actually paid attention to her we would’ve fallen into her trap. They’re getting stuff done quietly. Get all the judges in place. Lock and load! Get it done!
Physicians NPs LCSWs LPCs….stand up 🆙 advocate for your pts otherwise silence 🤫 is complicit
This is the most ridiculous inaccurate depiction of what Black children need to do. Being an Avenger has not EVER saved any Black child or Adult from racism. Never
Cnn is just fox news lite. They are all in someones pocket who has a vested interest in you voting one way or another. The only thing that seemed to combat that fact was "journalistic integrity". Which nobody seems to care about anymore.
How many times has a woman ducked into a Men's Room bcs the line was ridiculously long for the women's toilets? Didn't know that was a federal offense!
Way to regurgitate the irrelevant talking points for anti-gay discrimination. Been down this road before, it's even more boring now. Perhaps a BETTER reason to object would be that trans women rape and other trans-related sexual crimes against biological women is an even a lower percentage.
With as much going on in the world that is newsworthy, they talk about the same few topics, all week long, on all news channels, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No wonder we are feeling nuts!! 🤪🤪🤪
This answer is just SOOOOOO bad and why Democrats always lose on this issue.
The proper answer is this
"If she still has male genitalia and is public about that information than I support using gender assigned but what if she was not public. Would you support someone at the door checking you?"
Democraps lose on almost every issue because they are not willing to call out the idiots' and castigate them as they deserve. They're too focused their no longer relevant norms and idiotic traditions to serve their voters
Please let them be stupid enough to put door monitors at every bathroom in the country so white women are forced to submit to birth certificate checks.
The easiest solution is to make all bathrooms just stalls, no urinals and make them all gender neutral. Which is what they do in other countries anyway and no one has a problem with it.
What do they happens in women's restrooms? I had this argument with male family members for years. Go into the stall lock the door do your business unlock the door wash your hands. There is no one naked in there. There is privacy. I don't understand the problem.
Retired folks will lose their support and be expected to quickly and quietly die, so folks like Elon can acquire another thousand lifetimes of wealth, which they can never spend. Praise the lord!
Ask this thing from
CNN how she feels about it! If she won’t answer don’t reply to her’ from
Now on make news hacks answer their questions first if not
Walk of sets! Just reply main
Media hides their true intentions
Mace shows her primitiveness by having never experienced the toilet, bathroom, restroom, loo, around the world. Many are for both sexes. I always wanted to write a book on toilets: Australian toilets swirl the other way. Germany has self-cleaning toilets. I have to strip to use a Squatty potty…
so, Nancy Mace is a g.rape victim which is why this is important to her? I'm a survivor of sexual assault and I don't listen to RKelly, James Brown, etc.... I don't support people who are perpetrators. but SHE supports and defends the predators in office?! guess it doesn't bother her all that much
Thank you Tammy for setting her straight.
I don’t want to see your face on this site.
This is a sentiment that works whichever way you direct it.
Lower the price of eggs, not worry about what’s between legs 🪧
At The same time, let people go to the bathroom and pee.
Beks @antifaoperative
They're afraid of minorities being treated as equal to them.
"It is offensive that a man in a skirt could ever think [she’s] my equal, that [her] challenges are the same as mine. They’re not. ..." - Nancy Mace (Republican threatened by equality)
* Fair wages & taxes
* Social Security
* Health care
* Environment
* Western alliances & trade
* Rule of law
* Checks & balances
* Free press & speech
* Civil rights
* Women, workers, voters, consumers, minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ
Prepare. Commit. Resist.
Campaign on public option, paid family leave, U pre-k, subsidized child/elder care, CTC, school meals, affordable housing & higher ed, modern infrastructure & public transportation.
but did you die? NOOOOOOOoooo
They want us focused on this instead of so many other issues.
And yet what is our choice?
Ignore it so that the media stops spending time on it to focus on Ukraine, Gaza, nominations, etc?
Doing so says “discriminate against trans people and we’ll ignore it.”
That’ll get us back in the WH!
Ban house members who have a history of sexual assault, domestic violence or are under a civil lawsuit or investigation for sexual assault.
or RESIGN so @VP can do it!
URGENT 4 wks left
🎥 #KamalaLopez & me👇🏼
#AlicePaul Sent Us!
or RESIGN so @VP can #MakeTheCall to Archivist 2 enforce 1USC§106b
URGENT 4 wks left
#KamalaLopez https://EqualMeansEqual.org
#AlicePaul Sent Us!
This is the most ridiculous inaccurate depiction of what Black children need to do. Being an Avenger has not EVER saved any Black child or Adult from racism. Never
The real question should is, how does it feel to realize in 57 days you will be living under a dictatorship
Maybe a simple "Trans people exist"?
Y'know, for her 'safety' 🙄
Wonder why people distrust the media now....hmm
Where has everyone gone…
they have shown us who they are and their cruel, black hearts
The proper answer is this
"If she still has male genitalia and is public about that information than I support using gender assigned but what if she was not public. Would you support someone at the door checking you?"
This is a stupid topic being pushed by ppl hyping fear.
Mock it.
Please let them be stupid enough to put door monitors at every bathroom in the country so white women are forced to submit to birth certificate checks.
The backlash would be amazing.
See Utah
It is a stupid distraction but this stuff works. I am not sure why this became a difficult issue for Democrats.
Just use the bathroom that matches your genitalia.
Every woman has used a mens room at a concert, or a bar.
It's a stupid talking point.
It's ridiculous.
If Louisiana ever did pass that law you were talking about and some Chik Filet Karen ever does complain my kids could be on the evening news.
I am just telling you it is a non issue that Republicans will beat Democrats over the head with and good bit of Americans will never be cool with it.
CNN how she feels about it! If she won’t answer don’t reply to her’ from
Now on make news hacks answer their questions first if not
Walk of sets! Just reply main
Media hides their true intentions