Sarah McBride: "I didn't run for the United States House of Representatives to talk about what bathroom I use. I didn't run to talk about myself. I ran to deliver for Delawareans."
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Oh dear, the number of times I hear the phrase "that's what scripture says" in direct contrast to what the speaker actually does. Do they actually read the book they cite or only when it's convenient?
Why does Trump's little johnson look like he's on the verge of tears if someone yells at him? The smarm and insincerity must be eating him alive, seeing as how he's such a good Christian, and follows the teachings of Christ, not just the trappings, right?
I like your alternate reality. I know it's probably not gonna happen, but one can hope! My Family lost a special man @julioofjacksonheights, killed by 3 skinheads, and we know why Congresswoman McBride is a win for us all!
Thank you. @julioofJacksonheights has a street named for him at PS69, where he was brutally murdered. The Queens Pride Parade and the safety, now afforded in JH, Queens, NY, for everyone, but especially this Community should last for as long as we protect it! @AOC is our Congresswoman she gets it!
Anyone else see that video of the Transgender woman claiming that She/He has had sex with Mike Johnson in 2022 and still calls her.
I wanted to say I was surprised, but nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the Republican Party.
thank God she's camera-ready. I was fully prepared to defend her even if she turned out to be one of the crusty, tough as nails street fighting bitches I hang out with, but no she's a whole professional. Maybe even a rising star!
The American people & media continues to be manipulated by Trump. While your spending hours on this non important issue, think... What isn't the media talking about?
I know some of my trans community will be upset by this response, but we have to prove to cis voters that we’re more than just our identity. It isn’t fair, but it’s an important barrier we have to break through if we want long term acceptance and elective relevance.
They should make Mike Johnson use a litter box. Lindsey Graham needs a closet to go in. Empty Greene should go outside so she won't fling poop at anyone inside. Lauren Boebert uses the stall with the glory hole.
Republicans defend and support alleged rapists and pedophiles within their own ranks, yet choose to focus their concerns on less than 1% of the population who may or may not sit to pee.
Priorities ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You must say NO. Then go into WHY. They are not treating you with dignity and respect. If you don’t say no, everybody else is going to say yes. Johnson is a fucking LIAR.
Hard work is right, since GQP have decided to target her, claiming their bigotry is about protecting women. Removing reproductive care contradicts that notion.
Saying that the fight for trans rights is a distraction is very telling. "Just let them do what they want to trans people, we have more important issues to deal with."
I know there are folks who want to see her fight more for this, but I think her restraint and taking the high road is probably the best move possible here. It also probably shows why she was elected. Class act.
And shes a minority now most repub run to deliver for themselves that obvious by calling themselves depicit hawks but always voting for there next pay raise
Ever since Jimmy Kimmel dubbed Mike Johnson "Mike Elf On The Shelf Johnson", I can't stop laughing whenever I see him! It truly fits in all ways. And he's now the bathroom monitor too??
Republicans of the past few years have never been interested in governing to help Americans. They focus on 2 things - petty, hateful attacks on others and lining the pockets of themselves and fellow oligarchs. The people be damned.
She needs to say "While they are weirdly focused on my genitals and perhaps inspecting my genitals before I use the restroom like deeply perverted people,
I am focused on doing my job and serving the people that elected me"
That's the equivalent of Rosa Parks meekly giving up her seat, had she done that. Or Booker t. Washington accepting racial segregation on behalf of all Afro-Americans, which he actually did.
The idiot in charge of the house of representatives does NOT treat everyone with dignity or respect. He should be ashamed of himself. He is disgusting.
Mike Johnson always has that smug look on his face. He's all "I know Jesus and I'm going to heaven and you're not." Every time he talks, he mentions the Bible. It's like he's never even heard of the Establishment Clause. And he claims to be a Constitutional Lawyer. What a joke!
I can't help it. Every time I look at that dweeb, I half expect him to reach up under his chin and start pulling off a latex mask - to reveal that he's actually Alfred E. Neuman.😎
I wish it were harder to find such a stark example, but this still serves to lay bare the absurdity of trying to be "the adult in the room" when the chamber is controlled by a gaggle of middle school bullies.
And who’s going to ‘enforce’ this ridiculous rule. And what is the ‘punishment’? Are we going to require any masculine looking woman to prove their gender before using the women’s room?
So let me get this right…Ms McBride is forced to use the facilities of her birth gender. Never mind how uncomfortable that would make her…are the bros going to be OK with her using the men’s room? Of course not.
"McBride said that education, legislation and awareness are key elements of creating a more inclusive and accepting society.
“I think it’s in part the Congress and the president making progress and the states making progress"
She's so graceful in all of this and truly showing emotional and mental maturity. I know it must be hurting also. We must protect her but also show support, however we can.
what exactly does a member of congress for delaware do vis-a-vis "delivering for" them that isn't just making sure tax laws and chemical regulations never change away from DOW and banks?
What about all the other trans people on Capitol Hill who don't have access to a private bathroom? This isn't about what bathroom she uses it's about what bathroom all trans people use
I see where she's coming from. At the same time, it's not just about which bathroom SHE uses. This is permission and a template to persecute regular people. Ultimately, it's not about the bathrooms any more than Jim Crow was about drinking fountains. It's a mechanism to dehumanize trans people.
Taking lessons on how to grow thicker skin, to see the real motivations behind repeated verbal vomit, and to steer the conversation back to the actual subject.
Sarah McBride can be the public face of trans-genderism, if she wants to be. That's her choice. Maybe it's even better for trans-people to be seen just doing their jobs like the normal everyday people that they are. Like Pete Buttigieg is for gays.
Yeah but you have trans Delawareans, too! Those issues matter to *them*. We can't be doing this "If we ignore the threat, it goes away" nonsense. It doesn't work for bullying, it doesn't work in the goddamn US Congress, either.
She’s showing cis voters that we can be more than our identity. It’s more satisfying if we fight all the time, but cis voters need to know she’s working for them too.
It’s a strategy that will yield long term results for trans acceptance and electoral relevance.
This whole thing is absolutely pathetic but it's what gets the GOP the support of MAGA and while this is sapping headlines they can do more nefarious shit.
Does the bible actually say "a man is a man and a woman is a woman and a man can't become a woman"? Can someone point out to me where this is in the bible?
Her mere presence is a victory. This won't be the last time Republicans manufacture a crisis. It may be her most important responsibility to survive and lay precedent for those who follow.
The first measure, introduced earlier this week, directly targets Capitol Hill. The resolution would bar transgender women, particularly newly elected DE U.S. Rep.-elect Sarah McBride, from using women’s restrooms and other single-sex facilities in the House of Representatives. I see 2nd bill now.
It’s because we’re not demonized the same way. Lots of people don’t even know we exist. We’re more likely to be called mentally ill lesbians than seen as a threat to men. Also, being blunt and speaking generally we can be assaulted easier in a space filled with cis men.
Somebody's Someone
Reminds me of this one:
I wanted to say I was surprised, but nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the Republican Party.
(...I know, I know. I mean, even when they actually want to)
Fixed it for her.
Johnson, on the other hand is a self-serving, supercilious, duplicitous racist piece of 💩.
Priorities ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Johnson: Classless.
They try to paint Trans people as perverts.
She needs to say "While they are weirdly focused on my genitals and perhaps inspecting my genitals before I use the restroom like deeply perverted people,
I am focused on doing my job and serving the people that elected me"
Delaware isn’t on my list of things to ever give a crap about...neither are white house shitters.
Outrage on either side isn’t particularly helpful.
“I think it’s in part the Congress and the president making progress and the states making progress"
I wonder if Delaphane was a Delawarean and if he invented the Deplorean?
That was a spot on answer to that question on national television!
But also, the Jesus as written in the Bible would not be on any of these bigots' side. Period.
1. The word Transgender is an adjective- you cannot pluralize it. To use it as a noun is an insult.
2. She.
Shit at this point she should vote YAY on HR10186.
The right doesn't keep casting bait in a *specific fashion because it doesn't work but because it does.
Btw, I don’t care what the sky daddy story book says. It’s irrelevant to governance. Spkr Johnson’s religion should be checked at door.
Taking lessons on how to grow thicker skin, to see the real motivations behind repeated verbal vomit, and to steer the conversation back to the actual subject.
It’s a strategy that will yield long term results for trans acceptance and electoral relevance.
Does MAGA Mike show everyone his genitals before he enters a restroom or are we just supposed to take his word that he's a man?
The other bill is all federal property.
This is what MAGA wanted.