Sen. Kevin Cramer on Newsmax suggests the sexual assault allegation against Hegseth is part of a "smear campaign" and makes excuses for Pete, saying he "doesn't have experience in politics" (Hegseth in fact ran for US Senate in 2012)
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i want a job in politics, and the guy i want for that job has no experience in politics, and that is a great thing, because we want to break everything.
Democrats have taken this tactic now where they find out that someone was accused of rape, alcoholism and his mother stating that he has hurt and abused many women and exaggerate the fact these qualities are bad for a cabinet appointment for the rapist, lying president.
You know what, this is classic BS! Smear campaign? What do you think he did when he wrote a book, and being part of the awful couch on F and Friends weekend. Such a pathetic excuse Senator. Be real by saying he's not qualified
We have all seen these efforts before. Start with a flawed candidate and then over time and with lots of positive press spinning and some distraction this flawed candidate gets approved. Denial and gas lighting is the game
Alleging a smear campaign is an example of an invalid, ad hominem, red herring argument: it doesn't address the issue, which is the sexual assault allegation.
More... it's funny how this wasn't enough anymore. Rape wasn't enough? OMG what if his nanny was illegal. Oh America! what is your moral boundary. Why do women take settlements? Because it's better than being taken to court and called a whore throughout a trial.
Pete should release the woman HE PAID TO KEEP QUIET from the NDA she signed and let her speak. He can have his mommy sit on one side of him and his poor wife he’s dragging around the capitol on the other, when he answers to her allegations.
that's a disingenuous defense. the sexual assault allegation is a serious matter and shouldn't be dismissed as a smear campaign. hegseth's own actions, not his political experience, should be the focus of scrutiny.
The woman he raped is a Republican. The people who made those claims are all Republicans who worked with him.
Why would Republicans smear a Republican?
I think we can safely assume Hegseth is a sophisticated man given his career....Reps have an optics problem with women. Too many of their public figures have been accused of sexual impropriety.
I have to hand it to the Democrats. Engineering a sexual assault complaint from a GOP operative long before Hegseth was ever nominated for anything is some amazing 3D chess.
That's a weak defense, Senator Cramer. The seriousness of sexual assault allegations demands a more thoughtful response. Excuses won't make it go away.
And spent the last 10 yrs opining on ever political topic there is
And wrote a few books of political commentary
But other than that he’s not a political creature at all
He’s pure as the driven snow…
I don't care if he sells dogs for sex. Clearly the strategy of throwing shit as a political tool -- while appearing effective for shit-stained republicans -- their money. machinations and malfeasance are far more effective.
Funny how when Al Franken had inappropriate accusations against him he stepped down with courage and integrity. But the Republicans just don't have any integrity or dignity whatsoever.
Poor Kevin is confused. Filed police reports aren't really smear campaigns. And he seems to have forgotten that Pete paid her a boatload of money and required that she sign a NDA so he could force her not to talk about. How convenient!
There is a smaller population in the combined states of North and South Dakota than two contiguous neighborhoods within the city of Los Angeles. This fumbling moron should be replaced by senators from the state of Washington DC
Just because he ran for political office does NOT guarantee that he knew what he was doing! He sounds like a narcissist who thinks that he is good at everything that he attempts!
As we watch these predators on television in tailored suits trying to explain why it’s OK to be accused of sexual assault, yet never answers whether is true or false just that it shouldn’t matter. Given us a sermon, that they’re one being persecuted and should not obstructed from being confirmed.
As this president and chief predator, nominates other predators one after another for Cabinet positions. They cannot Feign outrage.
E. Jean Carroll Credibly accused Trump of sexual assault he was found liable of those charges. Yet none of it mattered.
GOP 301 Class: Learn how vilify female victims when a GOP male nominee faces legal troubles to sexual improprieties. Case studies to Thomas, Trump, Kavanaugh, Getz, and Hegseth.
And what about his constant drunkenness and his financial mishandling of organizations he was in charge of, leaving one with almost a half million bucks in debt? And, now Petey is claiming his story is of redemption, but, if he claims he never did anything wrong, why did he have to be redeemed?
Pack/herd tactic. If they all move the same, abuse the same, scandalize the country the same, then everyone gets numb to it and they blend in better. Sick fucks that they are
So for Republicans, being an alcoholic, a racist, a misogynist and sexual abuser can be excused by saying the person doesn't have experience in politics. Disgusting.
My father was a habitual alcoholic. He promised to stop drinking more times than he lived to see his birthday. He enjoyed beating the crap out of my mother, then telling her he was sorry. He's never been a father to his kids. I can only speak for myself, but this habitual alcoholic did not stop.
One allegation might fit that excuse. Hegseth has a long history of drunkenness, sexual assault and mismanagement. To ignore his lack of character and his minimal experience is dangerous. Send Cramer would rather put our country at risk to kids the ring of his "Dear Leader".
It's only a smear campaign if "the statements made against Hegseth are false".... If they are "True" then his statement of them being a smear campaign is a lie
There is no behavior too vile to disqualify a RightWing nominee; there is no behavior too benign to not be disqualifying for the left. Asymmetrical news,
They continually gloss over the financial issues at the 2 charities he ran. There's a basic competence argument be made against Pete as well as a moral argument and his admitted issues with alcohol.
My guess is that there were smear campaigns against Washington. It's laughable when anyone whines about anything in government being, you know, political.😉
Color me confused. What does political experience have to do with accusations of sexual assault? If he were more experienced he wouldn’t have sexually assaulted women? Or would have covered it up better?
I just found out that Hegseth has 7 children. You would think he’d want help for his issues with alcohol because of his kids.
He doesn’t seem to care. He’s definitely not particularly likable.
These fools are paid, bribed, and coercerd to behave this way. We know it. We have the proof. And yet, because of disinformation, we can't quite put our finger on it.
Let me help, it's all Russian attempts to destroy the Constitution.
Republican logic.
Spoiler: It’s going to be both isn’t it?
Why would Republicans smear a Republican?
‘ In the studio promoting my teeth baby’
And wrote a few books of political commentary
But other than that he’s not a political creature at all
He’s pure as the driven snow…
I don't care if he sells dogs for sex. Clearly the strategy of throwing shit as a political tool -- while appearing effective for shit-stained republicans -- their money. machinations and malfeasance are far more effective.
That is where they must be fought.
E. Jean Carroll Credibly accused Trump of sexual assault he was found liable of those charges. Yet none of it mattered.
B. Cramer thinks his constituents are incredibly stupid
C. Both
It never ends with these republican morons.
Interviewee: "Well, I've drunkenly mismanaged a charity to the point of bankruptcy, and I'm a serial sexual abuser of women. Just ask my mom."
Interviewer: "That's perfect."
As usual, Kevin Cramer is just spouting BS
He knows exactly how politics work
what does this guy think we were born yesterday?
Come off it!
Smear campaign? Prove It!
at least demonstrate that there is space between the allegations & the facts.
His Politricking swipe away techniques are garbage
Fucking hell, Hegseth's own MOTHER came out about how he treats women
Oh how times have changed 😕
I still hate rapists...You?
Active alcoholism.
Serial abuse of women.
Belongs to the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC), which is explicitly anti-suffrage and pro-marital-rape.
Notable Quote: I will stop drinking if you let me run the Department of Defense.
Reference: Contact his mom.
But, until that time, Senators, 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺!!
He doesn’t seem to care. He’s definitely not particularly likable.
Let me help, it's all Russian attempts to destroy the Constitution.
And how would not having experience in politics excuse anything that he is alleged to have done?