BRENNAN: On day one are you going to restart deportation raids on work sites, on construction sites?
TOM HOMAN: The president is going to concentrate on public safety threats and national security threats
TOM HOMAN: The president is going to concentrate on public safety threats and national security threats
Bullshit. Donald Trump is among the world's most accomplished terrorists. He is going to terrorize the United States in ways that anyone who wasn't born in a low-income area will struggle to conceive.
Why not interrupt him and say that doesn’t answer the question asked?
Even if he refused to answer the question asked, you point out that he is afraid of the question.
Make orphans out of migrant children
Separate families forever
Deport people to countries where they have never lived and don’t speak the language
When all is said and done animals like Homan and Miller need to be prosecuted, convicted, and punished.
Canada and China are about to double them again because of Trumps threats.
We have been building one million fewer homes since the Bush 2008 crash. The construction companies did not get bailed out in 2008.
What about, "On day one, are you going to terrorize the American people and ransack the economy of the nation with your plan of "raiding" places where people work and live?"
Thank-you Joe Biden.
I wish Canada would do the same.
And lawlessness.
You’re installing a convict. Why does anyone else need to behave.
How does one even parent when rules don’t apply.
Workers for Trump got duped.
I watch CBS Sunday Morning for my intellectual stimulation & 60 Minutes for my current events. Those & maybe a couple of more sources (Aaron!) & that's it.
No hard hitting questions are ever asked on MSM. Ever.
AS IF Trump gives a fuck about security/safety of either the country or the people.
I'm sure he means Elon Musk.
I like this guy:
I didn't watch the above clip, but I have seen her push back a bit in past interviews.
Also afraid ordinary people will be impacted while Homan's folk hunt for the undocumented who pose a security threat.
She really tried to get some sort of substantive answer from Homan. He never gave any details except going to ‘sanctuary cities’. Depending on what Dems have already done? Or had no answer?
They will loot the fed govt but really don’t want to do any work.
If it was the Trump administration, the 35% increase in arrests would be bragged about.
So, Mr. Homan, you're saying our border security has been working well.
That's wonderful. Thank you, Joe Biden!
That's what I get for typing w/o my glasses.