The 21st century version of the fascist salute to Adolph…instead of using one hand, they’re using both in a double jerking off motion…which is their fuck you to our democracy & country.
I never would have thought it possible to get so many hands clapping out of time in one place and against a fairly strict rhythm.
The beat of their own drums indeed.
"Love the way I please, don't put no chains on me
If you got the time, you can do it
What I need is love, that's all I'm thinking of
Take me to the Bay, lead me to it"
(San Francisco - Village People.
this is so fucking embarrassing... or well, it should be, but these people cannot feel embarrassment and are incapable of even comprehending the incongruity of their drunken gyrations to this particular song.
His Disco days he never had most chicks at studio 54 knew it was smelling like shit brains and that hint of packaging dupes about him so the mail order chicks that Epstein provided the Russian grip Putin even said he doing the best he can for stupid
THIS is the personification of MOB MENTALITY albeit some look mighty uneasy about it 😂! What happens when humans without a spine get together in the same room!
It’s not the same group of guys except for one person who won lawsuit few years ago to use the name. I think he’s an opportunist. There’s a very long list of people who have played the characters over the years.
Yup. He’s a liar. Group told tfg last time around not to use song. But I don’t think he was apart of it back then as was gone off & on over the years & only won law suits I think in last few years. There’s a whole legal history.
I think it’s mostly because the artist, the Village People, don’t prohibit his use of their song, when most artists (of any real quality anyway,) would.
Do all the 'alpha' men 'tough guys' that support him know? ;)
Does Kid Rock know? How about Teddy Nuggies? The whole thing, is like some movie Leslie Nielsen would have starred in.
Notice us, sempai. Btw, some clown in the Iowa legislature wants to buy some southern Minnesota counties. That’s how low this state has fallen. Maybe Minnesota should build a wall. Just sayin.
fuck me. seriously? this is what we have to deal with now? this travesty of making everything that 🍊💩🤡 does worshipped and revered as if it isn't the STUPIDEST THING EVER?
Yay people are dancing for a convicted felon and rapist running the country to stay out of jail and pay his debts to Putin and hand the reins over to an unelected billionaire who paid for his election. GOT IT.
Poor Village People. Have they gotten paid for any of this? Or is Trump and crew claiming fair use? Or, just blatantly ignoring they've been asked to stop using this song?!
But just to avoid confusion, it’s not the fun gay anthem from the 1970s dance club scene, it’s the modern song about young right wing men coming together at a YMCA to bond over anti-democracy fascism and hatred for democracy, the US Constitution, US law.
American fascist rhetoricians take a childish joy in stealing, appropriating, co-opting things that back in the day were associated vaguely with the left and using them for right wing purposes. They were traumatized by the 1960s and 1970s more than I think many suppose.
It cut off too soon.
I wanted to see how many of them failed to make the letters.
Like their "savior" and his boyfriend failed to do at MAL at Christmas.
These are zealots devoid of critical thinking, compassion, empathy.
....and rhythm apparently.
Vomit inducing
Not even an airhorn
could be that honky.
The beat of their own drums indeed.
If you got the time, you can do it
What I need is love, that's all I'm thinking of
Take me to the Bay, lead me to it"
(San Francisco - Village People.
For trying.
doing a boxing match rehearsal
Love is love.
Does Kid Rock know? How about Teddy Nuggies? The whole thing, is like some movie Leslie Nielsen would have starred in.
It's as if we are living in a multi-verse version of our lives where everything is just plain weird.
It's happening to fast to keep up with!
Does Doctor Beat still have a pager and a license?
They have also applied their arrested development to their taste in music. Sheesh.
Jeezuz, what an embarrassment. 🤦♀️
I wanted to see how many of them failed to make the letters.
Like their "savior" and his boyfriend failed to do at MAL at Christmas.