There have never been any “improprieties” in a national election enough to make a difference. It’s minuscule. The 2020 election was the most secure in U.S. history at that time.
Exactly. I can’t believe there was no pushback on that, because the evidence has never supported election fraud at any scale, and when it’s at a small scale, it’s so often the GOP doing it, like voting a dead person’s ballot.The guy’s a liar.
It must be due to having only 7 minutes each, to question. Ridiculous. Snd they can’t see FBI bs ground check. And no one asked her about Trump’s payoff to not prosecute his fake university. She’s corrupt as they get. Florida was after all, the gangsters playground due to lax laws.
He's worse than a hack. He's an apologist and a hack. He should have stayed in Raleigh where he was a big fish. He's done little of note in the Senate.
He also was seen having lunch with Kash Patel the same day as the Bondi hearing. So yeah, Thom is oficially acting like a pathetic, craven politician. Who could have seen it coming?
Who is the worst MAGA attorney out there who has yet to be named as part of the administration? That will be the special counsel she appoints to investigate this nonsense.
in reality. her involvement alone makes her complicit. She is not a legal expert. she fits the mold of syncophants and blonde women, which, is an idictment of American society which celebrates celebrity over intelligence. She has a law degree, but, what does she know about Law? i would say..0
Elected Democrats are incapable of getting in the dirt and fighting no matter how much we need them to. They are so much into decorum and respectability politics as to have lost any sort of edge and grit necessary to fight. They capitulate and appease and history will remember.
Theatrical formality. Hard to give a sh!t. We all know what's in their heads and hearts, to some extent should respect her conviction re: the convict and his election lies.
She cannot be trusted. By not answering/acknowledging this question...she KNOWS it would have completely disturbed the President Elect. Dear God...this is disturbing for sure!
Seems that the only 'confirmation' we're getting from drumpf's nominees is that they're woefully unqualified.
But then so is trump.
This regime is going to be a shitshow to end all.
Actually, thank the American people who voted for the 🍊🤡 as he nominated 3 justices that now swing the court. Oh yeah, also thank the great people of Kentucky who voted for Moscow Mitch as he basically stole one of those seats from being filled by President Obama so that 🍊🤡 could.
No Republican is fit to be Dog Catcher much less hold any higher public office, and no Right Wing Justice on SCOTUS is fit to judge a pie eating contest much less anything more important, but Garland has been such a disappointment as AG, I no longer want to know how he would have been as a Justice.
She can’t answer with certainty while Rudy Giuliani is still searching for the missing votes that the late Hugo Chavez embedded inside Hunter Biden’s Neopets account.
“Ms. Bondi, what will happen if you say Joe Biden won the 2020 election? Do you feel you will be unsafe if you do so? Will you get reprimanded? Spanked? Are you afraid of Daddy? Blink twice if you need help...”
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Personally I would hope Daddy would know when I wanted to be spanked Without any such signals - but that's just me I guess.
Sorry but this comment unnecessary. It is no different than MAGA claiming that Harris slept her way to the top. I am not a fan of Bondi but calling her a filthy "WHORE" is out of line.
Maybe, but at least it's truthful. She can't wait to turn this country into Hungary for her master. Anything for power. The very definition of a whore.
Agree, but Bluesky should be a place for painful truths as well. And this one is evident. It's not the gutter if the ones in it earned it. This is how we got here. Not fighting back these gutter snipes.
Very carefully uninformed, she must have some lackey reading the news and putting big warning labels on all of the stories she’s better off not knowing about 😂
I usually don't go there, but watching clips of Bondi from her election denying appearances on Fox news during Trumps loss ago and I gotta say, these past four years have not been good to her.
I understand that senators are trying to get nominees to answer the “big lie” question, but they won’t! Why badger them? Why not just answer for them? “Let the record show that Ms Bondi would not answer the question.” Then move on.
For the last 10 years I have been watching what has been going on in the political/financial world. It seems about 1/3 to maybe even 1/2 of white people are terrified of people of a different race. And do not want to share resources. They will do anything to stay away from them.
It changed a lot in the US. Maybe not as much as some people would like, but now we are doing an about face. It's pretty disgusting. And all to keep the rich, white overlords in power. America is going to change dramatically.
There has always been a measure of that going on, that the average person reads at a low level, but the past few years it has been stark in normal communication that general people cannot read well. This is leading to an increase in miscommunication and delays in normal affairs.
Bondi was present at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference on Nov. 7, 2020. She set up the event alongside Lewandowski and supported Giuliani’s claims of voter fraud during the press conference, which became a key moment in propagating false claims about the 2020 election results.
At which point did so many of the women around the Trump cult start trying to look like Evanka? When did SHE take on that look? So many reasons it looks like a cult.
I am Rana from North G4za 🍉
I am trying to take care of 7 members of my family. 😢I It's very cold here and we are hungry.we need your help. 🫂💔
Donate a little and save my family⬇️
Disturbing is one way of putting it. It’s almost like she has been placed under some type of directive to avoid saying words. Not giving “independent” as she claims.
Playing the victim card doesn't bode well in a Vanna White costume.
That's my perception of her, wholey; a letter turner for Snorty McSniffles' game show, in which she was given the secret phrase but can't recall how to spell it
Really, why are we bothering with hearings? This is just like Hegseth’s hearing. They ask credible questions and the questions are completely ignored and unanswered. And that is somehow acceptable now. Why waste taxpayer money on this ruse?
She's just not familiar with anything? Seems to be an airhead??? What kinda stupid does she have to be??? Oh that's right Trump's and Elons kinda stupid.
She is not familiar with anything. There is no way she never heard that phone call that Trump asked for votes. There is no way that she doesn't know of any hit lists. She is lying.
A lot of these questions seen like they would be easy to fact-check, since she's been his lawyer. Stunning needs to check and see if she's made any past statements about any of these things.
Wish dems would tell each candidate from the beginning no more not answering questions. If you refuse to answer, your answer will be assumed, out loud for the record.
It is adorable that Hirono thinks “under oath” means anything anymore. I listened to Supreme Court justices who were “under oath” swear that Roe was settled law that they wouldn’t interfere with
Just another liar pretending to not know things they they themselves have said, Trump says, people they work with said, and anything else that benefits them to say they are not aware or f it. Lying is one of the Magites core principles
In my profession, we would categorize her response as being "incorrigible," which clearly indicates her willingness to break any rule or to blindly ally w her leader, at any cost.
This is what teenagers do when they're trying to rebel against anyone outside of her peer group
That's how she describes not politicizing the role of AG? But of course, we know that every single one of the nominees - including the otherwise eminently qualified "little Marco" - has to lie and agree that a free and fair election in 2020 was stolen from the First Felon. Depressing beginning.
On the basis of what? They did their jobs while Trump committed crimes. And no amount of gaslighting is going cover that up. Because we will not allow them to bury it.
These hearings are a farce. It just a play for the American people. The Republicans are going to confirm all trump's picks. These picks are because they are loyal to him,not because they know how to do their jobs. Dictatorship for America has begun!!!
Saved by the GOP’s bell, when the question is getting too difficult to answer than you can be sure the GOP’s leader will interrupt the allowed time to save her. Prosecuting political opponents and even conservative who just stood up for the constitution is something she could consider to please him
How would we know?? These senators are so busy getting their talking points on record that there is no real discussion. And the DINOSAUR Grassley does not effectively lead what SHOULD be a bipartisan discussion. No wonder Americans have no interest in this...
Yes, much of the performance is about pleasing the orange fool however he has said he'll be a dictator. And dictators generally don't like people who criticise them in public, or tell the truth.
Maybe prosecuting garland will wake these dumb fucks up. Ill be laughing my ass off if they do. Feckless bitch deserves all the negativity coming his way.
For what??? Doing their gd jobs? These brown shirt thugs for Benedict Donald aren’t sane. They work at the pleasure of president, but they are supposed to be loyal to the constitution, not their clown king.
Yes. I'm liking the questioning of the Dems a awful lot more than the questioning of Hegseth yesterday. It has become pretty obvious that she is still an election denier and would succumb to requests of political persecutions. But it's also clear the GOP senators support her 100%.
My god. From the crowd that accused others of "lawfare." The lack of self-awareness is so astonishing as to cause one to believe that it is intentional.
I don’t get it… why do they keep talking about not answering hypotheticals when they are literally being interviewed for a job position? Hypotheticals are standard questions in interviews. I don’t get why no one is calling this out!
What many in MAGA forget is you can’t go after people who have themselves followed the law. Sure it will make for great theatrics but zero convictions. None of those they want to go after ,have done anything illegal. I still see Clinton running around free.
This won’t happen but boy oh boy will she get to bounce on the lap of political innuendo as she seeks to shore up the defense of the worst president in history
Not that it'll make any difference by the time they become relevant, but people ought to be making notes of comments like these, for when the people saying them go ahead and violate them.
Trump will be dead soon, I doubt Bondi has a glimmer of intelligence to much long term damage to the US. The most dangerous appointment in terms of long term damage is Tulsi Gabbard, she must not be appointed.
I'm impressed with her career, but did she sleep her way up? Seriously, Harris has more integrity and love for country, intelligent and she was blamed. This women is throwing her career away. She deserves what she will end with.
She should be bipartisan. All she does is defend Trump. He is her God, there's no dout. We know she will be confirmed, we also know Americans are in trouble.
Just a reminder that while the ordinary definition of kakistocracy is “government by the worst members of a society”, the proto-indo-European root would render it “government by shit”.
The Bondi hearing is in break. Let me remind you that if you appreciate my coverage, please support my work by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy Public Notice and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thanks.
77 million Americans for Trump. 74 million for Harris. He got just 3 million more than her. They need to stop claiming that without getting rebutted that he ONLY got 3 million more than her. It’s not a lot more. That will irk him.
This is a strategy, blatant lying , that works so often that it’s a good opening gambit. It is hard to prove and generally leaves people so stunned that they don’t know how to follow up
Oh, it'll be whatever it is they say on the day. And it sure won't apply retrospectively, or they'd have to prosecute themselves and Trump for doing the exact things they're pretending other people did.
This is a strategy, blatant lying , that works so often that it’s a good opening gambit. It is hard to prove and generally leaves people so stunned that they don’t know how to follow up
Do Senators ever bring perjury charges against nominees? Surely there's some evidence somewhere that this is a flat out lie. He's said it too many times.
Should file perjury against Kavanaugh too instead of just letting all this corruption go.
Damn Bondi apparently lives in a fucking cave!! She knows absolutely nothing about anything. They told her to say “I’m not aware of that statement” for every fucking question they ask. Fucking liar!! 🤬🤬
This is a strategy, blatant lying , that works so often that it’s a good opening gambit. It is hard to prove and generally leaves people so stunned that they don’t know how to follow up
Nodding "oh yes, oh yes."
Of course, he’s not MAGA enough for the Mark Robinson folks.
BONDI: Joe Biden is the president
HIRONO: You cannot say who won the 2020 electon
BONDI: *sits in silence*
HIRONO: It's disturbing that you can't give voice to that fact
Or maybe it's the fake eyelashes.
"Ms Bondi, is Donald Trump a convicted felon?"
Why aren't Dems playing hardball?
See Nancy Pelosi.
"Excessive blinking can indicate anxiety, which often pairs with lying."
Surprise .
But then so is trump.
This regime is going to be a shitshow to end all.
I understand that you are upset with his lack of action, we all are. But your statement is just stupid.
HIRONO: You do not have my confirmation vote.
Matthew 5:37 “All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”
There's something in the water down at MAL.
Just saying.
Republicans have knowingly spread false claims of outcome determinative election fraud.
Pages 4-7 in Jack Smith’s report lay out the specifics with sources that Trump, his attorneys, and administration knew they lost.
Trump gave them permission to be their worst selves, so it seems like a resurgence, but it really is just the same hate.
“You believe Trump won the 2020 election don’t you?”
“You believe
that illegal immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country, correct?”
Joseph Biden won the 2020 election …. If she is too dumb to admit that … Someone needs to show her Jack Smith’s REPORT !
No one, NOT ONE PERSON, believes anything that's coming out of her lying pie hole. Not even Trump.
I never in my life thought that I'd see the day where our gov't is so infested with complete trash. Lying, thieving, conniving, corrupt TRASH.
I am trying to take care of 7 members of my family. 😢I It's very cold here and we are hungry.we need your help. 🫂💔
Donate a little and save my family⬇️ 😢
That's my perception of her, wholey; a letter turner for Snorty McSniffles' game show, in which she was given the secret phrase but can't recall how to spell it
Another “Weak”Minion!
Confirming loyalists such as Bondi and Hegseth increase risk of major social unrest exponentially.
Think price of eggs are high now? Wait until government opens fire on the demonstrators.
Unless she’s been living under a rock.
No, she really is CRAZY!!
“I’m not familiar with that statement, Senator.”
“I’m not familiar with that statement, Senator.”
Ok. 🙄
Real hostages:
The entire world heard trump's big fat lie several times.
Hesgeth - Of course I will!
Will you try to indict political foes if trump tells you to?
Bondi - Of course I will!
Will you give top secret information to Putin id trump tells you to?
Gabbard - Hell, I'll do it even if he does not tell me to!
This is what teenagers do when they're trying to rebel against anyone outside of her peer group
Rebel without a cause
or they come for you. There is no middle ground.
Enlighten me . My parents taught me that in the end truth always wins.
They never defined what and when that end is.
(From the department of tiny details.)
Is she fucking serious?
Yes, much of the performance is about pleasing the orange fool however he has said he'll be a dictator. And dictators generally don't like people who criticise them in public, or tell the truth.
Can confuse Jack Smith with Joseph Sigmund.
Man took the weight of the world on his shoulders, and Biden Shrugged.
Anyone who would work for Тяцмр at this point should be automatically disqualified.
#PamBlondi #illegallyblonde
Already-ish lost the over under on when she’d break her promise:
Should file perjury against Kavanaugh too instead of just letting all this corruption go.
Because it’s a freaking CULT!
BONDI: Donold tRump was the president at the time.
HIRONO: You say it was Donold tRunt?
BONDI: *sits in silence*
HIRONO: It's disturbing that you can't give voice to that fact
Qualifications in the eyes of the Trump.