Most need to retire. It takes them too long to get the question out. All I seen was praise and saying what they want her to agree yo. Americans are idiots, well some
Trump will be dead soon, I doubt Bondi has a glimmer of intelligence to much long term damage to the US. The most dangerous appointment in terms of long term damage is Tulsi Gabbard, she must not be appointed.
I'm impressed with her career, but did she sleep her way up? Seriously, Harris has more integrity and love for country, intelligent and she was blamed. This women is throwing her career away. She deserves what she will end with.
She should be bipartisan. All she does is defend Trump. He is her God, there's no dout. We know she will be confirmed, we also know Americans are in trouble.
Barr overturned the Mueller report before it was published. Trump would be in prison if not for Barr. I doubt this is a big deal. She seems like a complete moron. At least Barr was intelligent and experienced.
Just a reminder that while the ordinary definition of kakistocracy is “government by the worst members of a society”, the proto-indo-European root would render it “government by shit”.
The Bondi hearing is in break. Let me remind you that if you appreciate my coverage, please support my work by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy Public Notice and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thanks.
Gee, I wonder why we’re obsessed with the election (by *1%*), of a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, twice impeached, cognitively impaired, malignantly narcissistic sociopathic conman, who wants to destroy everything standing in his way? 🤔
Actually Dems should be more serious everyday. Obsess on the turd endlessly. Watch the obsequious losers look like bigger losers by the hour by forcing everyone to observe
This is ridiculous for him to say this. How many millions voted for Kamala? And I don’t even buy that musk and his billionaire Tech boys didn’t fucking steal it.
Winning a handful of states by 1% is not a landslide. God damn, I hate this new rhetoric about "an electoral mandate.". The EC is deeply flawed and Republicans are more than happy to exploit it.
wow -- Bondi is being straight up disrespectful to Sen. Padilla, claiming he didn't do his "homework" (she seems to be mad about his line of questions exposing her election denialism)
As a European I'm absolutely shocked and horrified at how f#cked up the USA is. Absolutely unworthy of carrying the label Leader of the free world. I don't see any chance of recovery if the ppl won't fully refuse this type of people reigning their country.
He doesn't look weak. She is so disrespectful not for his questions but who he is. He is trying to hold back so media won't say he attached her on immigration questions bc of who he is. If you know Padilla, you know he pushes back. This is made for TV for 1.
She’s also a liar. Repeatedly saying has not seen/heard widely reported & recorded statements by Trump and Kash Patel can not possibly be true. Nearly impossible to challenge her on them, but blatant lies nonetheless.
She seems to be defending Patel before his hearing. She has been briefed during her preparation for hearing. That response is like saying, I refuse to answer.
Her bad attitude and angry response is proof in my mind that she can’t handle the pressure this job involves. Bad judgment and irrational behavior is not a leadership quality.
Padilla to Bondi: "You're asking to serve as the attorney general and you still need to study the 14th Amendment of the Constitution? That is not helping me have more confidence in your ability to do this job."
In the previous clip, she seems indignant about the fact that he asked her to study the 14th beforehand, and now she's like "I'll have to study that and get back to you"?
Exactly 100% of law schools in the U.S. require Constitutional Law for all students. ConLaw is included in 100% of Bar Exams in this country. She has no excuse for dodging this question.
I am pretty sure she knows that 2A says everyone can carry their rocket launchers wherever they want and that 1A says Christians are free to shove their religion down everyone's throats 😁
So yet another bleached blonde bimbo ,who is uneducated in the job der trumpf bribed her with and still cannot answer a simple yes or no question? Has she scheduled her lip surgery yet?
I suppose it doesn't matter for most who aren't watching, but the strategy to preface each question with a little anecdote in order to burn time when the questioning is difficult is frankly so transparent and tiresome. Answer Yes or No Please, "I visited Pennsylvania and..." arg.
Hawley: "I heard you asked about your comment that in some cases we need to 'investigate the investigators' ... I'm glad to hear you stand by that. We need to do that. You need to do that."
Such insolence should be disqualifying. Sadly, the GOP senators think they own the office since they won the election and Bondi owes her allegiance only to Trump.
77 million Americans for Trump. 74 million for Harris. He got just 3 million more than her. They need to stop claiming that without getting rebutted that he ONLY got 3 million more than her. It’s not a lot more. That will irk him.
I still don't get how dems got elected in state and local but Trump worse one got President. Damn democrats for not fighting back. We know it was Musk.
🍊 Slimeballs feet & said "yes, sir, thank you, sir, you are so right."
Thinking about her answer if Trump might run for office in 2028?
Wonder why?
Biden got over 81 million...just to be clear..
BONDI: *word salad, refuses to answer the question*
Plausible deniability may have worked for Ollie, but it should also have disqualified him from future positions of responsibility:
They’ll conveniently ignore her later remark saying she need to study the 14th….in other words, her admission that she needs to do some “homework”.
I don’t think knowing the 14th amendment is something an attorney general should consider a big lift.
She's definitely worthy of being called that.
That'd be great.
That per se is disqualifying.
Someone is giving her the answer!
ABSU - Always. Be. Sucking. Up.