So Republicans don't want a real Christian worship where there is only one King and one God that is praised in the service -- the one #45-2.0 claimed in his inaugural speech as he said, "God saved me"?
What's next? Republicans banning Jesus from being praised in Christian churches?
🚨Be aware, (they blocked me after calling them out), BUT, everyone watch out for “atrupa” (no R at the end) who is impersonating Aaron and leaving a phone number requesting a text — SCAM alert!🚨
I may be wrong about this but I believe there was only one Jesus, right? Not one that believed in shunning people different from you and another that loved everyone.
The GOP accuses the Democrats for canceling Christmas (Saying “Seasons Greetings” is NOT canceling Christmas) but now they want to boycott the National Cathedral because a bishop made a plea for their new lord and savior to follow the teachings of Christ.
So let me get this straight a Bishop in a Christian House of Worship is preaching what Jesus Christ himself taught at the Sermon of the Mount.. Love, compassion and selflessness.. And they are upset about it !!!
Who gives a shit? They're more comfortable at a snake-handling church than an Episcopal church with a woman Bishop. It's not like they attend services there anyway.
More and more stupidity the GOP is worried about. Insignificant crap they want to make it a big deal, they don't want to do their job since they can't contradict the orange clown.
She didn't call him out. (
It wasn't an attack. (Newsmax)
It wasn't a challenge. (
It wasn't a rebellion. (
It wasn't pathetic. (Family Research Council)
It wasn't nasty in tone. (Trump)
How many of them actually go there for anything other than funerals? Most of them now are more Baptist leaning, LDS or Catholic, not Episcopalian, which once was the usual religion of our Presidents.
Then they are boycotting the Gospel of Matthew, the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy and the Book of Micah, specifically verses 6:8 which say: Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.
Okay. Boycott away. How many actual Republicans are in Washington DC on a Sunday and make the choice to go to the Episcopal cathedral for a service? My guess is not that many. Many go home on the weekends-and the loudest shriekers are not likely Episcopalian-a dignified, inclusive denomination.
I'm definitely not surprised by their reaction to the bishop's prayer. They all were convicted. Like I said in my previous reply, they don't follow the ministry of Jesus Christ. They're an evil and mean-spirited group of people. Their policies are harsh and cruel.
The White Christian Nationalist akaMAGA,KKK,GOP, today's (R)party have their own religion.They don't follow the ministry of Jesus Christ,never have.They also know that when he walked the earth he was African! There was no middle east!! Israel & Egypt were apart of Africa before they were colonized.
“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” Mark Twain
Every single day, I’m reminded of the evil the @GOP rains down upon the earth as never before seen. #Shitler
They e obviously never read the words of the Jewish prophets who called the kings, the oligarchs, and the religious leaders to task all the time. Or the words of Jesus who railed against the political and religious leaders and the rich all the time. It time to flip some tables over!
Wow. These Republicans are so upset that they might go so far as to turn their backs on Christian ideas of service, humility and care of the less fortunate?! What is the world coming to?
It was the furthest thing from “an attack” on her part. It was a beautiful message of what some “Christians”pretend to believe, but sadly do not, and what others actually live by.
Trump won’t stop until she’s removed. He’s that vile & petty. A severely mentally ill madman, a treasonous criminal that DOJ allowed to roam free instead of locking him up indictment day. This massive failure allowed him & his sycophants to plan, & set in motion, the complete destruction of the USA.
Asking for mercy toward disadvantaged scared people was evidently too radical for these dimwits. The gentle request revealed exactly who they are and it means they shouldn’t be in any church.
"Less political church house"? Meanwhile Christianity's history is nothing but politics, including all the way back the death of their supposed savior 🤦♂️
It's never been "true" in the entire history of the religion. Rich people have always used it to control others.
It's been extremely rare that "christians" took care of the sick, welcomed strangers, clothed the naked and fed the hungry without a catch. There's always a catch.
Ironic that her actions are being looked at as "speaking up to" when the reality is she was begging for him to show kindness. If MAGAOTS boycott a place of religion it would only be telling of what they believe their chances are of making it through those pearly gates. Hahahhahah
The Republicans party no longer has any integrity or ethics at all. Most of their candidates are grifters, cheaters, criminals opportunist or just plain scoundrels who care more about their power and fame than their constituents. They really have their followers conned. Bunch of snake oil salesmen
For the "fuck your feelings" crowd, they sure get their feelings hurt over every grievance. It was a plea for mercy; if you feel persecuted because someone asks you to show compassion and empathy, you're the problem.
Talk about irony. The Canterbury pulpit from which she spoke depicts the signing of the Magna Carta, the 809-year-old charter establishing that the king of England was not above the law.
What's next? Republicans banning Jesus from being praised in Christian churches?
It wasn't an attack. (Newsmax)
It wasn't a challenge. (
It wasn't a rebellion. (
It wasn't pathetic. (Family Research Council)
It wasn't nasty in tone. (Trump)
It was a plea for mercy.
She is, of course, welcome to do either.
Geez I guess they hate the Bible.
And that sentiment must be all the more true for the Washington Cathedral.
Trying to get @bluesky to add Spheres (Circles or Groups) to become more organized for political activism
Contact @bluesky thru their Feedback portal and let them know that adding Spheres will streamline organization
HUGE SIGH. I’m already sick of them, again, and it hasn’t even been a week. The next 4 years will the longest decade ever.
Yeah, it really feels like they’re doing something truly important and it makes us feel totally safe. 🤡
We should boycott them.
“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” Mark Twain
The US was built on immigrants
The First Lady is an immigrant
The Second Lady is the daughter of immigrants
A plea for compassion & mercy towards a specific group/groups of people deserves praise & admiration, NOT admonition
So this vilification now of immigrants is so misguided not to mention ill informed and immoral
Something v disturbing about those who pursue this as some sort of worthy goal
Will give them something to explain at the pearly gates.
ALL they care about is white supremacy, power and control. "Christianity" is just a means to those ends.
It's been extremely rare that "christians" took care of the sick, welcomed strangers, clothed the naked and fed the hungry without a catch. There's always a catch.
Got it.
"Oh no!"
From Elizabeth Dias:
The Canterbury pulpit confronted the bully pulpit.
Fuck all these assholes.
We believe in justice and mercy for the vulnerable, honest!