Don’t you think goal is to roll back a lot of those regulations on building materials and this is just part of that mindset? They tried it in FL a few years ago and everyone was like are you kidding you want to bring back asbestos.
Why is Melania constantly covering her eyes? This is some class A bullshit disrespect. Those people don’t need their shit in LA. They need actual support.
Talks over her, he makes no sense, his "emergency powers"? Doofus, that's called FEMA!!! That's FED emergency powers. Just shut the fuck up and go back to FLA. And take fake Mel with you.
This delusional motherfucker has no clue what it takes to dispose of hazardous waste after a fire. Someone , anyone, put an end to this fucking charade, the world will thank you.
Karen Bass stop the respect
Speak out while you have an audience
Trump start rolling up your sleeves and photo op with you assisting in throwing the charred remnants into dumpsters..instead of a few paper towel throws
And make sure they sign affidavits that they won’t sue the city, county or state in 20 years when they and their families all come down with cancer from moving back onto property before the hazardous waste was removed.
reminds me of some decades ago when a housing boom made developers desperate for drywall. they bought it from china. china burns soft coal which is loaded with sulfur. this polluted the gypsum that china mined to make the drywall. 1/x
the people in northern Virginia who bought the houses fell sick because of the sulfur. the houses had to be eviscerated to get the drywall out. the machines that were supposed to process the sulfur out of the drywall broke from over use. 2/x
the developers started shoveling the drywall into landfills. people who lived near the landfills suffered from the sulfur. I don't remember what happened next, but it's a perfect example of Trump's stupidity that he should think this way. 3/3
And then 10 years later when thousands are suffering from illnesses caused by toxic waste they'll be filing suits against the government of California for not stopping them.
Let me speak to the manager Karen is now just Trump. He’s the one that comes in to the coffee bad and asks why he can’t have an iced cappuccino. “The customer is always right” he then says.
He slithers in, blathers out a bunch of stupid shit, the community keeps doing the best it can and he's off to the next propaganda event...rinse and repeat
Has he been told what has happened to so many of the workers who, after 9/11, cleaned up "the Pile" of debris, which was the collapsed World Trade Center buildings?
How about we let him address the MAGATs with his brilliant ideas (bring on natural selection!) and then intelligent black woman can talk to the grownups about the reality of the situation.
Trump proves once again that he's an absolute moron. If history rhymes, at least America and its Democratic-led individual states have a fighting chance to stop Trump and his grade school antics to destroy our democratic republic.
The only good thing that might come out of this is that hopefully the huge area of So Cal that is MAGA will see how dumb & uncaring he is to this disaster & finally get a clue.
Let's do this to clean up America. Let's grab some dumpsters and throw all the hazardous waste i.e: republicans, magas, trumpster thugs in them, and dispose of the stuff. Let's exercise our emergency powers and clean out this poisonous debris!
Imagine thousands of individuals doing this themselves at the same time with zero proper handling and proper disposal of hazardous materials. Trump will just let them dump it in South LA.
Meanwhile, it's only hazardous waste, so who cares where it gets dumped? After all, it's waste. BTW, no insurance company will cover these owners or their homes if they follow this ridiculous advice.
My god, this man is high on himself. He’s got his “mandate”, his sharpie, a cowardly Congress and SCOTUS all in his pocket and there’s no stopping him now.
He clearly cannot stand the idea that a black woman would have the audacity to try to finish a sentence in his presence. What a colossal jerk! He can't shut up for a second because it would give his target audience the opportunity to reflect on how little he actually knows and understands. Pathetic!
The intent to bypass slow governmental processes is understandable, but at the same time the practicality of people doing it on their own has challenges. A balanced approach where government, community, and private sectors work together is more effective.
In a thousand universes!
If he didn’t have the people behind him that are actually the ones creating the horrible laws, implementing project 2015
it would be a easier to just laugh at his supreme ignorance. The fucking blithering idiot. 🤬
Yet again blatantly obvious Trump has never done any actual physical/manual labor in his life - or even supervised
This is ‘The Apprentice’ 2025 - a horrible reality TV show that shouldn’t have been revived
And, can they take the forest floor ? What about all those dry tumbleweeds? Unbelievable - and Fox watchers will believe him and think he sounds Presidential!
Someone who has never done any physical labor, been in any hazardous areas that he didn't cause is talking like he has how to knowledge, he would get lost in the simplest of tasks.
This is maybe the third time I’ve seen somebody who may or may not be Melania. I don’t know if you ever watched Fawlty Towers but every time I see this “Melania” I think of the episode where Polly pretended to be Sybil sick in bed 😄
Trump is such a jersey. He'll get great medical care no matter what, but the LA homeowners exposed to asbestos and other toxins have no such guarantee. Note that he's not offering to help people with future medical expenses.
Seriously. Mister president that’s the stupidest idea I’ve heard in a long time and here’s why….
Point out he’s an idiot and just needs to STFU.
Speak out while you have an audience
Trump start rolling up your sleeves and photo op with you assisting in throwing the charred remnants into dumpsters..instead of a few paper towel throws
We really need to concentrate on watering those darn tumbleweeds
He honestly believes women and people of color are not as smart as he is.
Oh, like the war in Ukraine did?
Did he suggest holding your breath while you do it?
How will #Fettermanchin vote 🧐
The intent to bypass slow governmental processes is understandable, but at the same time the practicality of people doing it on their own has challenges. A balanced approach where government, community, and private sectors work together is more effective.
Wheres that garbage truck when you need it?
If he didn’t have the people behind him that are actually the ones creating the horrible laws, implementing project 2015
it would be a easier to just laugh at his supreme ignorance. The fucking blithering idiot. 🤬
This is ‘The Apprentice’ 2025 - a horrible reality TV show that shouldn’t have been revived
Is the $$$ worth this?
She is miserable!
...who tf is the chick with him?